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Alleged PMO obstruction in SNC Lavalin case

PPCLI Guy said:
Notwithstanding the fact that this egregious mess reeks of hubris, meddling and incompetence, there is something about this whole affair that does not ring true - it feels like we are all being played.

Notwithstanding the fact that this egregious mess reeks of hubris, meddling and incompetence, there is something about this whole affair that does not ring true - it feels like we are all being played.

It certainly seems that way. Far too many high profile people; cabinet ministers, the Principle Secretary of the PMO and the Chief Clerk of the Privy council all resigning over this affair suggests there is a lot more that we haven't found out yet. Investigative journalists might circle back to SNC Lavalin.
If they get punted, I can just imagine the floodgates opening and a lot of before unheard of shenanigans will come spilling out.  here's hoping, anyway.
Target Up said:
If they get punted, I can just imagine the floodgates opening and a lot of before unheard of shenanigans will come spilling out.  here's hoping, anyway.

Colour me cynical.  If and when they get punted the result will not be a bunch of corruption being exposed; it will be just like all the BS surrounding the Obama / Hillary era across the border. It will all be obfuscated by the Global Elitist tycoons and their minions using the mainstream media to play political games.

After all we can't let the people democratically elect moral and ethical representatives can we?
Jed said:
Colour me cynical.  If and when they get punted the result will not be a bunch of corruption being exposed; it will be just like all the BS surrounding the Obama / Hillary era across the border. It will all be obfuscated by the Global Elitist tycoons and their minions using the mainstream media to play political games.

After all we can't let the people democratically elect moral and ethical representatives can we?

What was I thinking?  :facepalm:
Jed said:
Colour me cynical.  If and when they get punted the result will not be a bunch of corruption being exposed; it will be just like all the BS surrounding the Obama / Hillary era across the border. It will all be obfuscated by the Global Elitist tycoons and their minions using the mainstream media to play political games.

After all we can't let the people democratically elect moral and ethical representatives can we?

Like the replacements for Obama / Clinton?  Trump.  Giuliani.  McConnell.  The whole cast of unsavoury characters surrounding the administration.  That kind of moral and ethical?

As to Global Elitist Tycoons.....please enlighten me as to who, exactly, they are, what their end state is, and from whence they draw their power / influence.  Please be sure to give me a Koch brother for every Soros.
PPCLI Guy said:
Like the replacements for Obama / Clinton?  Trump.  Giuliani.  McConnell.  The whole cast of unsavoury characters surrounding the administration.  That kind of moral and ethical?

As to Global Elitist Tycoons.....please enlighten me as to who, exactly, they are, what their end state is, and from whence they draw their power / influence.  Please be sure to give me a Koch brother for every Soros.
  Maybe I should have said NWO Elitist Tycoons.  Mere Political Party status means nothing to them really. You are the one that assumed I was picking on just Democrat’s. How about the big Cable News talking heads that say stuff just to sell a product. None of them seem to have the well being of the country or the people in mind. It’s all about the Benjamins Baby.
Globalist or Internationalist. Is there a difference?

Capitalist or Socialist?
Fascist or Communist?
Liberal or Fabian?

My problem is with the word Order in New World Order.

In my world a little Order goes a very long way and, like garlic, should be used sparingly, so as not to overpower.
Target Up said:
If they get punted, I can just imagine the floodgates opening and a lot of before unheard of shenanigans will come spilling out.  here's hoping, anyway.

'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.' Michael Corleone

Based on that 'Godfather' principle, he'll probably keep them :)
daftandbarmy said:
'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.' Michael Corleone

Based on that 'Godfather' principle, he'll probably keep them :)

Sure. He might try to keep them. But I think a strong majority of caucus has likely had enough.  If they decide she has to go at least it stops being an internal problem.

Also I think JWRs political future is now in doubt.  Whatever one may feel about this situation the fact remains that she will likely never be trusted again by anyone.

Let’s say she does run for the leadership at the provincial level which is something I have heard, how can anyone in her own cabinet ever trust that they are not being recorded?  If I were them or her leader I would be recording everything.  That removes any possibility of confidence and candour behind the scenes.

Once she is out Trudeau has two options.  Call a spring election to change the channel maybe or resign and let someone else salvage what they can.
[quote author=Remius] how can anyone in her own cabinet ever trust that they are not being recorded?  If I were them or her leader I would be recording everything. 

You answered your own question good sir.
Why would anyone in their own cabinet ever trust that they weren't being recorded?

