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Am I too old, fat, or fit in? 2001 to 2016

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Thank you ~Skeletor~ I will talk to my wife and see what her opinion is and if she is still on board I will give them a call. You have been a great help.

Yes it seems to me that when I was in I had to pay for my R&Q, my PMQ was prorated to my salary at that time, groceries we bought ourselves and we paid our own phone.  ~ Probie
Does this really happen?

We don't like it when older folks get in and actually do as they are told, work their asses off and can actually function without a iPhone welded to their thumbs. When they get accelerated promoted and put on career courses faster than their younger peers due to the above shortcomings.

And if so why and how.
Well it doesnt matter what your age is, unless you dont qualify for the position you're interested in.
  I would say do what you like doing and good luck.
Probie said:
Does this really happen?

And if so why and how.

I doubt its a written rule anywhere, but typically older recruits would be more mature, level headed and with real world experience.
I get bugged to rejoin my Reserve unit, but personally I think it's a plot for all of my Gunners I trained who are now MWO's, CWO's to extract their revenge on me by having me as a gunner again.
Well I guess I don't have to worry about it...as I said "If I can get the wife on board I would check it out." She never got on board...oh well.
Keep trying Probie....to get her on board.  I finally broke mine down.  lol

I'm 43, a civilian paramedic looking for more, and just applied last month for Med Tech.  I know it's a different job, but will utilize some of my road experience, and all of my various related certifications.  I've been a road medic and I'm a damn good one, but I want to be a field medic.

Thank you all for the input, the suggestions and the content on this site.  For inspiring old guys to give it another shot, for giving me ways to once again learn the dreaded push up, and for just trying something before the door finally closes on this part of my life.

I've read the forum sections for the aptitude testing, but does anyone have any more suggestions on content, practice tests, studying, etc?

Also, how realistic are the various videos on youtube showing BMQ.  I VR'd out in 1988 after Basic at CFB Cornwallis due to family issues.  Is it pretty much the same? 
Hello all,
i also would like to join the CF. I am currently working in the mining industry in northern ontario. i would like to ask for some opinions on
how hard it would be for someone like myself that never really did any schooling. I got hired on after highschool at our local mine site
called BarrickHemlo. I am a open pit blaster, an im assuming the military doesnt have any related fields. lol  Any info on the matter will
be very helpful

Age would probably have been a good thing to add in, but unless you're too old to finish training before the compulsory retirement age....no.
zmc1985 said:
. I am a open pit blaster, an im assuming the military doesnt have any related fields. lol 

If you really like blowing things up, you might be interested in combat engineering or artillery. HMC ships and aircraft also carry more than a bit of explosive power.
Have a bunch of questions and had a bad experience when i was younger with a recruiter, so any tips, guidance or advice will be appreciated thanks.

I have just turned 32 and have always thought about join the forces.  Grew up going to Air Show's, playing flight simulators and even had my dad make me flash cards so i could identify mig's and sukuoi's easily haha.  I'd be third generation as my grandpa was a tail gunner in a Lancaster in WW2 and my uncle was Hornet pilot before he blew out his knee.  I went into a recruitment centre the day after my 18th birthday all ready to sign up to achieve my dream of being a pilot.  Well long story short the recruiter didn't even entertain the idea and tried the whole time to get me to sign up as a ground pounder.  I was willing to listen to other options, but because of he's instance of infantry or nothing, i walked out and always wondered what if.

Well now i'm 32, i Have 5 years experience as a Advanced Care Paramedic in major metro area and the desire to sign up is back again.  Although i know i can never be a pilot (i had laser eye surgery to correct my vision) i'm interested to get work as a medic in the military (With the Ultimate goal of either ending up doing Search and Rescue or JTF2).  Yes i know those two are the elite of the elite but thats my goal.

So with all that said (sorry about the length) heres a bunch of questions i have:
  -  Is 32 to old to enter as a NonCom?
  -  I will be 34-35 before i can try and get into SarTech or JTF2, is that two old to apply as well?
  -  If i sign up as a medic (because i'm an ACP and not a Primary Care medic) would i be able to skip the MCSP and go right to the MOC?

Thanks for any insights, its greatly appreciated

Brad no you're not too old. Age and maturity ( not mutually exclusive)  and experience are valued by all employers including the  CF. Best bet is talk to a recruiter.
Ticer32 said:
  -  If i sign up as a medic (because i'm an ACP and not a Primary Care medic) would i be able to skip the MCSP and go right to the MOC?

"MCSP is the Maintenance of Clinical Skills Programme.  It is now defunct.  It had been replaced by the MCRP, which is the Maintenance of Clinical Readiness Programme."

You may find these discussions of interest.

"Advanced Care Paramedic/ACLS":
"My question is, if I enter as an ACP, how will my scope of practice/qualifications transfer over to the forces."

"semi skilled med tech applicant needs info":
"You will not be using the complete ACP skill set that you have acquired on civi-street in the CF as it was decided sometime ago not to go with a ACP skill set for our Med Techs but rather a skill based solution (AEC) that met our needs the CF (especially in the field) at the QL5A level."
"Even with PCP/ACP I suspect strongly that you will have to do the Clinical Phase of the QL3."
4 pages.

Ticer32 said:
Although i know i can never be a pilot (i had laser eye surgery to correct my vision)

You can still be a pilot after having laser surgery as long as it wasn't the RK procedure.

http://www.forces.ca/en/page/faq-101 scroll to vision standards
The average Sar Tech is in their 30's. There have been successful candidates well into their 40's. So no, you are not to old.
I went through BMQ at 44yrs old. The worst that happened to me was being called Grampa up until our first fitness test. I was also asked how I was going to handle the whole BMQ situation. My reply was: "How many 44 yr olds can leave their wife and kids to go on a guilt free 14-week adventure with a bunch of 20yr olds? . . . and get paid for it?" It was the most fun I've had in my whole young life!! BTW: I finished 3rd in a platoon that started with 64. I sincerely believe it's 90% attitude. Love this career choice!!
PrettyMaggie63 said:
Brad, I'm hoping you're not too old. I just received my offer for RMS and I am 49 years old.

That's fantastic! Good for you, a true example of only being as old as you feel!
miraclarke said:
I went through BMQ at 44yrs old. The worst that happened to me was being called Grampa up until our first fitness test. I was also asked how I was going to handle the whole BMQ situation. My reply was: "How many 44 yr olds can leave their wife and kids to go on a guilt free 14-week adventure with a bunch of 20yr olds? . . . and get paid for it?" It was the most fun I've had in my whole young life!! BTW: I finished 3rd in a platoon that started with 64. I sincerely believe it's 90% attitude. Love this career choice!!

That just made my day, great post! :nod:
I have a question which a quick search couldn't resolve. It isn't to do with age per say, but under the scope of this thread. I'll start off with a quick introduction; I'm 24, bcomm graduate, I've been supporting myself playing poker and traveling the world for the past 3 years. I'm becoming less interested in poker and would like to find a new challenge. I've been recommended to check out CF twice in the past year.

I'm curious about the culture at CF (particularly Pilots/Logistic officers). Whenever I mention to friends or family I'm interested in CF, they reply that I would probably dislike the culture. Obviously there is structure and a hierarchy. These are two things I have lacked exposure to in the last few years, but don't necessarily dislike. They seem to think that I would spend most of my time taking orders/doing things that I don't agree with.. This is something that would bother me. Is this what it's like as a LogO or Pilot?
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