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Annual Army Run (merged)

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apache2001 said:
This is great and if we will be allowed at this time I sure will join. :)

Judy said:
Why wouldn't you be allowed?

To join what?

Anyway, I am not participating in the run but I am on duty that weekend.  I shall try to be at the finish line (or near by) with my Army.ca t-shirt on.
PMedMoe said:
To join what?

Anyway, I am not participating in the run but I am on duty that weekend.  I shall try to be at the finish line (or near by) with my Army.ca t-shirt on.

My BMOQ course at St-Jean will be on Sep 1 and the Army Run is Sep 21.  I will go for the 5k.  ;)
I just heard that MCpl Paul Franklin will do the 5k in the wheel chair divisioin. Many will remember he was a medic who lost both legs to a suicide bomber.  He hasn't been idle though. Here's the Globe story form a few years back.


From Wednesday's Globe and Mail

October 11, 2006 at 11:41 AM EDT

EDMONTON — When you ask Master Corporal Paul Franklin what keeps him going, the wounded Edmonton soldier is blunt: Diet Coke and sheer stubbornness.

Master Cpl. Franklin lost both legs in an attack in Afghanistan last January. And while many wounded Canadian soldiers have opted to recover in private since returning from the dusty battlefields, the 39-year-old military medic has been quite vocal about his own difficult medical journey.

And now, even with his recovery far from over, Master Cpl. Franklin is embarking on an entirely different struggle: a plan to make Edmonton a "centre of excellence" when it comes to helping amputees across the northern Prairies and territories cope with and recover from the loss of limbs

More at link:  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20061011.wxamputee11/BNStory/Afghanistan/home
MCG said:
Everyone can do it, so it's time to get off the couch:  http://www.armyrun.ca/
  Do you find the cardio/runs harder than the initial work outs, and what would you recommend for preparing for entry
If you're just thinking about doing the 1/2 marathon now then you're going to have a hard time unless you regularly go for runs over 16 kms.  Following any basic 1/2 marathon training plan would have had you hit your peak mileage (between 19-23 km depending on your methods) this past Sunday.
Strike said:
If you're just thinking about doing the 1/2 marathon now then you're going to have a hard time unless you regularly go for runs over 16 kms.  Following any basic 1/2 marathon training plan would have had you hit your peak mileage (between 19-23 km depending on your methods) this past Sunday.
  I gottchya, time to re-think this one !!! lol  Whats the max km run in basic trainning
Oh thank god I'm over the peak! I wanted to wait until the hard bits were over before I started. ;)
decoy said:
Is anything happening with an army.ca team? I'd like to join it if there is one! I've signed up for the 5K.

Its a pain in the butt once you have already registered..............I'm still working on the e-mail exchange train.

Next year we will register the team early so that it is there when the members register.
..and even after weeks of emails it doesn't look like I will make it on the team list.
Its getting Monty Pythonesque silly......

On another note, having a physical today[263 pounds, yikes], I think I might win the "Weight Transfer" division. You know, your weight divided by time muliplied by age,.....what?....no such thing?..........poop!
Not sure how many we have on the 1/2 marathon Army.ca team... it's either 2 or 3 depending if Bruce's efforts to get another member on worked. Either way if anyone wants to join, go for it!
... and do it quick.  The event is capped at 6,000 runners (3,000 per race) and there are now over 5,000.
I wish I lived closer so I could do the race, alas, I live in BC, and have to go to school. I did however do the Nike+ 10Km Human Race in Vancouver so that makes up for it in my mind.

I hope everyone attending this one has a good time!
MCG said:
... and do it quick.  The event is capped at 6,000 runners (3,000 per race) and there are now over 5,000.

Thats the problem, since we have already registered just as normal runners 'sans team' they are finding it hard to now assign us to a team.

Methinks they are slightly overwhelmed with the turnout........
Mike Bobbitt said:
Not sure how many we have on the 1/2 marathon Army.ca team... it's either 2 or 3 depending if Bruce's efforts to get another member on worked. Either way if anyone wants to join, go for it!

I would, but I don't think my unit would let me, let alone pay for it  ::)
My unit is paying for me to go.

I had planned to go anyway, and pay for it on my own.  I decided to submit a memo to my CO just to see what he'd say.  The worst he could say is no, right?

But now I get to run in the race, and have my TD paid for.  Pretty sweet.
I see registration is now closed.

They had to cap it at 6700 entrants. EDIT:[I reread it and the cap is 6700 for EACH event :o]
What a response!!!
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I see registration is now closed.

They had to cap it at 6700 entrants. EDIT:[I reread it and the cap is 6700 for EACH event :o]
What a response!!!

Hubby's Regt (he's doing the 1/2 marathon) told him last week they changed their minds and aren't going to pay the TD, ... finding a hotel in Ottawa that weekend was anything but easy but we lucked out! The kids are very excited to watch daddy ! (If they can see him in the crowd!)