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Anti-War Demonstrations - Halifax

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Franko said:

No left wing nut is worth any life being laid down by any soldier.

While I agree wholeheartedly with your commentary on Voltaire (and his mother  ;)). I fundamentally disagree with your comments regarding the value of a *left wing nut*.  It is not my job to decide which Canadian lives are worthy of defending.  In my mind, the very existance of the left wing nut makes this county even MORE worthy of defending. 
You've taken my statement a bit out of context....

If they want free speech and everything that goes along with it....take responsibility and do something besides complaining.

All I ever hear from these people is what the problem is and that they are against it.....never heard any realistic solutions that would hold up to any sort of real scrutiny.

Most of it is hot air being spewed out...and it's pretty much the case that it's the media getting the story wrong and the protesters taking it to the streets.

Thanks for straightening me out.  I dare say that we are completely in agreement.

Have a good one.

What is it with all this Left wing right wing crap?

One thing that politics has shown me is that we have been divided and turned against one another. We've forgotten we're on the same team.

I'm not a pot smoking hippy nor am I a gung ho lets nuke the Middle East moron either. Where is the common ground between us?

What is wrong with people expressing their anti-war opinions? Nobody in their right mind wants to see another war in this world. If you are a pro war nut you should be ashamed of yourselves. God knows our history is filled with too much bloodshed.

I think the major problem is this. Not enough people are expressing their opinions and more and more people have become isolated. Nobody appears to care anymore that this world is turning to crap right before our very eyes. I'd like to see both kinds of protests. For and against. Now that would be something of a debate.

The Anti-war demonstrators do have a right to protest.
Lets examine the last three years of Iraq .

1) Even after elections there is no constitution and no stable government in Iraq
2) The money that was supposed to rebuild iraq has disappeared
3) Oil prices in North America haven't gone down at all
4) the occupation has now started civil war.
5) the number of civilian casualties from American firepower.

I don't know about you but the US occupation has definately botched things for Iraqi's. Are they really any more free then they were before? Of course not. What is freedom in the middle east anyways? Religion is so entrenched democracy is just a mere after thought. I feel really sorry for those people because so many of them thought that when the tanks were rolling in life was going to improve.

Guest said:
The Anti-war demonstrators do have a right to protest.
Lets examine the last three years of Iraq .

1) Even after elections there is no constitution and no stable government in Iraq
2) The money that was supposed to rebuild iraq has disappeared
3) Oil prices in North America haven't gone down at all
4) the occupation has now started civil war.
5) the number of civilian casualties from American firepower.

I don't know about you but the US occupation has definately botched things for Iraqi's. Are they really any more free then they were before? Of course not. What is freedom in the middle east anyways? Religion is so entrenched democracy is just a mere after thought. I feel really sorry for those people because so many of them thought that when the tanks were rolling in life was going to improve.

Helllloooooooooo????? May I remind you that we are NOT in Iraq.  ::) ::) ::)
Does that matter? Canada is in Afghanistan. Canada supports America's war on terror. And since the Conservatives are in power what is stopping the americans from telling us that we need to send support to Iraq?

The main message of the protest is not all of Canada supports decisions made by bush. Doesn't matter that we're not there in strength. Canada has still sent police to train Iraqi police, some Canadians on transfer with the US have served in the war, SNC lavilan supports the war through weapons productiion...

Mind providing a link to this?

Canada has still sent police to train Iraqi police, SNC lavilan supports the war through weapons productiion...

I'll tell you what... you do a little more research on the Canadian mission in Afghanistan, the history of the Taliban and its involvement with terrorism and then we can chat. 

I commend for your reading Ghost wars by Steve Coll which presents a brilliant and comprehensive political/military history of the CIA and US involvement in Afghanistan and what created the conditions for bin Laden's success.  The book covers from 1979 through to September 10, 2001 -- the date when Massoud, the commander of the Northern Alliance was assisinated by al qaeda.

Then read The Persian Puzzle by Kenneth Pollack for information on Iranian-US relations and then get back to me.  You will find that Iran and Afghanistan have NOTHING to do with Iraq.
Canada has still sent police to train Iraqi police, SNC lavilan supports the war through weapons productiion...

maybe you should watch the CBC more often. The stories should be in the archives section somewhere,
Guest said:
Canada has still sent police to train Iraqi police, SNC lavilan supports the war through weapons productiion...

maybe you should watch the CBC more often. The stories should be in the archives section somewhere,

Sorry...been busy in Afghanistan for the past 7.5 months.

Give a link please.
Guest said:
Does that matter? Canada is in Afghanistan. Canada supports America's war on terror. And since the Conservatives are in power what is stopping the americans from telling us that we need to send support to Iraq?

Yes, it absolutely matters since both theatres are almost tremendously different, along with the people that live in said theatres.

B) Canada was already asked to send troops to Iraq, and we said no.

