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All About RESO (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter rolandstrong
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I am looking at becoming an infantry officer, so what does phase 3 consist of? MOC?
Thanks for all the input so far.
Well I just got off the phone with my recruiting officer and as I am 12 credits away from receiving my degree, and I am not attending school full time, I will not be eligible for entry into the officer training programs. She quoted a recent change? So needless to say, thank you for your feedback on the officer training, I will be entering as a NCM.
Thanks again.

I am a student studying at McGill, who has just applied to the modern day RESO program. Can you provide any more information than you already have? The recruiting officer I spoke to wasn't sure of the programme's details, and thought I might *have* to do my BMQ during the spring, on the weekends, and then SQ in July. However, what you posted seems to suggest that I can do it all at once, in the summer? Indeed, this would be best for me...

As well, the recruiting officer didn't think that it was a problem that I'm in my second year of school already, despite the DND web-page suggesting that applicants be in their first year. Is this true or not? And if I *cannot* pursue this RESO programme, is there any other way for me to become an officer in the reserve?

I've searched the forums, and the DND website--I hope that I have not missed the answers to my questions elsewhere.

Much thanks.
IIRC, RESO as an entry scheme hasn't been used for a couple of years.  As a potential Res Officer, you need BOTC, which is BMQ and an additional leadership element.  For various reasons, you take the BMQ with the Pte (R).  The timing of that depends on when it is being run.  BMQ can be done locally on weekends or full time during the summer.  As an Officer candidate, you would not take SQ but CAP(R).  That is a 6 week course, IIRC, at Gagetown.  After that would be your trades courses.
Sometimes a seperate BMQ is run for officers-only, if there are enough candidates to fill a course.  31CBG ran an officer-only "BMOQ" last winter (12 weekends).  Candidates of an officer-only BMOQ are still required to do the leadership week, however.
The old RESO progam doesn't exist any more.  It's been replaced by the current system of modular training - which as EOWYN has noted, is broke down into CAP-R (Common Army Phase - Reserve) followed by your trade course.  CAP-R in turn can be done in two week segments if you cannot get 6 weeks off at a stretch - probably not a concern for you if you're a student.  The Reserve Platoon Commander (RPC) course runs about 7-8 weeks after CAP-R is finished.  It is possible to do the whole thing - CAP-R and RPC in one summer.

Thanks a lot! This is wonderful news. Having submitted my application two weeks ago, I hope that it gets processed soon, and that I can make the summer training session.

Wish me luck, ladies and gentlemen! I hope to see some of you in the field some day :)
I have two questions the first is for the Reserve Entry Scheme for Officer r there certain course's i would have to take. second if i go through this program a become an officer can i switch to the regular force and still by an officer?



I suggest that you do a search on the Recruiting forum.  There is a strong likelihood that you will find the information that you are seeking in exhaustive detail. 

No offence intended, but it becomes somewhat tiresome for the established members of this board to answer the same questions ad nauseum.

Best of luck in your military endeavors.

I am currently in grade 12 and thinking about an Intelligence Officer position in the Air Force Reserves via the Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers.  I reside around Edmonton and I will have to wait at least until February, so that I can register for university and then begin the application process for RESO.

I have read the information posted on various websites so I am slightly familiar with the recruitment process.  If the application is initiated around mid-February will it be processed by the time summer comes around, so I can start basic training?  Also for the Air Force Reserves, will the training be in another province somewhere or simply here, around Edmonton?  If it is somewhere else, how exactly does the transportation aspect work at the beginning and at the end of the training?

Also, is it harder to get into a reserve officer program as opposed to something else in the reserves?  Anyone have any advice on how I should proceed regarding my situation?  Is there anything I should really know before doing anything else with this?

Any help appreciated
Hi Al1212,

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think you will find that the air reserve will only accept so-called "skilled" applicants as Intelligence Officers, which means that regular force guys trained as IOs decide to leave the regular force and join the reserve on a part-time basis.   If you revisit the air reserve website you will see several categories of MOCs (military occupations) that are "unskilled" ranging from public affairs officers to logistics officers which might be open to you as a RESO.   As a rule the air reserve usually has very few positions to fill and it tends to be focused on former regular force personnel. As for training, there isn't much flexibility when it comes to students or professional working people.   You pretty much have to accept the reserve's alloted training periods and they can run at any time of year. When I enquired I was told that training for one MOC would run from Feb. to May.   That being said I suggest you post this in the air force section where you might get additional insight.   Good luck, mdh
I beleive that the Inteligence officer courses are done at the CF school of inteligence and security in at 16 wing Borden in Ontario.  Some one else can correct me if i am wrong.  As far as transportation goes , the CF will arrange and pay for transportation for you to and from training.
Coming from the Air Reseve Clerk sitting next to me:

