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All About RESO (merged)

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If you do not have any degree, simply high school, but you qualify on the aptitude test, can you become an officer?
or is a degree necessary?
do you even need high school?
i am going in NCM over the summer, but plan on attending university in a couple of years, and then going officer perhaps.
This is more of a general interest question, but any input would be much appreciated.
You can be commissioned from the ranks, but I am not sure what they are looking for or what qualifications you need.

As for going in as an NCM and then becoming an officer, I have heard horror stories of people having to resign as an NCM from the Res and then re-sign up as an officer for the Reg force. It took a couple of years and was a major pain in the A$$.
Other than the occasional very rare MWO or CWO, I have not heard of any Reg Force NCM‘s getting a commision without a degree. The UTPNCM for example. The MWO‘s & CWO‘s who I know that have been commisioned without a degree in recent years have been filling a Commisioned Officers slot in a specialist area.
On my BOTC in St-Jean, we had numerous CFRs (Commissioned From the Ranks). None of them had degrees, nor did they remain at the school for a language profile. It seems that when a branch of the CF really wants that NCM to become an officer, all rules and regs go out the proverbial window.

As for going reg Officer from being a Res NCM, it wasn‘t that much of a big deal. In fact it was quite easy. The horror stories you hear about the Res NCM having the resign and then do the whole recruiting spiel over again, came from the days when the CT (component transfer) program was limited to the available trades that were open, compared to that of the local CFRC. For example, when I was CTing to Pilot, the MOC was open for civi‘s but not for CT. Did that make any sense, NOPE. Eventually some dimwit in Ottawa figured this out and made the MOC lists (for CTing)identical to that of the CFRC lists.

I plan on going for officer after completing a university degree in history and political science at
U of T or York.

Right now I‘m doing Res and training for Infantry over the summer.

I‘ll keep posting and tell everyone how it all goes.

:cdn: :warstory: :cdn:
You‘ll be a Communist Radical by the time you finish your poli. Sci. degree at York.

...or at the very least an ‘activist‘...
lol... my dad took poli sci at York and I fear getting into lengthy political discussions with him as I‘m quite sure he‘s been brainwashed thoroughly.

As for me, that‘s good news that members CFR‘ing without degrees have found a place. I am wondering if they are required to get a degree within a specified period?

At the rate I am doing with my distance ed, it could be 8-10 years before I finally have all the credits needed for a simple BA in history, through Waterloo. I will try to speed things up by seeing if they will apply credits for related work experience and work-related academic courses, but I‘m not holding my breath since customs/law enforcement has little to do with general arts and history specifically.

In any event, I intend to finish what I started before CFR‘ing. I hope to at least become a MCpl, which could be 4-5 years or more, before going through the process. I want to learn what it‘s like at the sharp end first! :) :mg:
I can‘t seem to find much info about reserve infantry officers, either in my province or elsewhere. I think last year at the information meeting they said that to be a reserve officer, you had to be in university or CEGEP. Is that right? ..And is the age minimum the same wheter the applicant is going for non-com or officer trades? (Could I be 17 and still be training to be an officer?)

I‘m interested in Infantry, as I said in the other topic, but would like to be an officer if I‘m not mistaken and I can do it while in CEGEP.
Throw in the fact that one can starve at the rate they pay us poor 2Lts in the Reserves... =)

I remember whenever the pay statements come and there‘s always one or two officer cadets and/or 2Lts who get Cpl pay and we‘d all be so jealous of the extra couple of hundred bucks they make.

I wonder if they write off JLC/PLQ for CAP
Needs some info.

Do new offrs always have to do BOTP-R/CAP-R or can their first courses be something different?

I‘m looking at the schedule for this summer in Gagetown and noticed that I may be loaded onto an INF OFFR Dismounted Course Phases 1-4 for Reserves -- which is 9 weeks long (although broken down into 2 week modules).

I was under the impression that I was to do BOTP-R/CAP-R first? Are they one in the same, or is the BOTP-R/CAP-R just a general army phase training that can be bypassed for something more specific?

I noticed that BOTP-R is 5 weeks and CAP-R is 4 weeks long (which equals the total week training for the dismounted modules).
As far as I know, you definately need to do
BOTP(R) first before you can do any other

What set of days are you in Gagetown?
I‘m currently pining for 03 May - 06 Jun.
Maybe I‘ll see you there?
I‘m looking at the schedule -- I‘m taking it that you will be there for CAP-R.

Well, I‘m not sure when I‘ll be there, I need to get confirmation from my OPs-O.

But, if I am on the INF OFFR-R Dismounted Course, than I will be there from 9 Jun to 1 Aug. If I‘m on the Army BOTP-R course, than I should be there from 9 June to 11 Jul and then from 14 Jul to 15 Aug for CAP-R.

Not sure as of yet. Will let you know.

BTW, how‘s your weekender BOTP-R going? Any words of advice?
well it looks like we‘re not going to have our
dates lined up for CAP(R). Hope you get a spot
on the 14 Jul CAP, I heard that it was very tight.

As for BOTP, the weekends are going well,
or so I imagine. ;)

anyway, some advice.. hmm..
1) Uniformity. Don‘t stand out, whatever the
group does, you do and vice-versa. Its important
to stress that at the early stages of training.
It helps to establish teamwork.

2) Learn how to march in step with everyone
else. Dress off with the guy in front of you.
If you happen to be in the front, dress off
the person designated as the pacemaker.
"By the right quick march" - the rightmost person
becomes the pacemaker, the front row should
dress off of him.

3) Lots of pushups.. get used to doing them :)

4) Lots of running.. get used to it :)

5) Circuit training.. this tends to drain me much
faster than normal.. I guess its all a matter of

6) Lead by example. VERY Important! You‘re
continually being judged/graded at every moment.

7) You are allowed to have food on your person
in the form of granola bars or what not. But keep
it discreet. Only eat it while on break.

8) Keep hydrated!! You lose a lot of water during
the day.

9) Be very organized with your kit. It‘ll really help
in the morning when you‘re putting all your stuff

10) Have Fun. This is also very important.
If you‘re not having any fun you‘re going to get
overly stressed and not do well. Remember,
its 50% physical and 50% mental.

Feel free to PM me if you want more info..

Just found out that I‘ve been loaded onto the 9 June - 11 July BOTP-R course and then the CAP-R to 15 Aug. Should be fun ;)
I just visited the recruiting office and got some information about becoming an officer in the army. Right now I am studying criminology and psychology at U of T and have 3 more years until I can acquire my degree. What I was wondering was after I complete my officer training course do I become a 2nd Lieutenant or will I remain an officer cadet until I receive my degree.

If I have to wait, would it be a better idea to join as a NCO and wait until I have my degree to apply to be an officer?
I believe you can become a 2lt while getting your degree, however you don‘t get 2lt automatically after you finish officer training. You have to put the time in. No point being an NCM if you wanna be an officer.
Geez man give people time to answer you, people here will generally try to find out stuff for you just give them a chance.
Originally posted by Ex-Dragoon:
[qb] Geez man give people time to answer you, people here will generally try to find out stuff for you just give them a chance. [/qb]
Sorry about that I was trying to get an answer soon because today is the last day to apply this year.