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Anxiety/OCD/meds (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter nate1982
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Xoshua said:
Yup, got my letter today from my medical...  Says I can't join because I use to have panic attacks and was on zolof...  It hurts so much...  I can't give up, it's not the Canadian way...  Why...  I tried, i aced EVERYTHING!  The PT, the CFAT, the interview...  Damn past anxiety...  It says in bold...  "Please contact your CF recruting centre for the final decision concerning your application."  Why...  Please someone, is there any hope left?  I was so excited, I waited for the letter for weeks...  I get it and...  Negative...  I had my life planned out for once...  I knew what I wanted to be...  All I wanted was to go Infantry then maybe one day go special ops or sniper...  I don't have anxiety anymore...  So any hope?

Maybe you got turned down because you post the same way that William Shatner talks?  He seems pretty nutty too. 
Lol wow didn't mean to make it sound that bad...  I posted one time on a past form, but I swear I edited it.  I'm not to good with the forums yet, but the good news is, I'm still in hopes reach...  Talked to my recruiters and I forgot to put "past anxiety" they thought it was present.  No I don't talk like William Shatner. Or. However. You. Spell. His. Name.  ;) Lol, but I was just worried it wasn't going to work.  Good doing buisness! :D
I guess I've got to resurrect this topic now. I've also had generalized anxiety in the past. I haven't had any problems with it for years. I just got off the medication (effexor, and I was on the lowest possible dose), and still have not had problems, they were irrational fears which I have since talked myself out of. My question is this - Do the CF doctors go through your medical records from your family physician, or are you simply given forms for your family physician to fill out? Would there be any way to hide the fact that I have had past anxiety disorders? If people who have had asthma in the past simple require a letter stating they don't have it any more, I see no reason why having anxiety when I was 9 years old should affect my entry now at age 22.
Anyway if anyone could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks
(Civy here ) I would say : please contact your CF recruting centre
for informations. And all threads that I'v read here say that hiding ain't good.
KStew said:
Would there be any way to hide the fact that I have had past anxiety disorders?

No. And I would highly suggest you promptly stow any thoughts you have of hiding anything that may negatively affect your application.

1) You'll find yourself in much ca-ca if it's found that you purposefully witheld information, and

2) if you'll hide things to get in, you may in the future hide things to keep you in. It is not the kind of personality trait we want with us.

Now, if it is no longer a problem, and you do not require the benefit of drugs to function. You will get a form from the medical section of the Recruiting center once it's found that you had a disorder...you will take said form to your family Doctor.  If your doctor signs the section stating that they do not believe that you require the benefit of medication to perform duties that may include the use of firearms, explosives, and heavy machinery, then you bring that form back to the recruiting center medical section, and they send it along with your file, and you should be good to go.

Best of luck
Ok, I don't want to hide information, I just wasn't sure if there was any way I could ever get in if I had anxiety disorders in the past. My doctor knows I haven't had any problems with it for a very long time, so I'm sure she wouldn't have a problem signing off on that. Thanks.
I get diarrhea, heartburn, acid indegestion, from drinking too much beer, which in turn gives me performance anxiety thus blotting my performance. So I generally have anxiety after the weekend, maybe I should drink responsibly if I know I have work to do. That should take care of it. Heh.  >:D

ronnychoi said:
I get diarrhea, heartburn, acid indegestion, from drinking too much beer, which in turn gives me performance anxiety thus blotting my performance. So I generally have anxiety after the weekend, maybe I should drink responsibly if I know I have work to do. That should take care of it. Heh.  >:D



PM inbound.

The Army.ca Staff
With regards to having been on a medication, etc. Does anyone know if the rules are more strict for regular force, or reserve?
KStew said:
With regards to having been on a medication, etc. Does anyone know if the rules are more strict for regular force, or reserve?

The recruiting medical standards are the same for the Res F and the Reg F.


I searched for information on this  on the forums but found nothing specific.

I am 25 years  old  and have been on  effexor for anxiety but am discussing with (especially effexor and etc)my doctor to come off of them.

I plan on applying for the ROTP Program to go  to a authorized University for Nursing.

Are  the guidelines in terms of these medications an acceptance an different than people on the frontlines??

Also from my understanding when I go and fill out my application  with the CF  they will ask what or if any meds I am on at the time.  Would it be benifical when I  go up to  fill out my application  to have a note from my doctor that I was on  effexor for anxiety for 1 year and am off of it and wont effect my ability in the CF? Or do they have a specific paperwork  for  your doctor to fill out and then bring back to them?