You will take all reg force courses in the Air Reserve.  They will try to schedule courses around your civie life but they are still reg force courses in duration and not broken up.  You will go to St Jean for BOTC and carry on from there.  Have you talked to the unit to see if they have a position for a Int O?  If not then they won't train you as one.
I would advise going to the 408 Sqn and inquiring with ARAF (Air Reserve Augementation Flight) as to what positions would be available.
Last time i was at 408 it was wa WO doing the int over there...mind you that was 4 years ago. But ammo tech is right. BOTC is in St-Jean and the int school is in Borden.
Sorry aesop, the MP school is in Borden, the Int school is in Kingston. I had a good friend just go through there last year.
Inch said:
Sorry aesop, the MP school is in Borden, the Int school is in Kingston. I had a good friend just go through there last year.

Oh ok.......i though they were the same school.......oops..now i know
This might help....from the air reserve recruiting site:

Air Reserve military occupations are listed below.  Primary occupations, designated "(P)" are open to all applicants.  Secondary occupations, designated "(S)" are open to skilled or semi-skilled applicants only, which means that the applicant must have some or all of the trade skills prior to enrolment.  Take a few minutes to browse through the descriptions to discover which ones appeal most to you.  Then contact the Air Reserve Flight nearest you to find out about the openings available in your local area. 


Pilot (S)
Air Navigator (S)
Flight Engineer (S)
Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator (S)
Aircraft Maintenance Team

Aerospace Engineering Officer (P)
Aviation System Technician (P)
Aircraft Structures Technician (P)
Airfield Support Team

Communications & Electronics Engineering Officer (P) 
Teletype Operator
Aerospace Telecommunication & Information Systems Technician (P)
Airfield Engineering Team

Refrigeration and Mechanical Technician (P)
Electrical Distribution Technician (P)
Electrical Generation System Technician (P)
Plumbing & Heating Technician (P)
Water, Fuels and Environmental Technician (P)
Construction Technician (P)
Construction Engineering Superintendent (S)
Field Engineer (S)
Logistics Team

Personnel Administration (P)
Logistics (P)
Vehicle Technician (P)
Supply Technician (P)
Cook (P)
Mobile Support Equipment Operator (P)
Resource Management Support Clerk (P) 
Military Police (P)
Security Officer (P)
Photo Technician (P)
Public Affairs (P)
Traffic Technician (P)
Intelligence Operator (S)
Intelligence Officer (S)
Medical Team

Medical (Officer) (P)
Medical Assistant (P)
Nursing (P)
Spiritual Team

Chaplain - Protestant (P)

Musician (P)
Music (Officer) (S)
When i submitted my papers to the Canadian Scottish Regiment in victoria, i wanted to sign up under the Reserve Entry Scheme-Officers. from what i understand of it, it's taliored for university/ college students who want to join the reserves. Naturally if you were going reg force, you'd have to finish your degree or do ROTP. a select few get to take their degree at the school of their choice (i've forgotten the acronym). RESO, as i understand it, isn't much different from the normal reserve commitment (one day/wk, one wkend / month) plus the summer for training.

I read it also provides an academic incentive of 2000$ for successfully completing a year of post-secondary schooling, up to a maximum of 8000$.

Now, here's where i'm getting a bit confused. (feel free, btw, to clarify anything i wrote. if someone's in RESO right now, i'd love some more details about it) the recruiting NCM told me that the program's 2000$ incentive was under review to get a modest increase.. probably a rumour, but if anyone's heard about it, please chime in :P . a few weeks later, i talked to an officer from that same regiment who told me he heard that the RESO plan was being phased out...

So i'm looking for some clarification. any info is greatly appreciated

Just to add something along these lines...I have also applied for RESO with the Seaforths of Vancouver and I am a first year student at UBC. I was told that I will be commited to a four year program if I am accepted (ie. no messing around at school!). Just wondering if this is true, or if I would be able to extend my time if I were looking to take some extra courses etc. Also, I'm assuming that I would be an officer cadet until I get my degree? Thanks