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Age Limits to Join

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Welcome to Army.ca. You'll find that a lot of your questions, both now and as your recruiting process proceeds, have been explored in detail. Some start points for further reading that you should find helpful are:

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

As you read in the forums and get comfortable with the vocabulary, you'll find your searches will become easier and more productive. When your particular question hasn't been addressed, please add it to a relevant thread if there is one, or start a new topic.

Welcome aboard.

Good luck in finding what you're looking for. Its sure to be here someplace. If not then come forward and ask.

Very nice intro by the way. I wish everyone would do that! :salute:

alright, this is my first post and may be a stupid question

i just turned 25 and am very interested in joining the army
i don't know a hell a lot about it, but would like to be on the front lines, i think this may be infrantry
please excuse my stupidity
just wondering if you see many guys my age go through basic training
just turned 40 and I'm waiting for my posting; not infantry.......but CSS. :salute:
My wife was 33 and the mother of three when she went to Cornwallis in '91.

Age has nothing to do with it - attitude and good physical condition have everything to do with it.
No matter how old you are if you have the will to accomplish your goal of joining the army, I'm sure you can do it ;) Good Luck. :salute:
You guys are all younger than me and I've been accepted as an ACS Tech. I will be turning 44 in two weeks, and have to give my acceptance/rejection tomorrow on my proposal from the CAF! I have been wondering this all week, if I'm too old, and there is absolutely nothing giving me that impression; however, after that 18 km hike up Golden Ears yesterday, I'm still wondering... everyone has told me that I'm good to go!

Just like swimming and that plunge off of the dock! The waters are not very clear and they look a little chilly, but I'm sure I'll get used to it!

I'm not sure if this helps at all, but...    good luck!

Hey  your only as old as you feel. Myself I'm going to be turning 31 in September, and  I'm just in the final stages (selection proccess) waiting to go to the MPAC to be a MP (meat head) LOL...
Your still young. I'm 40 and going through the final stages for Armoured Soldier. If I can do it so can you. :salute:
thanks everyone for the helpful answers
i'm in excellent shape, in the gym 5 days a week, so the physical aspect wouldn't be a problem
plus i used to work the rigs quite often, so i'm quite used to a lot of verbal abuse........but i'm sure it's nothin compared to the army
here's another quick question
how long does it take aproximately to get into the army (basic training i guess it would be), if i went down there tomorrow and got the ball rolling?
I am 49 and got sworn in last month... As long as you give your best to the program, age is not an issue. Young or old, we all have something to contribute to the CF and therefore to Canada. Not all of us need to the exact same job, so there is room for all who are commited to success.

All the best...
as long as you are able to stand up unaided, see lightning, hear thunder, and are under 86 years of age the CF will employ you.
rememnber instructing a course in Wainwright, a 39 year old recruit was on the following course, he was damn fit
no issues
Everyone has made excellent points. It is not your age but your attitude. I am 39.  I don't feel it and I feel I can be a valuable member of the Canadian Forces. I am waiting for my call and can't wait to start this new adventure in my life. You are definitely not too old. Far from it. If you are in good physical condition and ready to make the sacrifice, go for it. I wish I had done it at your age, but I am doing it now and that's what counts.

It is really hard to pin point a time frame. You can get lucky and it may on take approximately 6 months from application to an offer. Others take longer. It all depends on the trade, time of year and if you don't have any delays in the application process. The best thing is to do is go talk to a recruiter or go to the recruiting website. This website is great also. As you can see there are a lot of helpful people on here.


Best of luck.
deadlifter said:
thanks everyone for the helpful answers
i'm in excellent shape, in the gym 5 days a week, so the physical aspect wouldn't be a problem
plus i used to work the rigs quite often, so i'm quite used to a lot of verbal abuse........but i'm sure it's nothin compared to the army
here's another quick question
how long does it take aproximately to get into the army (basic training i guess it would be), if i went down there tomorrow and got the ball rolling?

In the neighborhood of 3 months to a year, depending on any number of things that are best explained to you at a recruiting center.

Just a word to the wise though, if you are looking to go overseas and see some action, this is not the army to do it in. Join the US Marine Corps, you will see action. This military does not place an emphasis on fighting wars/conflicts.
