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Air Force Forage Cap


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What are the regs on wearing the AF forage cap.

I don't have easy access to the DIN otherwise I would check the dress regs.
brian_k said:
What are the regs on wearing the AF forage cap.

I don't have easy access to the DIN otherwise I would check the dress regs.

Check out this post.  It contains a link to where you are able to view Dress Regs on the 'net and find your answer.
Thanks for the link airmich. I needed something like that.

Do many guys wear the forage cap instead of the wedge with their DEU's?
brian_k said:
Thanks for the link airmich. I needed something like that.

Do many guys wear the forage cap instead of the wedge with their DEU's?

You're welcome.

I haven't seen any forage caps at all recently, but maybe some of the older ;) AF guys (Loachman?  G2G?) can help out.

As I'm sure you noticed in the Dress Regs Chapter 6, Section 1, Para 5 a (1), it narrows down who is authorized to even wear it:

ceremonial, mess and service dress –
cap/hat service dress (officers and
, wedge cap, tuque, Yukon cap,
or turban;
Yup, I wear my forage cap when I'm not allowed to wear my beret (only applies to DEU 1A, I believe).  The stupid plastic tube inside the cap was one of the first things to go...I'm less bus-driver like without it...not quite "50 mission" style, but I don't get mistaken for an OC Transpo driver, either.

G2G, do you choose to wear the forage cap over your wedge, or are you told to wear it?
brian_k said:
Do many guys wear the forage cap instead of the wedge with their DEU's?

There's a bit of a grassroots movement afoot to bring the forage cap back to prominence. If you're on Facebook, check out the group "Forage Cap Ressucitation And Promotion Society - FCRAPS".
airmich said:
G2G, do you choose to wear the forage cap over your wedge, or are you told to wear it?

I wear the Forage cap because I am not a fan of the wedge.

For entertainment, though, may I present this little nugget? (it used to be allowable policy in the CFP 265 when I first joined.  Now it's only a tradition to do this.)

Good entertainment for sure.  I recall it being posted before, maybe by yourself about a year ago?

I don't mind the wedge, but then again, I hardly wear it as I'm typically in a beret.  Oh wait, what am I saying, I've been in a toque for the last 3 months!!  ::)
Hmm.  Methinks I should use some of that hard-earned Logistik Unicorp points to score myself a peaked cap!  And yes, packing ring is definitely the first thing to go    ;D
I think the forage cap looks a lot sharper than the wedge, but thats just me.

G2G what cap badge do you use on it, the standard size or are there larger ones for the forage cap.
Dimsum said:
packing ring is definitely the first thing to go    ;D

Is that what that annoying plastic thing is? I cheat and stick a coat hanger into it and bend it down :). I now looks das bootesque mit meiner cap. Get lots of weird looks from those in the Naval element that likes their caps the way of the bus drivers... ;D
Yuck! :P


And honestly how much worse was that compared to the Navy version?  I know your background Mich...  >:D

I'd actually wear one if I saw people in/around CFANS or 1 Cdn Air Div walking around in them.  Doesn't look too popular when the temp's -40 though...wonder why?  ???
Not finished BOTP yet, therefore have no cap badge but the cornflake. I got a P-cap just for something to do with my points though. I doubt I'll ever wear it before I get proper cap badges, but just so I know, are cornflakes ok with the P-cap? I seem to remember Navy OCdts in DEUs with them on...
Dimsum said:
And honestly how much worse was that compared to the Navy version?  I know your background Mich...   >:D

I'd actually wear one if I saw people in/around CFANS or 1 Cdn Air Div walking around in them.  Doesn't look too popular when the temp's -40 though...wonder why?   ???

At least the navy version has that fake vinyl/PVC/leathery/whatever the hell it is white crap on it.

The blue female bowler used to warp if any moisture got within 100m of it. Divisions in Halifax in the fog were lovely indeed. Constantly replacing the damn thing.

Speaking of vinyl, leather ... off I go -- reminds me of something. Back later.