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Air Force Forage Cap

benny88 said:
Not finished BOTP yet, therefore have no cap badge but the cornflake. I got a P-cap just for something to do with my points though. I doubt I'll ever wear it before I get proper cap badges, but just so I know, are cornflakes ok with the P-cap? I seem to remember Navy OCdts in DEUs with them on...

Naval Cadets (well, all navy personnel) wear them with DEUs b/c they aren't allowed to wear anything else (except Turbans, but I digress). 

I remember how much they hurt...I was convinced I was wearing the wrong size, but after 3 size changes I realised that it was just meant to hurt  :-[
I know they can't wear anything else, so does that mean a cornflake is ok with the P-cap? (Sidenote, I realize I could requisition or order the proper badges, although I don't believe I'm entitled to wear them until trained, and must stick with the tri-force.)
ArmyVern said:
The blue female bowler used to warp if any moisture got within 100m of it. Divisions in Halifax in the fog were lovely indeed. Constantly replacing the damn thing.


We now do Divisions in the Stad Drill Shed. Now can someone explain to me, why does a "Chief" blowing a dog whistle means "Fall In"?
Sgt  Schultz said:

We now do Divisions in the Stad Drill Shed. Now can someone explain to me, why does a "Chief" blowing a dog whistle means "Fall In"?

Cause its a Navy thing there my trucking friend
Dimsum said:
Naval Cadets (well, all navy personnel) wear them with DEUs b/c they aren't allowed to wear anything else (except Turbans, but I digress). 
Not true, naval personel are permitted to wear the beret with all orders of dress save for #3 and all orders of #1 (1a, 1b) Blah Blah, and ball caps are permitted for wear onboard ship (read within the dockyard)
ArtyNewbie said:
Not true, naval personel are permitted to wear the beret with all orders of dress save for #3 and all orders of #1 (1a, 1b) Blah Blah, and ball caps are permitted for wear onboard ship (read within the dockyard)

Actually you CAN wear the beret with some orders of #3 (ref: dress regs Ch 6, Sec 1, para 3d):

The beret may be worn as an optional
headdress with the following navy order of
dress: Nos. 3A, 3B (with black trousers/
pants/skirt) and 3C. The service dress
CAP/HAT shall be the only authorized
headdress to be worn with No. 3 and 3B
(summer whites) orders of dress.
There's nothing wrong with the wedge, it travels well, the forge cap would just be something else to cram into a suitcase.
Dimsum said:
And honestly how much worse was that compared to the Navy version?  I know your background Mich...  >:D

Like I've said before, if I picked an element based on uniform, I would have stayed Navy.  The black & white looked so much sharper.

/off topic

Sgt  Schultz said:

We now do Divisions in the Stad Drill Shed. Now can someone explain to me, why does a "Chief" blowing a dog whistle means "Fall In"?

THUNDER whistle my non-navy friend.  ;)
airmich said:
THUNDER whistle my non-navy friend.  ;)

Ha.  I was confused by the "dog" whistle too, but Thunder whistle made perfect sense.  ;)
I know in the regs it says i can wear an AF forage cap but I don't often see guys wearing it so should I be asking someone at my base before I wear it?
brian_k said:
I know in the regs it says i can wear an AF forage cap but I don't often see guys wearing it so should I be asking someone at my base before I wear it?

When in doubt, always ask.  As well, if it is for a parade or such, the orders for it will typically include specifics such as whether women can wear the skirt, or if you wear the wedge or cap.
airmich said:
Actually you CAN wear the beret with some orders of #3 (ref: dress regs Ch 6, Sec 1, para 3d):

My bad I should have been a little clearer, what I meant was the order #3 and forgot to add that the sub orders, less whites allowed for the wear of the beret. so basically what you said.
brian_k said:
I know in the regs it says i can wear an AF forage cap but I don't often see guys wearing it so should I be asking someone at my base before I wear it?

Would you really want to haul that thing around with you all day long? The wedge fits so nicely under your belt for easy storage and transit
Sgt  Schultz said:

We now do Divisions in the Stad Drill Shed. Now can someone explain to me, why does a "Chief" blowing a dog whistle means "Fall In"?

A little more respect for other elements traditions goes a long way....

"dog whistle" is a bosun call

Navy.ca Staff

Wedges are for poofters...real men wear forage caps...especially famous Canadian fighter aces like George "Buzz" Beurling, seen below with fellow pilot, Bob Middlemiss (now 427 Sqn's HCol).

Photo can be seen at Aces of WW2.

No too many of the Aces on the walls of the Glass Palace are wearing Wedges ... they can be kinda okay if you rip the stitches out when you're hammered.  ::)

Not even sure if I still have a beret ...
Aden_Gatling said:
No too many of the Aces on the walls of the Glass Palace are wearing Wedges ... they can be kinda okay if you rip the stitches out when you're hammered.  ::)

You would, of course, not be too surprised to know that I've already done that...  ;)
Good2Golf said:
You would, of course, not be too surprised to know that I've already done that...  ;)

Yes indeed. We have a whole thread on the winter wedge happening here somewhere ... dress reg pictures posted by you and all IIRC.  ;)
niceasdrhuxtable said:
Would you really want to haul that thing around with you all day long? The wedge fits so nicely under your belt for easy storage and transit

Yeah, i'd haul around the P-cap, i prefer the looks of it to the wedge so the small effort would be worth it.