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Anti -military

Recce Guy:
C‘mon Che.... it‘s an exchange thing. We get twenty or fifty from out there, moving to TO to collect pogey, we send you a few students from here!
We should talk to them though, before they go. I don‘t think they should be condeming the biggest industry out there which is drinking and partying. Let‘s all go to the Liquor Dome, yeeha
A few students! haha, last I checked 70% of the undergraduate population at Dalhousie was from Ontario!
I actually don‘t mind most of the students from Ontario, they are fairly respectful of our city by the sea, but every once in a while you‘ll hear one of them say "this is like so totally the sticks". (GO HOME THEN) :D
After all it gives them a chance to be real rebels when they come out here and live on their own and wear capes, and act like complete jack arses at the Pubs.
"oI sware ta gad ‘by jayzus de day dat one wid de cape comes to da lower deck is de day oi hap on a plane fer t‘ranto and nevar look back at de watter."
"Alright Che, Let it go."

Easy on the pogey jokes, you might give everyone the impressions that we‘re defeatists!

I remember posting in this thread, as well as seeing some other posts that aren‘t here anymore. Now my post count has lowered. What‘s going on? Was my post deleted or did the board have a hiccup?
Pay attention troop....

Pay attention troop....
Oops. :o But I never check that forum..... oh well

*Tyler does 20 push-ups for his lack of attention to detail*
GrahamD has it right. BC is not all hippies and such. As for protests at Universities I personally feel that you can‘t really get an accurate view of the political landscape just because universities are becoming more of a platform the liberal thinkers and protesters to speak from. As for PG being the roughest town in BC, a lot has changed since UNBC has been here. Not so tough anymore.... but tons of politically correct rednecks ;)
As for PG being the roughest town in BC, a lot has changed since UNBC has been here. Not so tough anymore.... but tons of politically correct rednecks
Anyways, PG guys are panzies compared to the snake-eaters from Quesnel.
(you know, the heroin addicted sandal wearing, yogurt eating, long haired hippies, who go to University for free for 15 years to get 3 degrees in slacking, anti war protesting, and marijuana growing).
Wow, I‘m clean, wear sandals only when I‘m relaxing at the lake, have been going to univrsity for 3 years in a single degree of engineering and have been paying a **** of a lot of money for it, am serving in the military, and don‘t grow marijuana.... ;)

If I ever see one of those people you described, Graham, I‘d snap! Maybe I‘d mention something about getting a real degree... :)

Luckily, I try to avoid that part of campus. I‘ve had some bad reactions to me being in the military by a very few people on campus, but it wasn‘t hard to explain to them that the Canadian Forces does not exist to kill babies in far away lands.. I‘ve even managed to improve many people‘s opinions of soldiers.

But then again, Edmonton is a comparativley pro-military city.

"Anyways, PG guys are panzies compared to the snake-eaters from Quesnel." Not trying to get into a pissing match here, but the roughest place in BC has to be Fort St John. Just from experience, I worked from Ft Nelson to 100 Mile House and Bella Coola to the Alberta Border in forestry and it had to be the roughest place.
Ha, just joking there. My buddies are up working in the oil fields and I‘d be inclined to agree with you...places like Fort St John and Grand Prairie are indeed rough places filled with rough dudes.
GrahamD, Infanteer, chill you guys. I was just kidding about that capitalist crap. Relax guys. Don‘t get your panties in a knot. :p
nbk, I am relaxed, if theres something about my post that has you thinking otherwise then you are misinterpreting it.

I call Prince George rough because it "used to" have the highest violent crime rate per capita in Canada. I have been through some pretty nasty little Northern BC towns that are rough, but I‘ve always found my way to get by in those towns. (ie when you first arrive in town, don‘t start flirting with the hottest chicks because they will be married to the toughest guys. Guys who lack anger management skills and are extremely suspicious/jealous of outsiders)
Prince George is different, It‘s larger and less personal, I along with my friends have been thrust into violent situations by random people many, many, times. Once my buddy awoke on my couch to find a huge guy stealing my stereo. Another time a guy outside the Generator ran up and punched out my car windows while we were driving by, when we got out and his buddies came out of the crowd and it was on.
My friend slept with this guys little sister at our place one night and the next day he and a bunch of his buddies kicked in our front door (I was home alone and crawled out the window on that one) and they trashed our place (I was 21 at the time and this was a group of mid 30‘s guys.)

