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All about LTA (merged)

To Canadian Sig (who started this thread):

I realize this is a few months old, but I was just reading your thread and I wanted to add my 2 cents (although I should be saving it to go see my own children!!)  I am in the exact situation as you with location exceptions.  Firstly - While I was in Kabul in 04, our Ombudsman paid us a visit.  I spoke with him on this issue.  I was told that I wasn't the first person to bring this up, and that very soon, they were going to look into it.  I even had a few suggestions, like maybe offer a 50% reduction for those who have spouses with them, but children in a third location.  They said that it wasn't the first time THAT was mentioned as well.  So, that being said, I intended on following this up with Ottawa, but sadly I never got to it because (this is my secondly...) Secondly - my solution was to apply to Careers for a Quality Of Life posting (Now called Cost Contingency Move) so that I could be near my children.  Fortunately for me, my trade is one of great flexibility with postings (Supply) as this wouldn't work with someone who is Artillery say, and their children are in Halifax or St. John's... It took a while, but I eventually ended up back near(er) to my children - with a promotion to boot!!

So, to bottom line it for you, it may benefit you to check with the Ombudsman's office in Ottawa if it is still a concern for you and see what they have to say.  I'm just one, but I know there are thousands out there in our shoes.  Good luck.


What is the the CFAO and/or QR&O ref annual travel to your Primary NOK and what is the rate based off?

I know that you pay for the first 800 Km out of your own pocket but I was under the impression that the rest was covered by the CF?
Anyone got clarification...

Title Edited by Roy Harding
Don't have the CFAO's handy here and not sure if there is a canforgen that has clarrified some issues, if I don't see a responce will source the ref for you after my first union meeting in the morning ;D.

You do have the basics though, I remember the first LTA I gave out as a clerk I did it wrong as it was a single parent and the child is considered primary NOK.
Was QR&O 209.50 (The entitlements provided under QR&O 209.50 were designed to assist a member to be reunited with dependants or next of kin by
reimbursing the member a portion of the cost of the return trip and thereby enhance the benefit and purpose of leave.) and now is CBI 209 (which is accessible through the DIN)
It was at one time CFAO 209-15, which you can read here:  http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/209-15_e.asp

However - I'm out of date and that CFAO may have been replaced and/or amended by DAODs or CANFORGENS.

Check with your Orderly Room for the most up to date references - don't trust what old retired farts like me say on the internet!

On a side note, I met my first 20 yr member (45 years old or something) that is single and can't use the benifit as he has no NOK. First time I saw that in 13yrs as RMS Clk.
Thanks Mch....now can anyone tell me where CBI 209.25 as it seems to be missing from that page... It's the calculations which I think might be protected so I will need DIN to see it.
Maybe because,


from: http://www.dnd.ca/dgcb/cbi/pdf/209_e.pdf
I tracked down this msg and saw that Ref A was the one that would have most of the information including the formula.  However, when I looked for ref A, I found it to have been cancelled.  Not sure if you can figure out anything else with any of the rest of the garble within it though.

HoM, I'm sure PO2finclk will be around tomorrow for you hopefully and should be able to give you some other answers if you haven't found anything on the DIN by then.  Good luck and I'm sure you'll share your findings with the rest of us to save others trouble! :D
Sounds like you are talking about your LTA "Leave transportation Assistance". The formula is based using the Distance Guide return trip, less the first 800KM @ the low rate of mileage.

Distance one way equals 1701KM X 2 = 3402KM return
3402KM - 800KM = 2602KM @ $0.15 = $390.30 maximum trasportation reimbursement entitlement.

Note that I used the Ontario rate as I am unsure of your province of residence.

The DCBA Aide-Mémoire Chap 4 contains nicely elaborated details on the subject and can be obtained from this DIN Link: http://hr.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/dgcb/dcba/engraph/home_e.asp?sidesection=2&sidecat=7

Also stated above, CBI 209.50 (Intranet or Internet) is the official ref on LTA's as CFAO's to this effect have been recinded.

Good call Mich!?
PO2FinClk said:
Good call Mich!?

Were your ears burning??  Mods, just a suggestion, that we change the thread title so it's easily found in searches?
I have a question, and I apologize if it's been answered before. (I did look, I swear)

Situation: I'm in the process of trying to book my flight home for X-mas, as I will be leaving next week for a month on SQ. Previously, my clerk advised me that we can get an advance to book our flight, if we bring in a print out of the cost of flight and whatnot. I asked about this today, and was told they will be doing that "at a later date", which happens to fall when I am attach posted elsewhere on SQ. I do not get back here until the 14th of December from SQ, and well, that is way too late to be trying to get a flight home for X-mas.

So here's my question: Is there a way to get my advance "early" so I can get my flights booked and paid for before I leave for SQ next week? Or am I going to have to pay this flight out of my pocket and claim in when I return in January?

Thanks for any help you can provide. I really appreciate it.
Pte Pea said:
I have a question, and I apologize if it's been answered before. (I did look, I swear)

Situation: I'm in the process of trying to book my flight home for X-mas, as I will be leaving next week for a month on SQ. Previously, my clerk advised me that we can get an advance to book our flight, if we bring in a print out of the cost of flight and whatnot. I asked about this today, and was told they will be doing that "at a later date", which happens to fall when I am attach posted elsewhere on SQ. I do not get back here until the 14th of December from SQ, and well, that is way too late to be trying to get a flight home for X-mas.

So here's my question: Is there a way to get my advance "early" so I can get my flights booked and paid for before I leave for SQ next week? Or am I going to have to pay this flight out of my pocket and claim in when I return in January?

Thanks for any help you can provide. I really appreciate it.

Talk to your Ord Rm - outlining the facts as you have here.  There MAY be a way for either an early advance, or an advance direct to your bank account while you are on SQ (provided you bring in all the required "stuff" - print out of cost, etc).

Good luck.
One of the concerns your clerks may have with issuing you an advance so is that the date at which regulation states your claim must be finalized   In order to finalize an LTA claim, your leave pass, stamped at the destination must be submited. If thats not done within the required time, that advance is recovered from your pay. So if they advance you money now ...theres no way your claim will be finalized until Jan and it will be yanked from your pay.
If you aren't able to get an early advance as suggested by Roy, you can look at a couple of other options too. 

You typically don't get the whole advance on any claim so you would have to front some of the money anyway.  You might be able to book through a travel agent and just leave a deposit on the trip and explain the situation to them and when you could have the balance.  Or take advantage of a 'book now pay later' that some places have.  Or, put the whole ticket on a credit card as you will have your advance before or soon after your next bill would come in.

Good luck.
CDN Aviator said:
One of the concerns your clerks may have with issuing you an advance so is that the date at which regulation states your claim must be finalized  In order to finalize an LTA claim, your leave pass, stamped at the destination must be submited. If thats not done within the required time, that advance is recovered from your pay. So if they advance you money now ...theres no way your claim will be finalized until Jan and it will be yanked from your pay.

You're absolutely correct - BUT, this can (or could when I was a Chief Clerk) be over-ridden by those with the requisite authority (me, my Sgt, and my Finance MCpl in the OR I'm thinking about).  Those abilities may have been changed since '04, however - check with your Ord Rm, failing that I think airmich has made a good suggestion.