Thats my rule #4 for new leaders. Always assume every conversation you have is being recorded and every action you do is being videotaped.
Jarnhamar said:
You answered your own question good sir.
Why would anyone in their own cabinet ever trust that they weren't being recorded?

Thats my rule #4 for new leaders. Always assume every conversation you have is being recorded and every action you do is being videotaped.

Or, putting it another way: never say anything you may live to regret, anywhere, any time, no matter what the circumstances.
Chris Pook said:
Or, putting it another way: never say anything you may live to regret, anywhere, any time, no matter what the circumstances.

Ditto. Absolutely, ditto.

This took longer than expected.  I figured members of the Liberal caucus would be much quicker to chastise JWR for unethical behaviour.  The focus will now shift away from what was said to how it was captured.  Another attempt to change the channel.  The only problem with that is that it appears that JWR is holding the remote.
Haggis said:
This took longer than expected.  I figured members of the Liberal caucus would be much quicker to chastise JWR for unethical behaviour.  The focus will now shift away from what was said to how it was captured.  Another attempt to change the channel.  The only problem with that is that it appears that JWR is holding the remote.

Trudeau's Liberals criticizing someone for ethics? Brilliant. I personally couldn't be happier with how the Liberals have handled this and continue to do so.

I'm bet most people have at one point in their careers either been in a private conversation with their boss they wish they recorded, or, had some kind of stressful conversation about work issues where they felt ganged up on and wish they recorded it. Canadians definitely won't identify with the position JWR felt she was in and won't see this as a desperate attempt to deflect  ::)

Haggis said:
This took longer than expected.  I figured members of the Liberal caucus would be much quicker to chastise JWR for unethical behaviour.  The focus will now shift away from what was said to how it was captured.  Another attempt to change the channel.  The only problem with that is that it appears that JWR is holding the remote.

It's not unethical, nor was it illegal in any way. On the face it's a personal recording that just happened to become relevant to another portion of the case. Nothing to see.
Fishbone Jones said:
It's not unethical, nor was it illegal in any way. On the face it's a personal recording that just happened to become relevant to another portion of the case. Nothing to see.

Not according to Patty Hadju who is still hooked on our version of Flavor Aid
Hamish Seggie said:
Not according to Patty Hadju who is still hooked on our version of Flavor Aid

Meh. Typical grit. 'If I don't think it's right, nobody should think it's right.' Much like the rest of the thoughtless propaganda that's been floating the left along for almost four years. People have learned that just because a liberal says something, it is far from certain whether it is the truth or not. Every decision they make has to be questioned. It has become the norm to look 180 degrees to see if the truth actually lies there instead. That just shows the immense distrust Canadians have of this government. The first SOP for this party, when fighting to back up their lies, is to demonize and smear the offending actor. It is all it's been doing during this mandate. Four years later and it's still all Harper's fault :rofl:. There is no 'taking responsibility' there. Only baseless blame and full court press on your integrity, as far as they can twist it with lies.

The very last thing any liberal should be doing is speaking of ethics from a position of authority.
Another filibuster coming...

Conservative MP Poilievre launches budget debate filibuster over SNC-Lavalin

Published Monday, April 1, 2019 12:35PM EDT 
Last Updated Monday, April 1, 2019 1:25PM EDT 

OTTAWA – Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre is set to begin what he's promising will be a "marathon speech" filibustering debate on the 2019 budget, over the SNC-Lavalin scandal.

"I will speak for hours and hours on end until the prime minister agrees to end the coverup and begin the investigation," Poilievre announced shortly before stepping into the House of Commons on Monday.

He said that he is prepared to continue speaking until the Liberals agree to Conservatives' call to re-open the House Justice Committee study on the matter

This procedural tactic is permitted because the House is beginning debate on the 2019 budget document, which comes with unique rules and is separate from any coming debate on the budget implementation bill that is yet to be tabled.

The rules of the House of Commons allows for up to four days of debate on the budget itself, and this takes precedence over all other business until this debate concludes. There is a provision that allows the first speaker for the Opposition to speak for an unlimited amount of time.

Therefore, Poilievre, who is taking that first speaking slot for the Conservatives, will be given the floor indefinitely.

"I will be using that ability to demand that the government end the cover up," he said. Typically if an MP is veering too far off-topic in their speech, the Speaker can intervene and cut them off, though the budget debate "allows for a wide-ranging debate, during which the rules of relevance are generally relaxed," according to Commons procedure.

The filibuster can only continue during "government orders," however, meaning that he’ll have to put his protest on pause during question period.

More at link
