These trolls ALWAYS frame the thing as US(meaning imperialist white guys) vs Them
(meaning the total population of Afghanistan).
They also fail to propose a resolution or remedy to a complex situation.
First - The Taliban were not kicked out of power solely by western forces.
The Northern Alliance who represent a majority in Afghanistan were
made it possible to oust the Taliban in a way Western voters could accept.
Second- The Northern Alliance form a large part of the current government
of Afghanistan, as they should.
Third- NATO is there to support that government, warts and all, because they
were legitimately elected and not to do so would inhumane.
There is no liberation - or even a faintly happy ending if NATO were to leave.
The troll as a species appears to have a particular fondness for anarchy.
Law and order are anathema to them and actually so are the facts.
The troll is often motivated by feelings and appearances they do not understand.
The troll often seeks to apply a double standard and would like to win an
argument based on the thinest evidence available.
Mr Wallace brought Japan as example to us.
Good example of "American Imperialism" at work.
I hope I remember the details correctly;
The current constitution of Japan was written by American staff Officers and
imposed by force at the end of WWII. This constitution has remained largely
unchanged by the Japanese for 60 years.(there were some minor changes in the 90s)
Japans' economy was subjected to American management models and practices
in much the same way and Japan is now one of the great economies on earth.
Having democracy and prosperity forced on them the Japanese are only now
getting over it. :
Yea - right, democracy can't be transplanted.