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All things beardy-2005 to 2018 (merged)

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Spectrum said:
Yes, but god help you if you're caught wearing a non-issued one without a valid medical chit.

Bloody hell,  l can only imagine what Logistik and the dress committee would do to it.  But then, Pastafarian dress is Pirate themed, which would be cool.
So word around the street is the CANFORGEN for beards is hot off the press and good to go. Can anyone confirm or deny these claims? My poor face needs to know!!!! I don’t wanna show up on shift my next set with a beard and get destroyed by the CoC...

Thanks in advance.
coyote489 said:
I don’t wanna show up on shift my next set with a beard and get destroyed by the CoC...

So shave until you get to work and hear it, or see the full text posted here.

As for status, friend of mine went to Ottawa for a full day of briefings from CMP. During those briefs, they touched on the updated dress regs. Allegedly the draft CANFORGEN (or BEARDFORGEN) has been sent to and approved by all element CWOs, and is waiting the final ticks in the box. We're basically on short final at this point. Apparently the rule will just extend the RCN rule and standard for beards to all elements.
Yah obviously. I’m not the one to jump the gun like that. Just a tad excited about this one is all....
Spectrum said:
Never understood the institutional obsession with policing beards and boots.  :boring:


Care for yourself and your kit.

My understanding is 1 CMBG is letting the troops grow beards, not sure if or when everyone else is going to catch up.
Eisensapper said:
My understanding is 1 CMBG is letting the troops grow beards, not sure if or when everyone else is going to catch up.

Until a CANFORGEN is released, this is contrary to the CAF Dress Instructions.
What came down was to submit a memo stating your intention to grow a beard. So does that mean once the memo is submitted you're good to stop shaving? That's the question.
TrunkMonkey315 said:
What came down was to submit a memo stating your intention to grow a beard. So does that mean once the memo is submitted you're good to stop shaving? That's the question.

Maybe from your CoC. Clearly individual units are putting their own spin on what came down from higher.
kratz said:
Until a CANFORGEN is released, this is contrary to the CAF Dress Instructions.

I'm pretty sure the Bde Comd had the consent of the Div Comd, I would assume because the CANFORGEN is not long in coming, I had heard it was to drop today, that obviously didn't happen, but I doubt it's far away. 
TrunkMonkey315 said:
What came down was to submit a memo stating your intention to grow a beard. So does that mean once the memo is submitted you're good to stop shaving? That's the question.

I would hope we avoid the entire writing a memo for this...I don't think any CO wants to be flooded with 100's of memos...
Guys showed up today unshaven, were sent home to shave until their memo is approved.

Unit experiences may differ.
The Army needs to adopt the request form.  Much easier and much more practical for mundane things like cease shaving.
Halifax Tar said:
The Army needs to adopt the request form.  Much easier and much more practical for mundane things like cease shaving.

Or not use any forms and allow leaders to...well lead. 

"Hey Sgt, I am going to grow a beard" 
"Right on brah" and then thinks I'll monitor it but he is an adult and until he proves otherwise it is all good.

Navy_Pete said:
More importantly, when can we adopt a goatee and man bun? ;D

I asked the CFSU(O) CWO when I was in Ottawa last if Goatee's are on the table as they are with the RCMP, he said no that's a dead issue :-/
Old EO Tech said:
I asked the CFSU(O) CWO when I was in Ottawa last if Goatee's are on the table as they are with the RCMP, he said no that's a dead issue :-/
Concur. IMHO that should be a HARD NO!

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Old EO Tech said:
I asked the CFSU(O) CWO when I was in Ottawa last if Goatee's are on the table as they are with the RCMP, he said no that's a dead issue :-/

So...soul patches then?  Neat and doesn't affect the gas mask seal.

I just heard a nasty rumour that BEARDFORGEN has been reversed because the air force didn't buy in. This came to me through two sources commenting on a mutual friend's Facebook post. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? Apparently the news just came down today.
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