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All things beardy-2005 to 2018 (merged)

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I was on Roto 7 from Valcartier.  Many of the guys had their heads shaven but full beards.  I remember overhearing a couple of PPCLI officers in the Mess Tent at Wainwright one supper.  They were scowling and wondering why the hell all these guys could shave their heads but not their face.  I just smiled and kept my tongue.
Jarnhamar said:
Not only will beards make us succeptable to nation wide cbrn attacks but also lead to the collapse of dress and deportment standards.

Why did I read that in SgtMaj Sixta's voice?
[quote author=Oldgateboatdriver]

Our enemies are chomping at the bit now: All these years they've been wanting to gas Canadians from coast to coast, or cause radiation generating events in our large cities, but were held back by the certain knowledge that, other than a few seamen, the CAF was beardless![/quote]
Right?! And now our last line of defense is breached.

Sorry Jarnhamar, I can't tell if you were serious or being sarcastic.
That was a big ol' sardonic torpedo  ;)

The canforgen on beards is already ambiguous enough that anyone can essentially, easily, grow one. The only obstacle being being chains of command with their disproving  "Oh ya?!" long memories.
What's next?  Men being permitted the same earring standards as women?
dapaterson said:
What's next?  Men being permitted the same earring standards as women?

Different standards of dress for men and women isn't inclusive or very 2018 if you ask me. When will the CAF reflect society gender-neutral standards? I'd look smashing in a DEU skirt, beard, earrings and shoulder length hair  :nod:
Jarnhamar said:
Different standards of dress for men and women isn't inclusive or very 2018 if you ask me. When will the CAF reflect society gender-neutral standards? I'd look smashing in a DEU skirt, beard, earrings and shoulder length hair  :nod:

You should see the bra and crotchless panties I'm wearing right this minute.  :nod:
jollyjacktar said:
You should see the bra and crotchless panties I'm wearing right this minute.  :nod:

No, no we shouldn’t .
Media images of a certain ex-colonel...
dapaterson said:
What's next?  Men being permitted the same earring standards as women?
Well the word l have heard, from the same CWOs’ net as delivered the beards permissible as if this summer message, is that man buns and braids will be allowed for everybody at the same time as the beards are authorized.

I am speculating that we will move to gender neutral dress regs.  You will be able to get those earrings, grow your goatee, and order that nice DEU skirt from the LogisticsUnicorps site.

MCG said:
Well the word l have heard, from the same CWOs’ net as delivered the beards permissible as if this summer message, is that man buns and braids will be allowed for everybody at the same time as the beards are authorized.

I am speculating that we will move to gender neutral dress regs.  You will be able to get those earrings, grow your goatee, and order that nice DEU skirt from the LogisticsUnicorps site.

Honestly, the cat is out of the bag already so we may as well go all the way. 
I always wondered what dress regs I had to follow if I identified as a gender that wasn't male or female. Just wanted to find the right RSM to ask to see his/her head explode...
MCG said:
Well the word l have heard, from the same CWOs’ net as delivered the beards permissible as if this summer message, is that man buns and braids will be allowed for everybody at the same time as the beards are authorized.

Wait, when are beards being authorized? :prancing:
Kinda funny, I just had an SSM come and see me and inform me that Naval personnel weren't allowed to have beards.

I referred him to dress regs.
Sabaton said:
i found the reference for these change you guys should read  the dress and ceremonial meeting the minutes are available on the dwan its under history and heritage chief of military pers  check the 2017 november minutes


All it says basically is "Beard policy change....MTF"  I for one can't wait, we have had these WW2/Korea era archaic policies that if your soldiers aren't shaving, how do you know they are staying clean in the field?  Which is totally a leadership issue that you don't need to punish everyone for.  And since I live in PPCLI-land I'm not worried about my Div Comd(who is Armoured and barely cuts his hair :-/) putting caveats on the policy, so I should be throwing away my razors on day 2 of the CANFORGEN :P

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