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Air Force's CADPAT name-tag & rank

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Teddy Ruxpin said:
True, but I cannot agree that any further distinction beyond what was already built into CADPAT (IE: the swords, anchor or eagle on the name tapes) was necessary.   Instead, the AF (which means - in the end - the entire CF) spent thousands of dollars modifying a perfectly good CF tactical uniform with obviously non-tactical aaccoutrement'sall in the name of increasing "group identity". I note that the Navy hasn't appeared to need to resort to such means to foster esprit de corps. A poor selection of priorities, IMHO.
Firstlythe NAVY wears their "naval Combats" as in Nomex work dress. That seems to be as good a Group Identity example as I can see. And as for the AF spending thousands of dollars modifying the perfectly good uniform with "obviously non-tactical aaccoutrement's   I say what non-tactical aaccoutrement's Blue thread? Blue Tshirts. Covering the buttons on the pocket so they don't snag on the Airplane and come off causing FOD and avoiding a crash, possibly saving lives and millions of dollars in equipment.
The PPCLI wearing maroon, is tactical but a dark blue t-shirt isn't.
Like everything it takes time to get used to seeing the blue thread on the rank. Just like it took time to see the green in the Army rank.
Also interesting to note that all the Air Airforce Kit and Cadpat and uniforms. COMES OUT OF THE AIR FORCE BUDGET. And we do not get all the Clothe the Solder items Army types get. And I am talking basics here like Socks, Boots and Underwear.

The PPCLI wearing maroon, is tactical but a dark blue t-shirt isn't. the Patricia's  dont wear the maroon out in the feild only on pt and some really special days
axeman said:
The PPCLI wearing maroon, is tactical but a dark blue t-shirt isn't. the Patricia's  dont wear the maroon out in the feild only on pt and some really special days

The Ariforce hardly goes to the Field. Usually a hotel.
2332Piper said:
So then what was wrong with the AF's old work dress? If you are getting a CAMOFLAUGE uniform, why un-camo it with blue? Defeats the purpose n'est pas?
The AF old work dress reqired ironing. The shirts stained with oil easily and were not exchangable. THe Short Sleve Version had name tags which cause FOD. Plus it wasn't the best kit to wear at some of the FOL locations like Inuvik.
As for UN-Camoing it with blue. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE BLUE NAME TAPES OR RANK?  The blue is harder to see than the standard green.
As for UN-Camoing it with blue. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE BLUE NAME TAPES OR RANK?  The blue is harder to see than the standard green.

I have - many times.  It looks mega-goofy (if I can coin a phrase).

Moreover, the choice of blue on a digital pattern makes the rank and nametag nearly impossible to read.

I just don't get it...
There is nothing to get really. 
Army is Army.
Air Force is Airforce
Navy is.....

It doesn't look goofy. Your're just not used to it.

Well, we'll agree to disagree and leave it at that.

I will say that it pales in comparison to what the USAF is suggesting and to other uniforms I've seen.  The Turkish AF wears a blue "cam" pattern that is right out of 'er.  ;D
Yes I do agree to that. In fact this thread started out as that. Showing the goofy style the USAF wanted to go with.

Our airforce clerks also wear their blue shirts with their combats in garrison but if deployed will be wearing the standard green.
Pilots and most aircrew wear OD flight suits anyways. The only variations you get are the SQN T-shirts they wear under them.
The Blue is pretty dark so it doesn't really matter.Between OD or the blue.

[Edited at request of mbr to remove sarcasim that no longer made sense when this post was split from another thread]
mover1 said:
Firstly, the NAVY wears their "naval Combats" as in Nomex work dress. That seems to be as good a Group Identity example as I can see.
Except that those uniforms are based on operational requirements on board a ship and they are not to fill a service environment's desire to look different.
MCG said:
Except that those uniforms are based on operational requirements on board a ship and they are not to fill a service environment's desire to look different.

I would argue the value of the NCDs in fire protection. Every aircrew member knows that in order for our fancy new Nomex flight suits to provide any protection against burns, we have to wear double layers, ie long underwear and long sleeve shirts underneath (and they're cotton, not Nomex). The navy does not do this, so in a fire, Nomex acts just like any other natural fibre, you get burned but nothing sticks to the skin. Without the double layer, they might as well have kept the old postman shirts.

So I would say that the Navy really did get the NCDs to fill their desire to look different.

As to the AF subject, I like the blue T-shirt since it's so dark it's almost black, but I hate the name tags and rank.
Just to play RSM for a minute.

This foolishness with the blue t-shirts should not be allowed. Just think how ridiculous a unit on parade would look with every trade/environment wearing a distinctive item of dress (other than berets). We would truly have "full spectrum" warfare then!

