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Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Leviathan
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Wow, I passed all my examinations however was given a page to go and clear up this peanut allergy issue. I got a rash after eating some peanuts about 6 years ago and the Dr. gave me an epipen and told me to stay away from peanuts. When I signed up I obviously let them know about the allergy ... which I have not been tested for ever. The military gave me a form and insisted that I go to my Dr. and have them filled out. I went to my dr. and they indicated that I may get a rash if I eat peanuts and gave me a prescription for an epipen. The fact that I have never had to get medical treatment due to this allergy is still going to exclude me from getting into the military?

I am completely heartbroken that this is the case. I guess I can go and get some sort of allergy testing done and see if the severity of the allergy calls for the epipen but this will really result in exclusion?

I also suffered from headaches which makes me sensitive to light ... will that also have an impact on recruiting??
JT_Thompson said:
Wow, I passed all my examinations however was given a page to go and clear up this peanut allergy issue. I got a rash after eating some peanuts about 6 years ago and the Dr. gave me an epipen and told me to stay away from peanuts. When I signed up I obviously let them know about the allergy ... which I have not been tested for ever. The military gave me a form and insisted that I go to my Dr. and have them filled out. I went to my dr. and they indicated that I may get a rash if I eat peanuts and gave me a prescription for an epipen. The fact that I have never had to get medical treatment due to this allergy is still going to exclude me from getting into the military?

I am completely heartbroken that this is the case. I guess I can go and get some sort of allergy testing done and see if the severity of the allergy calls for the epipen but this will really result in exclusion?

I also suffered from headaches which makes me sensitive to light ... will that also have an impact on recruiting??


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Country:    CA


OK bub!  What is your angle here?
Well that is who I work for ... thanks for posting it ... I joined the Reserves and that is my Full Time Job ....
Read the whole thread and remember only the medical staff at the CFRC (and further) can answer your questions.
JT_Thompson said:
Well that is who I work for ... thanks for posting it ... I joined the Reserves and that is my Full Time Job ....

And you haven't sorted out some of your problems with Health Professionals by now?

No one here is a Health Professional able to answer your questions.  You will have to apply and be tested by the CF Medical people and rely on their judgement.

Thanks Moe
Hey guys,

Just feeling a little down, I applied to the reserves three years ago and I was turned down because of peanut allergies. Anyhow, since then I went to a community college got a diploma in finance and worked in banks, but I don't enjoy it.

I want to serve my country in the public sector, and have a international career. I have reapplied for the military as a regular force member but I am already assuming that they're going to say no even though I just want to be an engineer.

I'm convinced that my allergies were caused by vaccines that I received when I was kid, but there no real proof.

Anyhow, just a useless rant, I'll reapply again and get declined.

I feel like my allergies are holding me back, I was thinking of getting a bachelors and apply for the foreign affairs department, but then I figured they would also say no because of my allergies.

I can't even afford university even if I wanted to go, and I'm getting older (just turned 21)

It frustrating, I can't even go visit a foreign country because of fear that the dishes would be filled with peanuts.
Have you inquired with a specialist about new treatments to deal with peanut allergies?


I'm not sure how the CF would deal with someone who had overcome their allergy in this manner - it'd be new territory, that's for sure.  You have nothing to lose by inquiring about it with a specialist.
If the Res F turned you down for allergies, chances are the Reg F will, too.  It doesn't matter what trade you want to be, it's an enrollment standard.

I doubt your allergies were caused by vaccines.  It's been noted that most allergies are caused by people not being exposed to certain things when their immune system is building up (6-8 months of age, IIRC).

You say you want an "international" career, and then say you can't visit a foreign country as their dishes may be filled with peanuts.  That leads me to believe you have a pretty severe allergy.

As far as not being able to afford university, there are other jobs and have you heard of student loans?
Topic: Peanut allergies are ruinning my life.

Whoo, lets back this train up here......."ruining your life??"

I'm sure you could visit just about any hospital in the counrty and find volunteers by the hundreds/thousands to have thier lives *cough* ruined *cough* like yours is right now.

Time to grow a pair Son........
Stephvai said:
I'm convinced that my allergies were caused by vaccines that I received when I was kid, but there no real proof.

That's because you're wrong.  Childhood vaccines do not cause allergies, or autism, and they're not part of a super-secret government plot to impose mind control on the population, despite what the Internet or respected scientists like Jenny McCarthy tell you.
Hah!  You can't fool me.  Those doctors may have years of research and education to back them up, but Jenny McCarthy's got two tremendous assets that make me pay attention to her.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Topic: Peanut allergies are ruining my life.

Whoo, lets back this train up here......."ruining your life??"

I'm sure you could visit just about any hospital in the counrty and find volunteers by the hundreds/thousands to have thier lives *cough* ruined *cough* like yours is right now.

Time to grow a pair Son........

Easier said then done, when an allergy is holding you back everytime your interested in a career, you would feel frustrated when it completely out of your control.

PS: Who, Country

That's because you're wrong.  Childhood vaccines do not cause allergies, or autism, and they're not part of a super-secret government plot to impose mind control on the population, despite what the Internet or respected scientists like Jenny McCarthy tell you.