Also  even if people put they had no meds taken or conditions the CF would still check with your DR anyway .....


they have specific forms you need filled out by your doctor, be honest with the medical team and they will send you away with the form to return to them completed by your doc. I had to have one filled out for a similar medication that i took two years ago and have been off for a year and a half.
Also  even if people put they had no meds taken or conditions the CF would still check with your DR anyway .....
Don't even think about lying.

You don't need to mention anything about medication or health conditions until you are doing your recruiting medical.  The recruiters cannot talk to you about anything medically related.  The medical personnel will supply you with any documentation that you may need to have filled out.  Are  the guidelines in terms of these medications an acceptance an different than people on the frontlines?? ???? missing some letters???? The CF has specific medical recruiting standards and the people in the CF now have passed those standards so stop worrying about what is happening to others and concentrate on getting yourself getting in and good luck with that.

Thanks  for the response guys and gals. I wouldnt even think about hiding it. For a number of reason  first one being that they  will find out,2nd these rules they seem tothink are put in place for the safety of people entering and 3rd I am not ashamed of my medical condition (many nurses in publis hospitals suffer from it while practicing).

I  should mention that I am not worried as someone suggested about what other guidline are in terms of medical  I was just wondering are they all teh same across the board and what  to expect.

Thank you all  for your answers,

Have a good day.

Hello everyone!

I have read a lot of stories on this site, and I think that my story might help others as well.

I have applied to my local unit in September, and everything was going smoothly until the medical exam.
It was expected as I had a spinal surgery 2 years ago and a diagnosed anxiety issue.

I have to say that I thought that my back was going to be the biggest obstacle in the recruiting process… but actually my anxiety is.

I am a very honest person and when I did the medical exam, I said everything I knew about my health. I told them that I grew up in an unstable environment (to say the least) and that it made me a little emotionally insecure in my love relationship. I told them that last summer I asked my family doctor if my anxiety symptoms were amplified by the birth control pills that I have been taking for many years. And my family doctor answered: “if you have anxiety symptoms there is medication that can help…” and I tried for a month to take Seroquel 25 mg once a day…

I am young, intelligent, and healthy and I realized that taking this medication was helping me in only one way… it was keeping me more calm and relaxed. Therefore I went back to the doctor and told him that by exercising and meditating on a regular basis, it would be a better way to achieve the same results… and he said absolutely. I stopped taking the medication and stick to the plan. Since then I am doing great and my doctor and I don’t even talk about it anymore… it is over.

After the medical exam I had a couple of forms to bring to my family doctor and he cleared me right away on the anxiety, because he knows that it has nothing to do with my professional life. And I thought that would be enough for Ottawa to let me in.

But I just received a letter from Ottawa requesting a psychiatrist evaluation!!!
I am very surprised… because I have never seen one before and it is kind of drastic!!!

So the point is that now I have to go back to see my family doctor and get a referral to go see a psychiatrist… I have been on the phone all day yesterday and every hospital has a waiting list of about 8 months… even if it is just for an evaluation. My other option is to go to a private clinic and pay for it myself… but they say it would cost about 1000$.  :o

I have to admit that I was chocked by the letter yesterday, but I am over it already…
I mean, there is no way around it, I have to do it, and I will try to find a way to do it asap.

So here was my medical story… I will keep you posted,
And for everybody else stuck in medical… remember… “That which does not kill you makes you stronger” Neitzsche  ;D

Application Date: September 16, 2008
First Contact: September 29, 2008
CFAT: October 2, 2008
Medical: October 9, appointment for medical exam
November 3, 2008 submitted all required documents
November 24, 2008 letter from Ottawa requesting a psychiatrist evaluation
Currently waiting to see a psychiatrist

I'm not sure if this helps or not, but have you thought about going to a walk in clinic and see if they have a referral available.

Cheers and good luck.
Actually I was able to get an emergency appointment with my family doctor this afternoon....  ;D how lucky!!!
And just tell them everything you stated here.  You seem to have your issues under control without medication.  Good luck!
Ya those letters can be real downers. Just when you think youve jumped through all the hoops another comes and hits you in the face. But at most it will just slow you down  ;D
Its good that you told them everything truthfully though. I am glad you were able to get an appointment now instead of 8 months down the road, waiting that long would destroy my mind.. ha