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Anti -military

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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Is it just me, or do a lot of the posters here from British Columbia seem to have a propensity to be flaming Socialists spieling off in anti-military and anti-US rants more often than not. They don‘t seem to be open to any views other than those that they so strongly believe to be gospel in their eyes.

It just seems to me that the majority of contentious remarks causing division here are from the same source. Whether it is Anarchist, Socialist, or drug induced, I don‘t know, but it seems to be a Regional thing.

Not sure - all I know is what I read in the newspapers (which, of course, we all know is true ... ha!)
According to one report, yesterday‘s demonstrators (anniversary of the war in Iraq) totalled 15,000 in Vancouver, 1,000 in Toronto, 300 in Ottawa, and "several hundred" in Montreal (however, as usual, anti-American wingnuts swelled the ranks ...).
One journalist attributed the high turnout in B.C. to the "presence of well-known author-activist Noam Chomsky".
Then again, isn‘t B.C. Canada‘s California: "Land Of Fruits And Nuts" ... ?
I‘ve kinda found the same thing. I‘d probably word it differently but the majority of anti military (for lack of a better word) posts seem to come from out west, especially BC. Interesting point.
I can see why BC is called Canada‘s California.... Its the only place in Canada thats bloody warm... Im visiting Ottawa at the moment... *shivers*
There are quite a few protestors out here; A good percentage of them are from ontario, and since they can‘t whine at home because they‘re taking advantage of our univerisities, they come out here and berate one of the few industries that Halifax relies on.
Of course that doesn‘t mean that there are quite a few from Nova Scotia;
So that‘s why there weren‘t many in Toronto(Per capita), they were out here. Well that‘s my theory anyway.
I guess it wouldn‘t change their feelings much about Iraq, but hopefully British Columbia will never stage protests against the CF...(please tell me they don‘t!)

After all, those army ‘babykillers‘ and ‘skinheads‘ did do a lot to try and save their homes from burning down last summer. :rolleyes:

They should be grateful...
The thing that is odd to me is that some of these people even have an interest (or are serving) in the military. I bet 99% of the people I‘ve encountered, in any military, have generally been of a right wing, conservative mindset.
Originally posted by muskrat89:
[qb]I bet 99% of the people I‘ve encountered, in any military, have generally been of a right wing, conservative mindset. [/qb]
The largest standing army in the world (I believe), the Peoples Liberation Army of China may disagree with that.

Personally I cannot understand how anyone with a right wind mindset would want to be in the army. You don‘t get to wear a suit and tie, carry a briefcase, make millions of dollars, drill for oil, or squeal with delight as the common workers below you get fired and have their lives ruined. Maybe officers are more conservative, then NCMs? I don‘t understand how the military is a capitalist favourable occupation.

I don‘t believe I have ever read too many anti military rants on this site however. Perhaps the mods delete them too quick.
Most people i‘ve met usually support the Military at
least around here especially on the Hurricane Juan Clean-up and when i was on the Soldier‘s Race in the Nova Scotia International Tattoo Except for some Punks who always sat out front of the Halifax public Libuary asking us how we could serve in the Military it seemed like they thought we were some kind of great Evil personally i am proud to serve in the Canadian Army even though i am a Reservist when i tryed to explain that and they started Ranting about the Amercians and the "evil" empire i tryed to talk to this person about what he would do about it and he didn‘t say anything people have the right to complain about whatever the want but beside the aimless rants like that think of how you can do something about it try to help and make it better! **** that‘s more then i thought i would write well i have had enought with this! Later!
Well ladies and gentlemen, being BC born and bred and watching the military installations here dwindle in numbers, with no real army base located here (nearest one is edmonton i think) it is hard to drum up support, i can understand the lack of support for the military here. But don‘t classify all British Columbians the same way. I have applied for DEO infantry this spring after I‘ve completed my degree. Am I out of the norm? I am from the north and we are different up here than on the coast... It has to do with work ethic and the cold climate. But even here it is harcd to find support as the closest military presence is still six hours south that being a reserve group in Kamploops. As for protesting against the CF, like Che said, we get a lot of imports from other provinces because of the seasonal work and high EI payouts, most just happen to be the activists who like to take advantage of freedoms others have paid for. I chalk it up to being a canadian and something you just endure. Cause really, you are serving Canada in the CF, and i can garuntee that you won‘t like every Canadian, but the fact they are canadian should be good enough.
HA, to all you people staying home for spring break, I for one am going to Hawaii on wednesday.
bet 99% of the people I‘ve encountered
Read the post - I haven‘t encountered anyone from the Chinese Military

