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All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephanie
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Hey Y'all,

A BIIIIG thank-you to Heatwave, Buddyhfx, & Rusty for your input, guys. Seriously, as one of us newbies mentioned earilier, this sure beats receiving mono-syllabic grunts from the recruiters!

Here's a question for now:

Once having applied for Fr Ftr, I understand it can take some time until a position opens up, and even then, it is quite competitive. Hypothetically, if it takes 6-12 months before I get contacted for a Fr Ftr position, what would they have me doing in the mean time? I understand I'll have signed on for the CF full-time. I'll do anything, but do you guys have any recommendations? Perhaps a position where I could learn some EMR skills - which might allow me to be better qualified? Maybe medic? Ideas?

Thanks again, you guys rock!  :salute:
I wouldn't mind a little high angle, that's my forte, well sorta.  i rock climb and plan on taking the abseil instructor course that our RCIS schools offer, so that i may send cadets abseiling.

My next step i guess would be hauling ass down to a Rec. Center and see what they can do for me in terms of courses i have already taken through the CIC, time in rank as an Officer (less so as a cadet) and the following i did through post secondary program (copy and pasted from my resume :) ).  Please comment if any of this is relevant to training you guys do or have access to doing, just trying to get an idea:


Graduated from Fire Science Technology â “ protection major (3 yr. Program).
Lambton College Emergency Response Training Centre â “ NFPA 600 certification
Emergency Management Accreditation and Certification System â “ Advanced Interior/Exterior
Lambton College Emergency Response Training Centre â “ Hazardous Materials â “ Operations Level
Crisis Prevention Institute â “ Non Violent Crisis Intervention Training
Canadian  Forces â “ Military 404 (defensive driving and license qualification)
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
Confined Space Entry
St. John's Ambulance â “ First Aid and CPR

  I know when i was in school, they have a couple of boards in the classrooms where Dept's that have tarined there submit their shoulder flashes for a display wall.  There was a few from the CF.  Anybody ever done training in Sarnia ON ?

again, thanks for you knowledge and expertise.



Heatwave said:
Medical response has become a large part of our trade.   Currently, the goal is to have everyone Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) qualified.  

I currently hold the 'Medical Response Team Member" qualification in the job I'm at right now, and while the training time isn't that much more than Standard First Aid/CPR course (minus the hospital time - which we don't get due to time constraints) the level of knowledge on that course is far higher than just the normal Standard FA/CPR. The qualification also entitles you to oxygen and Defibrilator. Both of which are crucial pieces of kit to know how to use in this day and age.

I don't know if the qualifiaction demends it or not but we (my team) requalifies every 6 months.



I was also thinking of taking that course.  Is it required to recert. every 6 months, or just somthing your company pays for ?  i need to update my first aid for a civi Dept. applicant pool coming up.


I think our company is just anal about it...Though you can ask the folks that do our training.

here's a link to their site.



I'm not a FR FTR or a recruiter so take my comments for what they are worth and hopefully it will give you a bank of questions to ask when you go to a Recruiting Centre.

PViddy, are your 404's for SMP vehicles or only Civ pattern?  you may find that you might have to do a basic driver training course to update your 404's.  From there, you will move to airbrakes if you are not already qualified.  You may also find that your other CIC qualifications might not hold a lot of water in the RegF.  That is not meant to be a slag on the CIC, but I don't think anything you have experienced in the CIC is equivalent to BMQ

Asrail, I don't think you quite understand what a job offer and joining the CF are.  You cannot join the CF until you have a job offer.  After you apply and have passed testing and processing, you will be placed in compition for the occupation you applied for.  Once it has been determined that you are the best or one of the best candidates for your chosen occupation, you will be notified and asked to come for an enrollment ceremony.  You will also be told when your BMQ starts.  What you do between application and enrollment is your business, (school, work, vacation, whatever).  After enrollment and BMQ, you may wait some time before your occupational training begins.  During this time, you will probably be placed in an organization called Post Recruit Education Centre, (PRETC).  At PRETC, you will be loaded on any pre requisite training, (basic driver training, air brakes).  Once you gain any other qual needed to begin you occupational training, you might be loaded on things like OJT or EWAT, (EMPLOYMENT WHILE AWAITING TRAINING) at a CF fire hall at a CF base.  Hopefully you won't have wait too long before your occupational training starts, some guys at PRETC wait for months, six months is not unusual. 

PViddy, are your 404's for SMP vehicles or only Civ pattern?  you may find that you might have to do a basic driver training course to update your 404's.  From there, you will move to airbrakes if you are not already qualified.  You may also find that your other CIC qualifications might not hold a lot of water in the RegF.  That is not meant to be a slag on the CIC, but I don't think anything you have experienced in the CIC is equivalent to BMQ

Yea.  404 is civ pattern, i would still want to take the course anyways.  Rusty your absolutelty right about the CIC courses, i know they won't get me anything in the RegF except a chuckle, which is what they were IMHO.  I just copied and pasted everything, i had down.  I guess most of my post was directed to the fire guys.  I am expecting to get a higher IPC level most likely, if my education is recognized i can probably get some money after BMQ as well.  The short answer is....ask a recruiter.  thanks for the input

cheers guys


Rusty, thanks for saving me some typing, as your last post was not only what I was thinking as I read the questions, but it was accurate.  An ability to use your time pro-actively will aid immensely.  Such as the Air Brakes and Basic Driver Training Courses.