The best Prince George random violence story has to be what happened to my buddy. He was driving home one night and these two hot chicks were hitch-hiking. They asked him if he wanted to go to a party, and he agreed and drove them to the place. He went inside, and right after he took a seat the girls got up and left him in the living room with about 8-10 guys. One of the guys was like "what are the (explative) are you doing here?"
He knew he was in deep, cause the guys looked rough, so instead of answering he bolted for the stairs (they had the door blocked) he ran himself into a bedroom on the second floor and realised he was stuck. He tried to fight as best he could but they really beat on him. When they stopped to yell stuff at him he tried to get up and go for the bedroom door, and a couple of them picked him up and threw him through the window. He spent time in the hospital, and they got arrested.

As to Joes place, ya I‘ve been through there a time or two (probably shouldn‘t admit to that), but we usually went to Iron Horse on (Mondays I think, maybe Wednesdays) for dollar draft night.

And Korus, I sometimes forget that sarcasm doesn‘t play well on message boards, but I too lean further to the left than to the right (on most topics). I was just jotting down some of the famous and most common slams on left wingers.
Geezus Graham, those are indeed war stories. Reminds me of alot of stuff I‘ve seen in Quesnel. Small towns with lots of drugs and nothing better to do than work or party tend to produce people that do this.
Originally posted by Infanteer:

There are posters all over UBC campus condeming our military as "imperialist occupation army"
Sorry to bring us back to this topic again, but I just had to add my 2 cents. This anti-military phenomenon is not just restricted to BC...at McGill in Montreal, although it‘s not as overt here (with the signs and all), it‘s still unreal, with the weekly anti-military protests and such. One guy campaigning to be elected to student government even made it part of his platform to remove CF recruiting posters (even though there is only one that I can see) from the university centre because they were "brainwashing" students, or some BS like that. As if the "Strong. Proud."
slogan is some cold and calculated device created by a room full of fat white men who control the world to get inside my head when I stop in the building for a burrito or a plate of noodles.

It ****es me off to no end when I hear about stuff like that...kids who have no life experience (not that I do either but at least I know my role dam**t) think they have all the answers and spend all their time (which they have in abundance because mom and pop are picking up the tab) telling everyone why they are right. My roommate even had the stones to tell me that he thinks anyone who joins the military is weak, ignorant, and stupid.

Anyways...what I‘m getting at is I‘m sure we‘ll find this phenomenon at most university campuses across the world...thank god students don‘t write policy.

Sorry for the rant, I just had to get that off my chest.
As if the "Strong. Proud."
slogan is some cold and calculated device created by a room full of fat white men who control the world to get inside my head when I stop in the building for a burrito or a plate of noodles.
Didn‘t everyone join for that reason? :confused:

Day-to-day, I haven‘t seen much anti-military stuff at LU, aside from a few flyers and scattered comments, so there is still hope for the masses.

For a 1st year sociology project I surveyed my class about the canadian military, and received a good cross-section of young adults - of the 39 people surveyed, 90% think that Canada needs a military, and 69% believe we need more funding. Granted its not a very large survey, or distributed university wide (it wasn‘t a large project anyhow), but it shows that at least some people understand what we do, and why. :cdn:
"My roommate even had the stones to tell me that he thinks anyone who joins the military is weak, ignorant, and stupid."

I‘ve run into people like that before too. It pisses me off each and every time, but I‘m learning not to hurt them and to let them have their little dumbass opinions.

Besides, anyone who says that are just proving that they know **** about the world they live in.
Anti war, anti military, anti governement, evironmental causes, etc. are a natural form of self expression for young adults.
The same as a teenager likes to rebel against their parents for "more freedom", so do very young adults like to rebel against the system.

