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Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

Update: I finally made it on the competition list! Hurray! ;D
It's been a long 2 years...

Any idea of how quickly they send out offers?
Congrats! For what entry program are you if you are deo i heard its as soon as possible
yolotuber said:
Congrats! For what entry program are you if you are deo i heard its as soon as possible

Thanks!! I'm DEO. It would be the best Christmas gift EVER to get a letter of offer.
Just out of curiosity, what do people mean when they scored well or above average on the ACS? And I also find it funny that the ACS in terms of your application ranking is pass fail but your aptitude test is weighted by score.
Spc_Cdt said:
Update: I finally made it on the competition list! Hurray! ;D
It's been a long 2 years...

Any idea of how quickly they send out offers?

1 slot left this year for DEO Pilot, probably have to wait til at least April.
Tennisball said:
1 slot left this year for DEO Pilot, probably have to wait til at least April.

Yeah but I'm asking about DEO ACSO... that's what I'm on the competition list for.
Last I heard (in October) there were 40 positions open.
Mozartkart said:
Just out of curiosity, what do people mean when they scored well or above average on the ACS? And I also find it funny that the ACS in terms of your application ranking is pass fail but your aptitude test is weighted by score.

TLDR: who knows?

At ACS they sit you down like 10min after you're done the testing and tell you how well you did. In my case the first time at ACS they said "You passed the requirement for AEC but not the other two trades -- however you nearly made the cut for ACSO so we'd recommend you try again next year". Then they gave me a sheet that breaks down each section of the test, and told me where I scored strongest and where I need improvement (they even highlighted it).

The second time at ACS, they said "You wanted ACSO right? Well you passed, and this time well above the requirement" and handed me the same sheet. Note I didn't make Pilot, once again (and I was too excited about the ACSO news to ask why no Pilot... sigh).

Although I never got the actual numbers with regards to my scores in each section, "passing well above requirements" indicates to me that there is a sort of ranking for ACS. In fact, they tell you so at ACS during the Realistic Job Preview presentation: "you better try your damnest cuz even if you do well, someone can rank better than you and get the job offer instead of you". 

That being said, when I asked the recruiter upon returning from ACS, he told me that there is no ACS ranking -- in fact, they don't have any info on their end except if you passed or failed. He emphasized that for the competition list, the selection board looks at your application as a whole: CFAT, TSE, ACS, medical, interview, reliability, references, and academic transcripts. That is, the whole package of "you".

So I'm a bit confused, but in the end it doesn't really matter as long as you make it on the list. It just might take a while to get the job offer. But after 2 years into the application process, I guess another few months is nothing...
You all seem trigger because i gave free info from the RAF , so i delete it and search by yourself now


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yolotuber said:
this is the shart they use to evaluate you. you need to have a nice overall + pass on each sections


ANT – Airborne Numerical Test ABD – Angles, Bearings & Degrees
ACT – Auditory Capacity Test CUT – Cognitive Updating Test
CLAN – Colours, Letters & Numbers DAD – Directions & Distances
DPT – Dynamic Projection Test INSC – Instrument Comprehension Test
RTT – Rapid Tracking Test SMA – Sensory Motor Apparatus Test
SIT – Spatial Integration Test SLT – System Logic Test
MATF – Table Reading Test TRT – Target Recognition Test
TRAC 1 – Trace Test 1 TRAC 2 – Trace Test 2
VLT – Verbal Logic Test VISS – Visual Search Test

as you can see, the mark on given by the state nine way.

the test are done on 2 days so if you think failed on the first day then 2nd you can do well

just the fact that someone is qualified for pilot means he is above average because the pass rate for this trade is 30% , so if you are above average of the people who got pilot then you are a god.

they dont say any numbers as the CFAT but the 'recruiter' there will tell you what are your strenghts and weakness

Wow where’d you find this?
Spc_Cdt said:
TLDR: who knows?

At ACS they sit you down like 10min after you're done the testing and tell you how well you did. In my case the first time at ACS they said "You passed the requirement for AEC but not the other two trades -- however you nearly made the cut for ACSO so we'd recommend you try again next year". Then they gave me a sheet that breaks down each section of the test, and told me where I scored strongest and where I need improvement (they even highlighted it).

The second time at ACS, they said "You wanted ACSO right? Well you passed, and this time well above the requirement" and handed me the same sheet. Note I didn't make Pilot, once again (and I was too excited about the ACSO news to ask why no Pilot... sigh).

Although I never got the actual numbers with regards to my scores in each section, "passing well above requirements" indicates to me that there is a sort of ranking for ACS. In fact, they tell you so at ACS during the Realistic Job Preview presentation: "you better try your damnest cuz even if you do well, someone can rank better than you and get the job offer instead of you". 

