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Age Limits to Join

  • Thread starter max_francis
  • Start date
I have 2 questions.
I am 16 and want to join the reserves but i only ahve 14 credites. Do you think the recruiters would make an exception and still let me in even though i only ahve 14 creites?

Also i was wondering if you ahve to be in liek really good shape to get into the reserves, because i am not in very good shape but im not in horrible shape either.

I started my high school in grade 9.. I think this is normal. Or BC education system is like that...

To noname:

I don‘t think u have to get in rally good shape, go here, just practice and do what the requirment want u to do.

This may help u to get more understanding..


this video help me to understand more about the BMQ :)
besides in our platoon we had a guy who was almost 40 and he got the best recruit award
A friend of mine joined the Air Force a year and a half ago and he was 41.
Originally posted by Bert:
[qb] A friend of mine joined the Air Force a year and a half ago and he was 41. [/qb]
Let‘s see what they think of 35 ... I am giving another kick at the can after being away from the reserves for fifteen years. If all goes well it‘s back to basics for this ol‘girl. I am interested in seeing how much things have changed. Let me know if you are interested in finding out how things turn out - I will pass on what I learn if you are interested in hearing it.
I have a question that sorta relates to one of the original questions.

I will be 18 in June 2005. I play football in the summer and I would like to get one more season in before my miliary life starts. The season is over at the end of august. I would like to get my BMQ started ASAP after that. Could I apply earlier in the year and request BMQ after August or would I have better luck appling in say July?

When do you think would be the best time to apply?
Its a question to ask the local CFRC for the correct info. In my application process, I had move dates around to suit a work issue and it didn‘t cause any problems.

I‘ll assume you‘re referring to Reg force rather than Res. If its Res, then there may be other considerations.

Generally speaking, the application process (CFAT, medical, interview, job offer, fitness test, up to the date of BMQ) takes about 6 months. The waiting time may vary for different individuals, availability, skill sets, and MOCs.

The CFRC will ask you when you want to attend
the "CFAT/Medical/Interview" and the fitness test.
In most cases, you can chose the date. From my understanding, the CFAT result and the interview are valid for a year. The medical is valid for three months or at the discretion of the CFRC. If the medical expires, then you will be asked to see the CF Doctor again and spend about five minutes answering general questions. Its no big deal.

I‘m not clear what year you want to submit the application. Its OK to apply earlier in the year given that the process will take some time anyway. Just tell the CFRC that you want to finish out your football season and prefer to schedule a BMQ after August.

Take into consideration that MOC intakes for BMQ open and close periodically throughout the year and you may not be able to attend a BMQ directly after August or when you want. You may have to wait some time later. Most likely the CFRC will give you some idea of BMQ availability as August
gets nearer.

Good luck.
that was the third time it‘s happened to me on this board today. I read somethign, no one‘s posted a response, I go to post and someone sneaks one in seconds before mine.

I am planning to reapply next year and will be 39 years old. By then I will have completed my Community College diploma!
I would be so honoured and proud to be a CF member! :salute:
I have applied for 642 but I find myself being draw to wards infantry. I am a 39 year old in very good condition(lots of highway miles). I‘ve been in construction for 15 years so the physical part of infantry is very appealing to me. Just wondering how a person of my "age" may be received by the army in general and the younger recruits. Anyone have any insight??
Well as long as your in shape, and part of the team, your seen the same as everyone else.
I had a lot of older people on my BMQ course. The oldest was 51. She passed, and did awesome. The age difference isn‘t really a problem. I was the youngest on my course, and the older people on the course were a big encouragement. Give it a shot, im sure you‘ll do great!
Hi ab136, your only as old as you feel! Well I‘m officially 46 yrs og age today as a matter of fact, And I‘m going for it!!!!! PS Private Smilley do you remember what trade the 51 yr old was going for?

Good luck!!!!!!
I once recruited a guy in his forties - he topped his BOTC (!)

Skills can be learned.
Physical fitness can be improved with exercise.
With maturity comes mental toughness.
Maturity takes much more time ...

The chief incalculable in war is the human will.
B.H. Liddell Hart.
thanks Bossi for the encouraging words, I‘m really looking forward to getting all this paperwork done and I‘m in. going for interview on Thursday this week and medical same day. Then I guess the waiting game. It‘s never too late!

Thanks again
Cath :D
Just a quick question... Is 23 too old to be enlisting in the infantry (NCM)?  Also, what would the average age of the infantry recruit be?  Thanks.