For the most part, those people will grow to realise that their parents, and government had their best interests at heart all along.
Most will come to have a symbiotic relationship with the system, as it is the very rare person whos success reaches such a level that they could exist totally independent of financial institutions, insurance agencies, medical plans, etc.
Most of us rely on these safety nets heavily for our entire lives, and without responsible government agencies to regulate them (anarchy) we would be back to the feudal age. (Nobility [the few] vs the Serfs [the many])
The military is an essential part of a governments ability to maintain control of a coutry. It is the first and most important tool used in making changes to other regions of our world, where people are being oppressed.
The people who hold total control and power in those places do not watch CTV, they don‘t care if some spoiled western kids are interested in talking about peace. The only thing that can sway them is the threat of military retribution, or actully dragging them into war.

We happen to live in a responsible country where our military (today) is most frequently utilised to aid those in need throughout the world.
We should be eternally thankful to our troops and those who support them at all levels for the contributions they have made to this world.

So when people actually say anti military stuff to you here in Canada, it would be my recommendation that you simply ignore them and realise that one day that induvidual will probably grow up and be thankful that some invading force won‘t be tossing them out of their house, raping and killing their loved ones, and then seizing all profitable goods (including food) and then starving us by the hundreds of thousands, and even millions.
Because in the real world, this happens to millions of people.
Realise that their freedom to badmouth our government only exists because those people willing to fight for it do what they do.
There‘s any number of examples of what happens when you decide not to fight against oppression, and none of them are my idea of a good life.

Anyway, I never have anyone bad mouth the military to my face when I talk about joining. I can often tell they‘re thinking negative thoughts, but they can tell that I‘m confident in my choice and that if they try to smart mouth me they will be sorry.
If they do ever say anything it comes out weak, and it‘s usually "but you might have to kill somebody".
I explain that I‘m not religious, killing in the course of duty does not present a moral issue for me, and that since I‘m Canadian it‘s more likely that I will be involved with operations which are designed to prevent killing. Peacekeeping works, no where near the degree we all wish it would, but still, it makes a difference, and we are just at the dawn of the concept. Methods will improve, and so will the results in the long term.
The key is to be confident in yourself and your belief that the military is neccesary. Look people like that in the eye, and let them know without even having to say it that if they turn and bash the miltary after you tell them you enlisted that you will take it as a personal insult. Next work on giving people a look that says "if you personally insult me, I‘m going to make you wish you hadn‘t"

Anyway, if they really won‘t leave you alone, you could remind them that there is a reason why Free Tibet rallys aren‘t held in Tibet.
One of the purposes of higher education is wisdom and a step on that path is self-knowledge, this often turns into "navel gazingâ ? (apparently smoking pot induces the same effect), where an individual comes to an enlightened vision of the world where there is no need for war. Hunger, disease, famine etc. don‘t exist and everyone lives in peace.

Wonderful, sign me up, we all know the use of force is not a good thing and if the worlds problems could be solved with-out force that would be great.

Following the dots of logic from our Armed Forces to the use of force is very naïve and going in the wrong direction, (although in some countries that direction is correct).

My $0.02
bah. cut them down to size. hate people like like you know! if they are anti war keep it to themselfs. we dont bother them saying yah.9#$#@ ya lets go to war, lets take them down... really we dont bother them with that so why do they bother us. i say if they open their mouth shut it for them! i was at my friends house and his roomate was telling me i shouldnt join. because everyone in military likes men and they are weak. i told him he was ignorant and his ignorance is gonna get his *** kicked. and he shut up pretty fast:) and so did everyone that was spouting their **** at that party! just gotta shut them up!
Ok, my wife read my post and said I wasn‘t clear about what I meant.

My posted started off much longer so I cut it way down, the trouble is now the whole thing is not as clear as when I started.

I‘ll try to clarify.

Most of BC‘s large post secondary institutions are in the lower mainland and Victoria (with the exception of UNBC), which is where most of our protests and television stations are, hence the coverage.

In some countries the armed forces do impose their will on the public and protest, though warranted, is not allowed.

To say that protest about the performance of our Armed Forces is warranted is incorrect.

The Canadian Armed Forces exist to prevent unelected individuals or groups from applying their will or force on the public, people who protest against the Armed Forces have no idea what they are doing.

The Armed Forces no more create the need for force than the RCMP create the need for law and order.