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Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

I've been haunting the forums for a while now. I went to selection July 21st and passed for everything. My medical also looked good. However, I started stressing and called, and they did confirm that the next selection isn't until November, as stated earlier. I was wondering however, does this mean that I will not hear from them until then? I was hoping for some contact so that I didn't implode with wondering. Also, if selection is indeed around mid-November, does anyone perhaps know when we'd get shipped off to BMOQ if we were to receive an offer then? I am finding it very difficult to get answers out of my recruiters, though it seems through no fault of their own. They're having difficulties getting answers as well.

Thank you in advance! I appreciate it.
Hey there,

Congratulations on passing ACS! It's certainly no easy feat. Now I'm not sure what recruiting center you are with, and I'm not sure if this policy is upheld in each RC, but there are quite a few now that will not call you to inform you that you have been merit listed. As such you can check in with them every two weeks or so to find out if you've been merit listed. And once you have confirmed your merit listing there's nothing more to do except wait. In order to avoid from imploding I would suggest focusing on PT, which you're probably already doing. There was a November selection last year as well, and those folks went to BMOQ at the beginning of January this year. So you might potentially expect a BMOQ next January. I wish you good luck!
Jazzcat said:
I've been haunting the forums for a while now. I went to selection July 21st and passed for everything. My medical also looked good. However, I started stressing and called, and they did confirm that the next selection isn't until November, as stated earlier. I was wondering however, does this mean that I will not hear from them until then? I was hoping for some contact so that I didn't implode with wondering. Also, if selection is indeed around mid-November, does anyone perhaps know when we'd get shipped off to BMOQ if we were to receive an offer then? I am finding it very difficult to get answers out of my recruiters, though it seems through no fault of their own. They're having difficulties getting answers as well.

Thank you in advance! I appreciate it.

Once you are successful at Aircrew Selection, it takes 1-2 months before your medical file is returned with an approved/assigned Air Factor (AF).  So you need to follow up on that about 30-45 days after returning from ASC.  Once the AF is assigned, your CFRC will Merit List you.  Selections in Nov, mean BMOQ in January.

It's not like you are the first Pilot applicant your CFRC has processed, so they should be able to provide you with this "basic" information.

Good luck!
Excellent! Thank you both, that helped a lot. I got a hold of my recruiting centre today. My medical forms were actually misplaced in Toronto X.X, so that's new on the agenda! But hopefully it will all be cleared up before November, fingers crossed!

Good luck to everyone for November selections
Anyone else on here going to ASC Oct 1st? Also does anyone know if its too late to get loaded on this fiscal years CEOTP Program? Seeing as though I wont be doing BMOQ due to previous service.

If I even pass ASC that is...  :o
So I recently did my aptitude test and qualified for pilot.  Next up is the aircrew selection phase and I was wondering if anyone had any info/tips on what to study and prepare for since I am lost on what I really need to know.

Thanks in advance, any information is greatly appreciated.
Denney24 said:
So I recently did my aptitude test and qualified for pilot.  Next up is the aircrew selection phase and I was wondering if anyone had any info/tips on what to study and prepare for since I am lost on what I really need to know.

Bottom right-hand side of this webpage (Candidate Guide) ----->  http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/training-establishments/cf-aircrew-selection-centre.page

This is the "bare" minimum.  I am sure there are other posts here at Army.ca with recommendations for "extra" study materials.
I found this on the new ACS when I was looking for information about it.

The CAPSS simulator is not being used anymore, it has been now repalced by 28 tests, that take 8 hours or so over 2 days that are computer based. Testing memory, hand eye coordination, reasoning, and multitasking under extreme time pressures.
This thing is fucking HARD. Not a single person thought they were doing well, which I think is also a part of the test design. Out of 15 candidates on my intake 4 people passed, the week before that out of 10, 0 people passed.
The guide they give you is.. absolutely not helpful, bring a an ethernet cable for internet in your hotel, but the food is pretty good.
Study up on your time time/distance/speed and fuel consumption, as there is a lot of it, a lot of math and make sure you can do it quickly.
If you need more study material, look into RAF testing as this is what the new model is based on.
The rest of the stuff, you either have it or you dont, so focus on your mental math.
Good luck.
Hey Ryan,

In the mathematical parts, do you get a pencil and paper to do calculations or is it all in your head?
northbound23 said:
Hey Ryan,

In the mathematical parts, do you get a pencil and paper to do calculations or is it all in your head?

If I remember well, for some tests you will have the possibility to get a pencil and paper. However, most of the time all calculations are done in your head simultaneously with other task. Good luck!
So I recently did my aptitude test and qualified for pilot.  Next up is the aircrew selection phase and I was wondering if anyone had any info/tips on what to study and prepare for since I am lost on what I really need to know. [/size]

A website with some pictures and all that other stuff is www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/assets/AIRFORCE_Internet/docs/en/cf-aircrew-selection-centre/guide-candidate.doc

..Fingers sore from typing that link..
WARNING: May be outdated

Hope this Helps,
Griffin C.

Edit: Fix huge font etc.
Thank you Ryan. I am waiting for my dates for the ACS and  this is great information ! Do you guys think there will be an ACS session before the end of the year ?

Cheers !
Chef Tony said:
Thank you Ryan. I am waiting for my dates for the ACS and  this is great information ! Do you guys think there will be an ACS session before the end of the year ?

Cheers !

I believe there is ACS session twice a week almost every week of the year except those with statutory holiday.
Anyone have a general idea of what the joy stick and paddles should be or look like, if we were to buy them for the online program mentioned by Ryan? Thanks.
M.Hamada said:
Anyone have a general idea of what the joy stick and paddles should be or look like, if we were to buy them for the online program mentioned by Ryan? Thanks.

I have to ask.  Have you done your Medical and Interview yet?
No, I know its too early to start buying joysticks but the tests themselves seem interesting enough for me to do them anyways. Besides I've been thinking about this occupation all day and night so be aware I might turn into a die hard wanna be pilot.
M.Hamada said:
No, I know its too early to start buying joysticks but the tests themselves seem interesting enough for me to do them anyways. Besides I've been thinking about this occupation all day and night so be aware I might turn into a die hard wanna be pilot.

In addition to Ryan's advice, there is an 18 page discussion of Aircrew Selection you may find of interest.

Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)