Guest said:
Canada has still sent police to train Iraqi police, SNC lavilan supports the war through weapons productiion...

maybe you should watch the CBC more often. The stories should be in the archives section somewhere,

Oh so helping Iraqis police themselves is a crazy right wing idea? You're right, we're part of the american imperial war machine of global domination and neo colonialism because there are a dozen RCMP in the middle east helping to train local police forces to maintain order.
Bust out the anti war signs.

I didnt realize SNC lavilan was really the Canadian government in disguise.....
Guest said:
Canada has still sent police to train Iraqi police, SNC lavilan supports the war through weapons productiion...

maybe you should watch the CBC more often. The stories should be in the archives section somewhere,

Maybe you should watch and LISTEN more often to more than one source for complete information.  Try The Economist or The Guardian.
Guest said:
Does that matter? Canada is in Afghanistan. Canada supports America's war on terror. And since the Conservatives are in power what is stopping the americans from telling us that we need to send support to Iraq?

So when does having the conservatives in power make us having to bend to the will of the US?
Quote from: Guest on Today at 15:07:55
Canada has still sent police to train Iraqi police, SNC lavilan supports the war through weapons productiion...
maybe you should watch the CBC more often. The stories should be in the archives section somewhere,

Quote from Franko,
Sorry...been busy in Afghanistan for the past 7.5 months.

Right to the throat. :rofl:
Your bleedin' bad......
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Quote from: Guest on Today at 15:07:55
Canada has still sent police to train Iraqi police, SNC lavilan supports the war through weapons productiion...
maybe you should watch the CBC more often. The stories should be in the archives section somewhere,

Quote from Franko,
Sorry...been busy in Afghanistan for the past 7.5 months.

Right to the throat. :rofl:
Your bleedin' bad......

...and yet still no backing up of any of his trype
>The main message of the protest is not all of Canada supports decisions made by bush.

Fine.  Emigrate, apply for citizenship, and vote against him.  Or bitch, but don't expect anyone here or there to pay attention.
Brad Sallows said:
>The main message of the protest is not all of Canada supports decisions made by bush.

I don't like him but I didn't vote for him; very few Canadians did(dual citizens).

Not all of the US supports decisions made by Harper or Fox. I don't expect them to, and I don't really care.

It's not always fair but that's how it works.
Guess said:
The Anti-war demonstrators do have a right to protest.
Lets examine the last three years of Iraq .

1) Even after elections there is no constitution and no stable government in Iraq
2) The money that was supposed to rebuild iraq has disappeared
3) Oil prices in North America haven't gone down at all
4) the occupation has now started civil war.
5) the number of civilian casualties from American firepower.

Where the FUDGE do you get your information from?!?!?

1.) - The current constitution of Iraq was ratified October 15 2005 LINK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proposed_Iraqi_constitution
Furthermore, if it's not stable, how are they training police, building thier own military, schools and infrastructure like running water and electricity and holding votes and ABLE to argue about new laws and a way to run the country... It may not be cemented yet, but that's arguably "stable".

2.) The money to rebuild Iraq is flowing like mad through thier oilfields and through the major offshore oil loading docks that load up to 200 million barrels a day onto international ships that go to the world - that money is being used to fund the rebuilding of Iraq!

3.) Haven't you noticed the cost of gas for your car? It's about .86 cents on average where I am... That's a lot lower than about $1.00 it was at before!

4.) You can't pin the occupation on starting a civil war because there would already have been one, but there couldn't be because Saddam was using chemical warefare and gas attacks and slaughtering those who would oppose him! Ask the KURDS in NOrthern Iraq!!!! The Sunni muslims??? HELLO!?!?! It's just that now they are ABLE to have one... Because thier heads aren't being lobbed off for speaking out so much!

5.) What about it? Every single war, no matter who starts or finishes it causes civilian casualties. In WW1 and WW2 civilian casualties were INTENDED to demoralize a population and destroy a countries infrastructure and ability to make war machines - READ: CARPET BOMBING! The amount of civilian casualties in comparison to now days wars are MUCH lower... Also, what about the civilian casualties that SADDAM caused by killing his own people? READ: MASS GRAVES of thousands of Iraqi civilians and thier entire family trees that were executed for speaking out against Saddam, his group or the government...

*EDIT ADDED: Also, why didn't these same protesters who value human life so much make mass demonstrations about the killing of almost 1 MILLION people in Rwanda, ever hear of that little battle? Again READ: ETHNIC CLEANSING!*

Pull your head out of your a$ my fellow Canadian and READ between the lines... Everything CBC or BBC or MSNBC or the world news agencies say doesn't mean that's exactly how it is!!!

I suggest you stop posting all this crap you pull out of your head and just start educating yourself. At least in this country you have that chance, because this time, now, was paid for in thick red blood by patriotic Canadians who died by the hundreds of thousands to preserve our way of life OVER THERE away from home in WW1 and WW2.

READ: STFU and take it with a grain of salt that you realize your talking out of your ***.

Yes, your right about one thing, everyone should be happy we can protest to be warmongers or protest to hate war. Good for us.

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