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Air Force Forage Cap

I was just, very firmly, informed by my CofC that the forage cap is now history at a conference i was at on the weekend: not to be worn any longer at any occasion.  Indeed, it doesn't seem to appear in the newset version of the dress regs...RIP AF tradition! now...bring on the Yukon!  :D

PViddy said:
I was just, very firmly, informed by my CofC that the forage cap is now history at a conference i was at on the weekend: not to be worn any longer at any occasion.  Indeed, it doesn't seem to appear in the newset version of the dress regs...RIP AF tradition! now...bring on the Yukon!  :D


Any updates on this in terms of regs?

Do you think it'll be ok to wear this for Remembrance Day?
I know this sounds..not quite right but the dress regs that are posted on the Army site are not the latest version.

The latest is: (copy and paste) "(Supersedes A-AD-265-000/AG-001 dated 2001-06-15)" and is dated 2011-06-01.

The Forage Cap has been removed from the dress regs.  Someone with DWAN access can confirm this i'm sure.


Well, imagine that.  A-AD-265-000/AG-001 is no more.

They've actually renamed it to A-DH-265-000/AG-001, dated 2011-03-01 (original).

No wonder nobody knows about it, they renamed the bloody pub.

The cap has indeed been removed from the new version.  Only wedge cap, tuque, Yukon cap, or turban are allowed now with ceremonial, mess and service dress.
That's too bad.  The forage cap would look much better with No. 1, 1A, 1C and 1D than berets or wedges.

My  :2c:
PMedMoe said:
And, of course, the link at the CMP website is dead.  ::)

Of course!

You can get it at the E-publications depot - http://publications.mil.ca/pod/pubs/pubSearch.jsp (DWAN only) and put in the NDID number.
You're welcome!

Just did some quick checking - someone seriously dropped the ball about publicizing a new version/renaming of the Dress Instructions.

An 11 Oct MARLANTGEN (issued by the BCPO) referenced the old A-AD-265.

CANFORGEN 169/11 from 15 Sep (issued by CANADA COM) referenced the old A-AD-265.

CANFORGEN 096/11 from 24 May (issued by CMP) referenced the old A-AD-265.

Even a DWAN search for "a-dh-265-000/ag-001" only returns a few relevant hits.

Can't fault anyone for being out of dress if the higher-ups can't be bothered to make it known that there are new instructions out there...
As someone who still hasn't been able to get access to a DWAN account, is it possible for anyone to PM me and arrange an e-mail copy so that I may host it for others?  It would be nice to get something a touch more recent than my Mod 3 + 4 ,5, and 6 PDFs.
That's too bad.  The forage cap would look much better with No. 1, 1A, 1C and 1D than berets or wedges.

My  :2c:

Agreed.  I always enjoyed wearing the forage for the most formal of parades.  But, i think they cost around $ 50.00 a piece, so i can see the logic.
