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Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Leviathan
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I'm guessing if the medical is already done, and you actually disclosed your allergy, it's not a problem.  If you didn't tell them, call the CFRC and tell them now.

Agree on the suggestion to change your avatar. 
they know i have allergies. i just got to give them the form they requested me to get checked by an allergist.
Surette87 said:
they know i have allergies. i just got to give them the form they requested me to get checked by an allergist.

Well, there you go.  Now you just have to get that paperwork filled out, get it back to them and wait.  No one here can tell you if you'll be accepted or not.
Do you know if in the pass, if people with shellfish allergies has been accepted? And thanks for all the help.
Surette87 said:
Do you know if in the pass, if people with shellfish allergies has been accepted? And thanks for all the help.

No I don't, sorry.
Surette87 said:
Do you know if in the pass, if people with shellfish allergies has been accepted? And thanks for all the help.

Depends. They will judge on the level of reaction vs. level of exposure. If it is at all life threatening, then your chances are slim.
While I cannot tell you what process your file will go through, I can tell you that my husband has a anaphylaxis-level allergy to shrimp and other shellfish, since he was about 13. He was able to initially join as a reservist, and eventually has done a OT/CT to Reg Force. I'm sure the allergy was mentioned during his various medicals, but was never indicated to us to be a major problem. His Reserves unit was recce, and he's currently on his QL5A course for Geomatics Technician (or Geospatial Engineer, I forget if they've officially changed names - in any case, mapmaking/survey/photo interpretation)
I have been trying to get in a army co op for school but im having a problems with my wasp allergy they ask me to see an allergist and i did but the test cameback positive with a higher than normal reaction but the allergist said their is no risk of anaphylaxis shock and i don't require an epipen but he said if they look closely at the number they my not let me in. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated because i really want to join even if i don't get in the co op.
Travis3075 said:
I have been trying to get in a army co op for school but im having a problems with my wasp allergy they ask me to see an allergist and i did but the test cameback positive with a higher than normal reaction but the allergist said their is no risk of anaphylaxis shock and i don't require an epipen but he said if they look closely at the number they my not let me in. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated because i really want to join even if i don't get in the co op.

Best bet.....have your specialist provide a "letter" stating that fact.  Not much else you can do, other than present your case.
Travis3075 said:
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated because i really want to join even if i don't get in the co op.

Allergies in the CF 
Can I join the infantry with milk allergy? (I got hives from three yogurts in one day) If I have a little bit of dairy products I get lactose intolerance symptoms.
Alexander S said:
Can I join the infantry with milk allergy? (I got hives from three yogurts in one day) If I have a little bit of dairy products I get lactose intolerance symptoms.

Best advice is to talk to the recruiting centre.
Alexander S said:
Can I join the infantry with milk allergy?

Lactose Intolerance is discussed in this topic.

Allergies in the CF 

As always, best to contact Recruiting.
Alexander S said:
Can I join the infantry with a milk allergy?

Lactose ( milk ) Intolerance is discussed in Reply #69 and 70.

To repeat what was said above, best advice is to contact Recruiting.
Sorry but in the Combat Arms you must be capable of drinking a gallon of fresh milk straight from the teet of the Alpha Female of the herd upon completion of basic training.


Alexander S said:
Can I join the infantry with a milk allergy?

I have been in the Infantry for longer than you have been alive.  I owe my success to an allergy:  I am allergic to the MIR.
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