In addition to this, I am a jumper with my own distinctive head dress. What about bringing back the smock? Or allowing all jumpers to wear maroon t-shirts under their cbts? And special boots? The answer of course, would be no  :(. So. If I have to be standardised, and all aspects of my unit must be cleansed of any type of dress that could be (mis)construed as making it's members see themselves as "elite" why does the air force get to be special? I'm special too!!  :D
GO!!! said:
Just to play RSM for a minute.

This foolishness with the blue t-shirts should not be allowed. Just think how ridiculous a unit on parade would look with every trade/environment wearing a distinctive item of dress (other than berets). We would truly have "full spectrum" warfare then!

In addition to this, I am a jumper with my own distinctive head dress. What about bringing back the smock? Or allowing all jumpers to wear maroon t-shirts under their cbts? And special boots? The answer of course, would be no   :(. So. If I have to be standardised, and all aspects of my unit must be cleansed of any type of dress that could be (mis)construed as making it's members see themselves as "elite" why does the air force get to be special? I'm special too!!   :D

But: why different berets, then?

I remember, several decades back, the regular debates between e.g. the CO and Adjutant, on one side, and the Sig O, Maint O, Med O, Paymaster, Dentist and so on, on the other, re: which cap, stick, ascot, etc.

(Pronto, is memory serves, wore a Thomas & Stone fur felt forage cap, the regimental 'standard', while the others wore the normal Canadian Army caps, but the others wore RCR scarves and carried RCR officers' canes while Pronto insisted on wearing his own corps' kit; but the Signal Corps NCOs carried RCR NCO canes â “ which the other corps NCOs did not, and so on, and so forth ad infinitum.  It made for lively chats over a beer or eleven, but ...)

Despite all the difference we, battalions of The Royal Canadian Regiment, full of other arms and services members, managed to go on parade now and again, and we did not look ridiculous.

I have no strong views on how uniform our uniforms must be â “ I went through various iterations and, in one 'field' unit I had people from all three services and, from within the army, from different regiments and branches.  I told the sergeant major to enforce high standards of deportment â “ clean, pressed uniforms, shiny boots/shoes, no twisted laces, no Irish pennants, etc â “ while respecting different service, branch and regimental quiffs.  It worked for me but we did not have many parades and I don't think I ever saw even almost everyone in one place at one time.

For the record while I think the USAF's blue/grey tiger stripe is nonsense, it cannot be worse than some of the things the Canadian Forces did over the years: remember work dress and garrison jackets, and ... and ... and environmental name tags on CADPAT?

Not sure that I'm really worried about slip on colours anymore- seems there's so much more to worry about......

However, in the traditional scheme of things, I'd like to point out that the "bird" on the Airforce insignia isn't an "eagle" (as alluded to in the CanForGen) but an "Albatross". (a much more dignified bird, btw- kills it's own food, as opposed to the carrion eating Eagle)

There- I feel better now.
How fitting.   I like part 2

al ·ba ·tross     ( P )   Pronunciation Key   (lb-trôs, -trs)
1.   n. pl. albatross or al ·ba ·tross ·es
Any of several large web-footed birds constituting the family Diomedeidae, chiefly of the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere, and having a hooked beak and long narrow wings.

2A.  A constant, worrisome burden.
2B.  An obstacle to success.
Guys can check up on all my posts and note that I'm not at all one to snark or be snyde, but this one is a bit of an exception...so I'll bite...

...some folks obviously have way more time on their hands than they know what to do with.   Not that I'm a particularly big fan of wearing blue slipons and name tape, but frankly, it's really not keeping me up at night.   Thankfully, I won't have to worry about blue slip-ons when I start wearing CADPAT(AR) in a few months.

Just for poops and snickers, I want to see all you "waste-hating" army guys wearing those fruity-looking CADPAT(TW) boots about to hit stores later in the summer while us AF plugs keep tundling along in our Greb MkIII's...   ;D


p.s.   How much did we spend on TCCCS/IRIS/C2SAS that still doesn't data swap/freq hop interoperably with any other allied/coalition military we operate with? Yup, best to solve the dreaded name-tape, slip-on debacle first...   ::)
Why don't we standardize this whole mess with nifty blue t-shirts for all elements.  I'd like that.
CFL said:
I think they did away with the CADPAT boots.

Nope, in fact DLR 5 was sporting a spiffy pair at a meeting I was at  in 101 a few days ago...nice green plastic sole, too!  You Army folks will have totally outdone the AF and its meagre attempt at sillyness with our spiffy blue tags and slip-ons. ;D