Perhaps the mods delete them too quick.
Ahhh... more conspiracy theories... :rolleyes:
Personally I cannot understand how anyone with a right wind mindset would want to be in the army. You don‘t get to wear a suit and tie, carry a briefcase, make millions of dollars, drill for oil, or squeal with delight as the common workers below you get fired and have their lives ruined. Maybe officers are more conservative, then NCMs? I don‘t understand how the military is a capitalist favourable occupation.
You obviously have a poor understanding of what constitutes people of a conservative mindset. Read Samuel Huntington‘s "Soldier and the State" for probably the most comprehensive examination of what leads the military to be a more conservative institution.

As a British Columbian, I can tell you that most of that crap is sensationalism confined to Vancouver and parts of the island where Vietnam draft-dodgers still reside (They even elected one coward to the legislature). Outside of the city, you run into mostly blue-coller workers from the forest sector and farmers and ranchers.

I guess there is just more people in BC who managed to suck off the NDP government for long enough to have nothing better to do than to go protest. Whether it be tuition, welfare, the war overseas, or minimum wage, it seems that a good chunk of Vancouver‘s population has nothing better to do than expect everybody else to pay there way through life.

I really wish I could have gone and listened to Chomsky bleat on about how crappy it is to live in a free and open society, but I was too busy freezing my nuts off in a firebase for 4 hours to care....
The following is an anecdote(read: Rant), not neccesarily pertaining to anti-military protestors:
I wouldn‘t neccesarily fault someone for protesting tuition, given that NS has a fairly low income average, we do have the highest tuitions around.

What makes me laugh is when you can tell that 90% of the protestors are from upper canada (No offence to anyone who happens to reside there, it‘s not your fault :D ) and mom and dad (both lawyers) are making enough money to put these kids through their bachelors, masters and send them to Tibet to build schools and latrines on Mt. Everest.
All the while the poor unfortunate locals (such as myself) are too busy working our nards off to go puff a spliff and scream outside of the province house (incidentally making me late for work, which I need to go to, to pay for the high tuition out here).

endeth the rant.
Originally posted by nbk:
Originally posted by muskrat89:
[qb]I bet 99% of the people I‘ve encountered, in any military, have generally been of a right wing, conservative mindset. [/qb]
The largest standing army in the world (I believe), the Peoples Liberation Army of China may disagree with that.

Personally I cannot understand how anyone with a right wind mindset would want to be in the army. You don‘t get to wear a suit and tie, carry a briefcase, make millions of dollars, drill for oil, or squeal with delight as the common workers below you get fired and have their lives ruined. Maybe officers are more conservative, then NCMs? I don‘t understand how the military is a capitalist favourable occupation.

I don‘t believe I have ever read too many anti military rants on this site however. Perhaps the mods delete them too quick. [/qb]
You are confused a little bit about about the difference between right and left wing politics.

The military IS predominantly made up of right wing minded people. Just browsing around this Army forum should give you a sense of that.
Right wing people tend to be more rigid and conservative in their views on most subjects, and it doesn‘t matter if they are a Bay St business person, or a construction worker.
They typically hold views like, we should have a two tier health system, we should remove natives from reservations and treat them on par with the rest of us, we should increase our military budget and corporate tax breaks (to encourage big business to come) by cutting funding and eliminating the socialist safety nets (ie Finacial Aid, back to school programs (for young adults coming off the streets drugs, bad situations, etc), also that we should close our borders to immigration until we put all of our unemployed back to work, and that we shouldn‘t let gay people marry.

Anyway in my experience the most vocal of all conservative (right wing) people are the ones at the lower end of the pay scale, the municipal and city workers, the construction workers, the military. The ones who truly resent having to pay 40% of their paycheck to fund social programs for "PC types" (you know, the heroin addicted sandal wearing, yogurt eating, long haired hippies, who go to University for free for 15 years to get 3 degrees in slacking, anti war protesting, and marijuana growing).