Slim, thanks for your input.  The EMR level training we're to be all qualified on will be much more intense than the Standard First Aid, as you mentioned.  This includes the length.  It is over 80 hrs training, which doesn't include the ride-along time.  You're right, as we currently carry O2 and Defibrilators on our vehicles, and they are important, but this is already part of our "First Responder" training which is received by most (some of the newbies have to catch up).  The EMR will add on things like starting IV's and Intibation.  I have one guy going on the "EMR Master Instructor Trainer" (aka: train the trainer) Course in December.  In a nutshell, if you're squeemish at the sight of blood or needles (which Slim obviously is not, so this is mostly for the others), perhaps this isn't the job for you.  By the way, the Fire Academy doesn't have the time nor facilities to teach medical response, so this is one of the many courses of which has to be followed up with at your new firehall.

PV, True that the Reg Force won't recognize most of your qualifications/courses, but it does show promise to a Recruiter that you are continuing to better yourself and personal knowledge in a certain field.  It's all about selling yourself, and the titles of these courses show that.  Face it, a Recruiter is not a SME in each field.  Your NFPA certifications will certainly be recognized by the Fire Academy, though. 

Hey all
I was just wondering if FF can be posted to submarines?It is something I would be interested in doing if I get my remuster.I understand that there are no Helo's but was wondering none the less.
No dice on the submarines.   This is a good thing because, before you know it, us firefighters would end up putting in work orders for screened windows.   After all, we've got one of the best views on ship (mainly speaking of Flyco on the CPF's), so why not carry that on to the subs?   ;D

Seriously, I don't think that you'll ever see Fire Fighters on sub, as our mandate is to do with the helicopter and Flight Deck Emergencies.

Although, sea pay plus the submarine pay would be good, don't you think heatwave  ;) Ya Ya just dreaming, I know you're not entitled sea pay if you get sub pay... But seriously, they wouldn't pay me enough to sail on a Sub.

I would be too tall to sail on a sub, all the bulkheads would have dents in them  ;D What is the dress of the day for the FF trade ? i am assuming cover alls (well the flight suits rather).  Are FF on tthe whole cadpat train ?


Our dress of the day at the firehall and onboard ships is coveralls and yes since the Air Force got rid of the old work dress, we were issued CadPat mostly for when we deployed in operational theatre.

Hey guys,

I thought their was too much of a lull in tthe question onslaught so i was pondering this the other day while driving, i probably know the answer but just curious. Do they issue FFtr's any badges (tin, shields in a wallet) or ID (besides Mil ID obviously) that says you are a FF, maybe for inspections etc. just wondering, i mean a lot of civi dept's do.

Also anybody got any action shotts on the fire grounds they feel like posting ?


Reference the Coveralls question, I would just like to add to Buddyhfx's comments.  These are Nomex/aramid fibre coveralls, and not Flight suits, as PV may have thought.  In fact, they are even a little different design from the flight line crew "covies."

As far as the Cadpat, I recently returned from a meeting stating that the whole goal is to have our coveralls provided in CADPAT.  Currently, we have to use up the blue ones still in the supply system.  From that point, we will proceed with newer Olive Drab coveralls.  With the endstate being full provision of CADPAT coveralls.  This won't happen overnight, but it's in the works.

Hmmmm.....pictures, eh?  I'm sure something can be dredged up.  Any ideas from your end buddy?  I haven't posted photos on this sight as of yet, so I'll have to look into that further.  Good idea!

Badges (as in real tin) have, to my knowledge, never been provided through the Military Fire Service.  However, many FF's have purchased their own from the same area, which generally is recognized by most.  Due to our multiple postings, a badge couldn't affordably be made to state location.  I guess one could be eventually made to represent the DND/CF as a whole.  I believe the MP's get one issued.  Years ago, the Fire Inspectors used to wear a badge (perhaps still do at some bases), but these too were purchased, and not issued.  Now you've got me thinking as to why not have them issued.  Thanks, I will look into this further...seriously!


Ya, just curious.  a badge may come in handy.  nomex cadpat coveralls ? that's cool.  I have a few pics, let's see if this works...

training with a rather large pit fire at school


foam cannon and high vol. hose.....good times! (i'm the tall guy on nozzle)


hope it works



I do have pictures from my 3's, I would have to scan them but meanwhile here's a link with a lot of pics, mostly from CF/DND firefighters.


When I was up the school a couple of years ago, one of the staff there was trying to get a project going for the issuing of badges to all firefighters with numbers and everything. Never heard anything since but like Heatwave said, most of the guys purchase their own.

As far as the coveralls goes, I can go with the olive green but for the CadPat one, hopefully I'll retire before this comes out. If they're going to go that route, why not go with the CadPat shirts and pants with Nomex protection like the americans do. I think this would solve the dress issue once and for all.

Just my opinion...



that's a great site.

I am not sure i asked this before but for station FF's how do shifts work ? 10's and 12's ?


I think that most of the halls now all work the same shift which is: 4 days starting on a Monday, 6 days off, 4 nights, 4 days off, 3 days, 3 nights, 4 days off and than we start all over again. 1 day = 9 hrs and 1 night = 15 hrs. It's a pretty good shift once you get use to it and the good thing about this rotation is that you're garanteed 2 week-ends off per month.

Yes, I sure do miss shiftwork.  We can't forget the "Day Staff" which is like a shift in itself.  They consist mainly of Management (Fire Chief/Deputy Fire Chief/Secretary) and the Fire Inspection Cell, and work Monday to Friday.  Often, in the idea of sharing the load and training, the Fire Inspectors are rotated from the crews to the Inspection Cell.  Almost anyone can end up in the Inspection Cell, and it is a great idea to get involved with it at least once during your career. 
