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All About RESO (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter rolandstrong
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I was wondering if anyone knows more about this entry plan than what is presented on the site? I'm going into grade 12, and when I go to University I would like to be in the reserves. Can you apply as soon as you get accepted into a University or do you have to wait till you actually start your studies? Also I've read unlike other reserve entry training plans the recruiting center is the place to start rather than a reserve unit, is that true as well?
RESO doesn't technically exist anymore, I'd suggest you approach the unit you're interested in joining and see their recruiter, they can give you the most up to date information and start the process for you.  Officer selection processes vary by unit, some will want you to serve as a non-commissioned member first, some will start the ball rolling to take you in as an officer immediately.  It's a long process so you'd be well advised to start now.
doesn't exist anymore, but it's on the website? I also have to wait till I get accepted to a University before I know what unit to apply too.
Bobert said:
doesn't exist anymore, but it's on the website? I also have to wait till I get accepted to a University before I know what unit to apply too.

You'll discover once you're in just how quickly things change - unless they have recycled the term RESO - but it used to refer to a particular entry plan that no longer exists.  No matter, you can still join!

Once you know where you are going then contact the local unit.  You could start the ball rolling at the recruiting centre (which is how I initially started because I changed which unit I was going to join no less than three times!), but the final selection will be completed with your receiving unit.  The sooner you can start, the better.
Does anyone have any official and/or first-hand knowledge of what the requirements are to get commissioned Second Lieutenant under the RESO plan?
From my experience:

University degree complete = 2Lt on enrolement.
University degree not complete = 2Lt on completion of Phase II

Ok, so I'm thinking about joining the primary reserve. Couple of questions.
1. I'm finishing my second year towards a business degree in april, but can I still be an officer in the infantry? Or does your degree get you placed somewhere where you use it?
2. If I apply, and I want to join infantry, can I still be reimbursed? The reserve site makes it seem that your degree has to be applicable to your military job.
skomes said:
Ok, so I'm thinking about joining the primary reserve. Couple of questions.
1. I'm finishing my second year towards a business degree in april, but can I still be an officer in the infantry? Or does your degree get you placed somewhere where you use it?
2. If I apply, and I want to join infantry, can I still be reimbursed? The reserve site makes it seem that your degree has to be applicable to your military job.

1.  Yes, you can join the infantry.  No one cares what your degree is in basically.

2.  I don't know if the tuition reimbursement program still exists - I think it was shut down - but if it still exists then it will be fine.  There's not really any degrees "applicable" to infantry, so they accept anything.
Hey guys,
I've called my local unit, local CFRC and even asked questions at the information session given by my local unit.  Unfortunately I've gotten three different answers every time.
I'm currently in my 2nd year working towards a bachelors in microbiology/immunology.  I've applied to join as an Infantry Officer but my question is what courses will I have to take and how long are they?

So far I've gotten three different answers:
1. BMQ -> Phase I-III
2. BOTC -> Phase I-III
3. Phase I-III

So which is it?!

You're partly right - wtih some overlap. BMQ and BOTC I are the same thing - in the reserve army world basic recruit training is identical for all ranks - usually 20 days or four weeks in the summer (also can be done part-time on weekends during the fall/winter). BOTC II varies in length - now about nine days. Once BOTC 1&2 is done you are qualified to attend CAP or Common Army Phase (or Phase 2) which now runs about ten weeks (can also be done in two week modules for those with limited availability - at least that's the theory). After that you begin actual MOC training which in your case would be Phase 3 - or the infantry platoon commanders course which runs about 8-9 weeks in its revamped version. After that you're qualified for promotion to Lt. Some reserve officers will apply to take Phase 4 or Mechanized Infantry (working with LAVs and attendant tactics) commander's course but it's not a given in the reserve world. 

That's the best info I have - others might have additional details.

cheers and good luck, mdh
How much of it can you do weekends only? How much requires full time training?
BMQ can be done on weekends (10 total, I believe).  BOTP, CAP, and trade classification training (ie "Phase III") are all "full time" courses, though they are mostly modularized into two-week blocks.
Just to add to the question's posted; are you allowed to switch major's if you choose to do so, or even switch into an entirely new university? Also, is it possible to, before getting your degree, switch into a RegForce entry plan.  For example doing RESO for three years, getting accepted into medical school in your third year, and then apply for MOTP.

    Would like to know if anyone had any information on the Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers? I'm curious about how it works, acceptance, general info, etc.. I'm thinking of going this way since I'm slowly starting to doubt I'll get into ROTP with my marks.  :(

Also, how do PRes to RegF transfers work with officers? Is it the same as with NCMs?

Good Evening, I'm a grade 12 student currently accepted at the University of Toronto engineering (mechanical) program and interested in being part of the army. I visited the Canadian forces website and read the ROTP and ROSE programs. My questions about the ROSE program are:
1)When is the deadline to apply? (Is it still possible for me to do the Basic Training this coming summer?)
2)Is it possible to work more than just one weekday and weekend per month, during my academic year?
3)Are there any scholarships or bursaries to help pay tuition fees?
4)Are there any fees that I have to pay in ROSE program?
Hello everyone,

I have a little more than a year to go into university or college. And I've caught attention to the RESO from the DND website while searching up units and related matters on the official DND and Forces websites.

After searching around 2 hours of posts using search function to the request of administrators.... for they hate repeated posts...
I only found outdated and side topics from half a decade ago.

So my question is, is the RESO program still valid or present within the service? Thinking it as a viable option with other Post Secondary destinations, ROTP too.
Any personal stories that anyone would like to share? And is it possible to transfer to RESO after applying or completing Reserve BMQ?

BTW background story: Applying for Reserves at the moment, took CFAT a few months ago, good outlook says Mr.Military Career Counselor...asked him if I qualify for officers, he said yup. Then told me the story about ROTP and uh... transferring from Reserve to Regulars as an option but that's like miles ahead.

Also read a U.S. commentator on this website saying that: CF RESO officer commands "shadow units" and "paper companies" which supposedly mean units of unmanned capacity. Doesn't really seem realistic though for he's American commenting on another nation's military. Well I don't know, I'm just plotting ahead.

Thank you in advance, if your want more detail please feel free to ask.

untouchables said:
I only found outdated and side topics from half a decade ago.
5 years ago is pretty recent info…

untouchables said:
So my question is, is the RESO program still valid or present within the service?

untouchables said:
Any personal stories that anyone would like to share?
I was a RESO from 86 to 91 and then transferred to the regular force as a DEO.  I enjoyed the RESO program.  I made as much salary (if not more, depending on the year) during my summer contracts as a full-time ROTP and got to parade with an actual unit during the school year.  Win-win.

untouchables said:
And is it possible to transfer to RESO after applying or completing Reserve BMQ?

untouchables said:
Also read a U.S. commentator on this website saying that: CF RESO officer commands "shadow units" and "paper companies" which supposedly mean units of unmanned capacity
This is true at the company and above level but most reserve units can muster a platoon sized element and that’s the level where a RESO officer is going to command anyways.
THANK YOU very much your answer was simple,precise yet detailed ;D , I was a little concerned of the dates due to the many changes in the Canadian Forces in the past decade and the fact that some recruiters tell some recruits of the possible phase-out of the RESO in the near future ..in which dating from the post could be now.

And what is the availability of RESO? I heard that positions vary by unit or something. BTW i'm in the Toronto Area. Any insight on that?

Thank you again  ;D