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Air Navigators

Torlyn said:
The fasting (food) is for 12-14 hours prior, not more than 16.   The alcohol fasting is 72 hours prior...   I can deal without the food, but the beer?   Damn...   That'll be hell.   :)   I still have my old-man wraparound sunglasses from my laser surgery, so I'll bring those.   :)   Thanks!

Ah, my mistake  :-[ , well don't worry, you'll get used to not drinking as aircrew. I don't drink any alcohol during the week, 12 hrs bottle to throttle!
mdh said:
Stupid system or stupid student?

Stupid student with even stupider instructors...enough said !!

!2 hours bottle to throttle..isnt that in the pre-taxi checklist ??.................No bozze set pilot...set co....set aft !!
I'm just full of questions today!
For the test just how much is there? (if you're allowed to tell me. If not, this conversation never happened <wink>)
aesop081 said:
Stupid student with even stupider instructors...enough said !!

!2 hours bottle to throttle..isnt that in the pre-taxi checklist ??.................No bozze set pilot...set co....set aft !!

This unfortunately is incorrect. When I was 6, I drew a picture of my Dad at work. I drew an Aurora and showed my Dad in the back of the plane drinking a beer. I am 31 now, and he still has that picture in his office.
Cameron Kessler said:
I'm just full of questions today!
For the test just how much is there? (if you're allowed to tell me. If not, this conversation never happened <wink>)

I'm assuming you want to know what's on the ANAV test.  Well, given that we're not allowed to discuss it with anyone, the best I can answer is math.  Lots of Math.  :)

Bograt said:
This unfortunately is incorrect. When I was 6, I drew a picture of my Dad at work. I drew an Aurora and showed my Dad in the back of the plane drinking a beer. I am 31 now, and he still has that picture in his office.

I was being fascicious (?).............

I was being a smart ass again. Sorry I didn't turn my sarcasm switch on.
Bograt said:

I was being a smart *** again. Sorry I didn't turn my sarcasm switch on.

Thats in the checklist too !!!!!

Q: Whats the non-essential bus for ?
A: Takes the copilot out to the aircraft
aesop081 said:
Thats in the checklist too !!!!!

Q: Whats the non-essential bus for ?
A: Takes the copilot out to the aircraft

But who would pull the T Handle when you're on fire? The pilot has both hands on the controls.  ;) Or how about Jettison the stores, fuel, AESOp, etc?
hahahahaha.........if there is a fire, even the copilot could not beat me to the fire handles !!!!!  jk

Looking good for me going sea kings............find out for usre in in Jan !!! :-\
aesop081 said:
hahahahaha.........if there is a fire, even the copilot could not beat me to the fire handles !!!!!   jk

Looking good for me going sea kings............find out for usre in in Jan !!! :-\

I know you're joking, but if you tried that, you'd get a size 8 boot in the face! T Handles are one of those "situations".  Non-Flying Pilot - "#1 T Handle, confirm?" Flying Pilot - after visually confirming the NFP is going to pull the proper handle, "Confirm", god knows we don't want to shut down the wrong engine when we're below Safe Single Engine Speed and 100nm from the ship.  :o

Good stuff, keep us updated.
Torlyn said:
I'm assuming you want to know what's on the ANAV test.  Well, given that we're not allowed to discuss it with anyone, the best I can answer is math.  Lots of Math.  :)


Wehn I asked that I ment do I need grade 12 pre calc or grade 10 applied ir what ever there may be, not the actuall questions. If even that's suposed to kept quiet I'll stop harassing you :P
If you plan of studying for the exam, I would suggest you go to the library and check out a "Getting your GED" book. The math problems there are the level of the exam. Its not that it is difficult, but rather you are under a time gun.

Good Luck

Bograt is giving you some very sound advice - I would only add that if you're interested in trades like pilot and navigator focus on math problem solving that includes algebra, fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and decimals, not to mention geometry - both in word form and straight equations. Physics problems are another obvious area to focus on.  I assume you're still in high school so ask your teachers/tutors for help.  Practice your mental math which always comes in handy when you're trying to calculate things like drift, groundspeed, ETAs and ETEs (trying to do it with a pen and paper with your head down in a cockpit isn't the best method, trust me). With sufficient practice you can improve significantly. Most of all keep in the mind that these are intensely competitive trades, and there will always be someone who has these skills and who will therefore be considered a more competitive candidate than you if you don't have them.  Good luck, mdh
I'll have to work on my mental math but the rest is pretty easy.
Thanks for the help everyone
I don't think ANAV is all that under-strength right now, but I will find out next month at the Career Manager Brief.   We seem to have a bit of a shortage of Sea King Taccos right now, but that could be just a bit of a phase.

There has been a lot of good advice passed here on how to do "better" on the tests (and by extension, be a better Navigator).   Practise doing simple math (addition, subtraction, mulitiplication and division) in a noisy, distracting environment.   Work on getting faster and more accurate.   Also, learn how to do more than one thing at once.   You will often have to monitor up to three radios and the ICS at once while still working on your TACNAV computer.   I don't know how to practise for that, though :)

If you think you want to go MH, check out the Navy's website and begin to learn how they work and what their issues are.   They will be YOUR customer, so it pays to speak to them in their language and give them good service.

Good luck guys!
Any advice on Air Nav aptitude test. What sort of practice questions etc?
Also, any info on the career of Air Nav. Is it something that's quite interesting or it's boring? Pay? etc.
Searching the forums on "air navigator" results in four (4) pages of results, which include threads titled:

Regarding Air Navigator Aptitude Test
CFASC Air Nav selection
Air Navs on which air craft?
Air Navigators
Next AirNav course
thanks for the info but it still doesn't answer some questions I have.
1. Any practice material in regards to practicing the Math.
2. If you fail the Nav test once can you still do it second time and after how long.
3. Also if you applied for ROTP Pilot and didn't get in, do they continue with same application if u change ur trade or you have to reapply?