Then why did I get very agitated and sick when I was given vaccine shots when I was baby, plus our wealthy countries are the only ones with these allergie problems. This is totally unheard in Asian and India where 90% of dishes are made with peanuts.

If the Res F turned you down for allergies, chances are the Reg F will, too.  It doesn't matter what trade you want to be, it's an enrollment standard.

I doubt your allergies were caused by vaccines.  It's been noted that most allergies are caused by people not being exposed to certain things when their immune system is building up (6-8 months of age, IIRC).

You say you want an "international" career, and then say you can't visit a foreign country as their dishes may be filled with peanuts.  That leads me to believe you have a pretty severe allergy.

As far as not being able to afford university, there are other jobs and have you heard of student loans?

I don't want to put myself in much anxiety and debt, but it seems inevitable. Most people go to university and most people can't afford it. The cost is simply outrageous, and I wouldn't know what I would like to do after I graduated plus I'm afraid that my allergies would hold me back again in the future.

Have you inquired with a specialist about new treatments to deal with peanut allergies?


I'm not sure how the CF would deal with someone who had overcome their allergy in this manner - it'd be new territory, that's for sure.  You have nothing to lose by inquiring about it with a specialist.

I already asked my doctor before studies were performed, he wouldn't do it but I haven't given up hope I'm going to schedule another meeting.

dapaterson said:
Hah!  You can't fool me.  Those doctors may have years of research and education to back them up, but Jenny McCarthy's got two tremendous assets that make me pay attention to her.

Doctors already know that there is health risks involved with vaccines.
I never had a problem with nuts and had eaten them regularly my whole life. All that changed during basic training when I was given the Hepatitis A/B vaccine. I had eaten nuts up to and including the day I received the vaccine. The following day when I attempted to partake of my favorite brownie, I had my first reaction. Since then I have not been able to have nuts period.
So, although allergies are not necessarily caused by vaccines, they can be the trigger.
I'm no expert on peanut allergies, but I do have allergies, albeit not as serious.

If you have a severe allergy, you are putting yourself at risk, and possibly the lives of your fellow soldiers, depending on the situation.
Not only that, the logistics of ensuring that you have diet free of peanuts or peanut oil etc would be difficult to say the least. Not only that you probably would not be deployable to a theater of operations. As it stands now, all CF members must be capable of being deployed, unless otherwise restricted.

I understand and empathize with your position - but it is what it is. Sorry.

Sounds to me that your just making an excuse,

"I would be doing awsome in life but these damn allergies keep holding me back!" (insert violin music and wimpering here)

I know plenty of people who have peanut allergies who DON'T search for ways of it holding them back, I also know plenty of people who didn't come from well to do family and they managed to go to university (even a couple of ones with peanut allergies)

Stop the whimpering and start overcomming some of these obsticals
For the original poster.

It's unfortunate that you have this allergy.  Only your CFRC can advise you FOR CERTAIN whether this will keep you from your goal of joining the CF.  Best of luck to you - however it turns out.

I'm locking this before it spirals.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
** CHRIS** said:
heyyy i signed up for the militaryand got rejected because of my peanut allergies.. im wondering if any other people on this forum had the same outcome. the army was my dream and all ive ever wanted to do so i want to fight back and make this change... if anyone has ahd the same situation please write me back or add my hotmail commando1011@hotmail.com

Dude chris, I have sympathy in you, but peanut allergy is a definite reject, unless you can manage to hide it from whoever is doing your med examination. I guess its worth a try. But if they find out later, you could get in alot of trouble. But if you dont make it to reg or reserve force, you can always try cadet officer cadre, I heard people who even have diabetes have made it into the forces as an cadet officer
nunvikingsofthesea said:
Dude chris, I have sympathy in you, but peanut allergy is a definite reject, unless you can manage to hide it from whoever is doing your med examination. I guess its worth a try. But if they find out later, you could get in alot of trouble. But if you dont make it to reg or reserve force, you can always try cadet officer cadre, I heard people who even have diabetes have made it into the forces as an cadet officer

Ignoring the necro-post...

That is some fuckin' stupid advice don't you think?  Ever hear of something called FALSE ANSWER OR FALSE
INFORMATION ON ENROLMENT before?  AKA QR & O Vol II, Chap 103, Article 103.54:

(1) Section 122 of the National Defence Act provides:

“122. Every person who knowingly

(a) makes a false answer to any question set out in any document required to be completed, or

(b) furnishes any false information or false document,

in relation to the enrolment of that person is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to imprisonment for less than two years or to less punishment.”

Aside from the obvious MEDICAL reasons to not hide ANY medical condition while enrolling, you are encouraging someone to commit a service offence.  Good call.  Go ahead and change your forum name to Stu Pedidiot anytime now.

Maybe you should STFU if you don't know what you're talking about.  ::)
Hi, I'm allergic to bananas and I wondered if it could stop me? Anybody here knows somebody allergic to a fruit in the army?  ???
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