That being said, when I asked the recruiter upon returning from ACS, he told me that there is no ACS ranking -- in fact, they don't have any info on their end except if you passed or failed. He emphasized that for the competition list, the selection board looks at your application as a whole: CFAT, TSE, ACS, medical, interview, reliability, references, and academic transcripts. That is, the whole package of "you".

So I'm a bit confused, but in the end it doesn't really matter as long as you make it on the list. It just might take a while to get the job offer. But after 2 years into the application process, I guess another few months is nothing...

There is definitely a cut off core on the ACS testing and they definitely keep track of the raw scores for everyone. When they tell you that you did well above the requirements it means you scored high above the cut off point for ACSO, but not high enough to make the cut off for Pilot.

Based on what I've read on the forums from an insider (Buck_HRA), ACS scores do in fact count into your total scoring on the competition list. Higher your score, better your ranking.

You are probably good for ACSO though. From what I heard at ACS they are in high demand. In fact they tried to convince a lot of us Pilot candidates who passed to go for ACSO.
Thanks for the great info you guys!!

@Yolotuber: any chance you got that nifty chart for ACSO?

It would be interesting to compare it with the Pilot chart you posted... cuz obviously now I'm curious. I was told I scored exceptionally high for Systems Logic Test, above average for Trace Test 1 and CLAN, and lowest (though passing) was Airborne Numerical. Leaves me wondering where I failed to pass for Pilot...

I mean, it's all good, ACSO is more my jam anyway. Just curious is all.
I'm assuming it's cool to share all those charts and stuff on here, and no one is mistakenly passing on ACS info that shouldn't available?  I thought each person going thru had to agree to "not talk about fight club ACS"...so just checking to make sure that stuff isn't under that umbrella.  8)

* edit to emphasis intent

Tennisball said:
Wow where’d you find this?

I found it -- see attached
It's based on the RAF selection process (which is what ours is based on)
Sauce: https://rafcbat.wordpress.com/results-and-scores/

Assuming that WSO = ACSO, then it would seem that Instrument Comprehension was my Achille's Heel and/or my overall score didn't get to Pilot standards.


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Eye In The Sky said:
I'm assuming it's cool to share all those charts and stuff on here, and no one is mistakenly passing on ACS info that shouldn't available?  I thought each person going thru had to agree to "not talk about fight club ACS"...so just checking to make sure that stuff isn't under that umbrella.  8)

Your assumption is correct, to a certain extent: the info I'm passing along is what can readily be found online. I am not divulging any specific parts of the test, which would be in breach of the non-disclosure agreement.
yolotuber said:
THATS IT, people seems to be triggered that i share info that can be found online
People are "triggered" because you simply posted what you held out to be information from our testing and selection process without further explanation.  Stating where you found it, along with the fact that it is actually from the RAF and not from us, would have given two critical pieces of information: 1) there hasn't been a breach of our testing and selection process and 2) this may not actually be what our testing and selection actually is, and life would have carried on.
:Tin-Foil-Hat:  Relax.  It was just something 'new' to this thread, so I thought I'd ask.  Better safe than sorry.  ;)

How long after ACS is the interview normally?

I wrote my CFAT right at the end of August. A few days ago I got my first email about choosing dates to be nominated for training, and replied within 12 hours (had to check my calendar with someone I couldn't contact until the evening.) The next morning, I got another email saying I could go for Jan. 14-15 if I was available, and within 15 minutes of replying, got another saying I was accepted to go to ACS (less than 24  hours after that initial email... I was really lucky.)

I want to have a general idea of where interviews might fall, because January / early February is a really busy time. Of course I'll go as soon as I can, but a ballpark figure would be great
It's funny. With my file being closed due to medical ineligibility, I find that my only real regret is that I'm unlikely to ever know how I would've done with ACS...

I choose to be amused by this fact.
m9322 said:
How long after ACS is the interview normally?

I wrote my CFAT right at the end of August. A few days ago I got my first email about choosing dates to be nominated for training, and replied within 12 hours (had to check my calendar with someone I couldn't contact until the evening.) The next morning, I got another email saying I could go for Jan. 14-15 if I was available, and within 15 minutes of replying, got another saying I was accepted to go to ACS (less than 24  hours after that initial email... I was really lucky.)

I want to have a general idea of where interviews might fall, because January / early February is a really busy time. Of course I'll go as soon as I can, but a ballpark figure would be great

After I passed ACS they called me the same week I returned from Trenton to book my interview. The interview itself was a couple weeks later. Interview is really straight forward, you can handle it during busy periods.