As for the anti military sentiment stemming from BC, I just have to disagree. I lived in BC for 23 years and I never once saw an anti military protest.
Maybe some people protested the war in Iraq, more than in other areas of Canada, but as it was mentioned before BC has an awesome climate (South Western BC that is) and people are more willing to go outside to participate in big activities like that.
I once stopped to watch Jann Arden on the waterfront in Victoria just because twentyfive thousand other people were standing around watching. Not really my cup of tea, but there was tonnes of women around and it was a nice night, so we stopped to check it out.
I‘ve stopped to watch lots of protests I disagreed with, just to gape in awe of some of the things people belive in.

I‘m sure Chipdudeman can verify this since he‘s from Prince George, and that is after living for nearly half my life in Northern BC (PG, PR, QCI), that I feel confident in saying that there are many right wing minded people who live and work and raise their families in BC. Prince George is the dirtiest most violent, big rig driving, cow/lumber town in all of BC, and its the Northern hub. Not very many overtly liberal people will ever come out of that town.

BC is not some liberal paradise where hippies conspire to turn us all into communists.
It‘s true that a lot of liberal minded public figures live there, also a lot of musicians and authors and artists. It‘s a beautiful province with a mild climate. You can easily find peace and solitude within a 30 minute drive of Vancouver (the largest city). It‘s a different kind of lifestyle, it‘s more laid back, and its an environment far more conducive to liberal minded politics and beliefs than can be found anywhere in the rest of the country. People feel free to express themselves there, and why not, it‘s their country too.
But to steretype the entire Province into one political grouping is WAY off the mark. It‘s actually a very diverse region politicaly.
Keeping to the decreasing trend of protestors as you move from west to east mentioned by bossi, when you hit the rock no one says **** (rally or protest wise) against the army they may have an opinon but they dont voice them probably because we are closer knit as a people than most of the larger metropolitan centers in Canada. When Murphy was killed over seas (god rest his soul) it was a huge gathering of people from many communities and cities that did or did not know the family. Besides the circumstances that brought us together it was heart warming to know that all these people and then some greived for the loss and supported our troops wether they had an opinon against it or not
Never saw an anti war protest in 23 years in BC? You must not get out much. I spent 5 years there and the protests were a regular thing around Comox, Nanaimo and Esquimalt. Seemed like as soon as the weather warmed up and they had nothing to do, they‘d smoke some weed, drink some wine, then picket the base. In general though, they were pretty peaceful. Guess it‘s hard for them to get riled up when they‘re not quite sure where they are or what they‘re doing there. ;) :D
Che said:
There are quite a few protestors out here; A good percentage of them are from ontario, and since they can‘t whine at home because they‘re taking advantage of our univerisities, they come out here and berate one of the few industries that Halifax relies on.
C‘mon Che.... it‘s an exchange thing. We get twenty or fifty from out there, moving to TO to collect pogey, we send you a few students from here! :D
We should talk to them though, before they go. I don‘t think they should be condeming the biggest industry out there which is drinking and partying. Let‘s all go to the Liquor Dome, yeeha :blotto:
Good post GrahamD.

As for the anti military sentiment stemming from BC, I just have to disagree. I lived in BC for 23 years and I never once saw an anti military protest.
I have. There are posters all over UBC campus condeming our military as "imperialist occupation army", it doesn‘t help having faculty like Sunera Thobani (who should be deported) and Lloyd Axeworthy (who thinks Canada is a "satrapy"), but, in the end those who can do, those who can‘t, teach.

I‘m sure Chipdudeman can verify this since he‘s from Prince George, and that is after living for nearly half my life in Northern BC (PG, PR, QCI), that I feel confident in saying that there are many right wing minded people who live and work and raise their families in BC. Prince George is the dirtiest most violent, big rig driving, cow/lumber town in all of BC, and its the Northern hub. Not very many overtly liberal people will ever come out of that town.
Geez, spend much time at Joe‘s Place?

I remember posting in this thread, as well as seeing some other posts that aren‘t here anymore. Now my post count has lowered. What‘s going on? Was my post deleted or did the board have a hiccup?