First off, Congrats! I'm assuming this is an OT from Infantry, as you are currently in Edmonton. It's a great place to perform OJT. Mind you, you will probably think that any place is great for OJT, right about now. When does your 3's start, is the question?
The Odds of getting posted back are difficult to say. I can give you my opinion, and that's it. You already have roots in Edmonton, which is definitely beneficial. However, the Career Managers of our trade really push for deployability and ability to move around towards improving the member's career progression. The amount of time you already have in Edmonton is what could effect this. The less time you have there, the more favourable it is for you to stay. The longer you have, the more chance you may be posted. Granted, there are many that have only seen the East Coast/West Coast (whatever the case may be), but the goal is to have a well rounded FF. Remember.....this is just my opinion, based upon my experience of what I've seen.
Tours are becomming available as I speak. Unfortunately, the general requirement is to have your Journeyman qualification (QL5). The other item is whether there are actually enough qualified personnel in the current Firehall, so as to allow someone to leave on a tour. This is the biggest problem of our trade right now, the manning shortages. Regardless, a simple memo requesting a tour is usually gladly accepted and placed on your file.
The "Cpl" item is more of a guideline for Direct Entry personnel. But you are basically unemployable until your 4's package and Journeyman course is complete. After which, you can pretty well guarantee of a posting. This generally takes less than 4 years......again, due to us having to push personnel through in order to get qualified personnel. Ironically, and this is just my opinion, we are getting the qualifications, but little to no experience. It's unfortunate.
Ship can be volunteered for, but you will be going either there or to the Joint NBCD Company at least once in your career. Prehaps to both. This is based upon your Journeyman qualification (I bet you see a common occurrance here).
I'll give you more info on the FireFighter Physical Fitness Maintenance Program (FF PFMP) - aka: PT Test a little later, when I get the book in front of me. In the meantime, if you are familiar with the Firefighter Combat Challenge, out test is loosely based upon it. Running is good training, naturally. But running is forbidden on the Fire Scene, just for general info.
Anyway, I'll get you more info soonest. Welcome to the Fire Service