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Afghan Ops (the Milnet game) Horror Stories

ArmyVern said:

I have Pashmul open ... I'm at level 68 now.

It's the next AOR that I have to clear & it's sitting at 100% rate of insurgency. -15 CR a pop.

Ahhh I see, that may be my glitch then. I am seeing Pashmul before I am allowed to bring it down.
Task said:
PC on that note, how the heck did you remember that? lol I'm not even sure and that was 2 levels ago for me.

Mike emailed me a list of the higher level AOR locations to send him some pictures. Lowest one he sent was level 70, and a new one opens every 5 levels for the time being.
Vern, I'm not sure if you're unlucky or if the system is not truly random... Despite theories to the contrary, the intent is a random selection between 1-4 (inclusive) each time you drop the insurgency in a location. Here's the actual code!

				// How much did we lower the insurgency?
				$amt = mt_rand(1, 4);

				// Now actually decrease the insurgency
				dropInsurgency($loc_ID, $player['player_ID'], $amt);

I actually put some effort into ensuring it was a 'good' random algorithm by using the Mersenne Twister. So my best guess at the moment is that the game has it out for you Vern. ;) All kidding aside, I did some analysis and found that, since the beginning of time, here are the totals for insurgency drops:

1:  7,723 (25.03%)
2:  7,769 (25.19%)
3:  7,621 (24.70%)
4:  7,731 (25.06%)

I think the distribution is as good as could be expected so I guess we fall back to my original theory: the game hates you Vern. ;)

Task said:
Ahhh I see, that may be my glitch then. I am seeing Pashmul before I am allowed to bring it down.

Pashmul opens up at level 65, but the HVM for that location opens up at level 69. It works that way with all locations, you can drop the insurgency before the HVM opens up... gives you a leg up on things.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Pashmul opens up at level 65, but the HVM for that location opens up at level 69. It works that way with all locations, you can drop the insurgency before the HVM opens up... gives you a leg up on things.

Oh ok, that means there is a glitch with mine then Mike. I am level 68 and I can see Pashmul but it says already locked down.


PS I got the T-shirt and coin the other day, thank you  :salute:
So you're sure you didn't knock it down or unlock an incentive that took it down?
Mike Bobbitt said:
So you're sure you didn't knock it down or unlock an incentive that took it down?

I am sure, also it shows for medal incentive

Level 3: Enduring Freedom
Cleared Insurgency In 15 Locations
Incentive: +2,500 Int (200)

that I have cleared 11/15 (correct) but if I include Pashmul, as displayed on the AOR screen I should have 12/15.
I am certain I would not have done it yet (and have not used a medal incentive recently) because I cleared route summit and it used almost all my CR and I try not to clear an area unless I can complete it in one attempt.

Hmmm it's early in the morning here and I am not sure if I am writing clearly enough, I'll re-read later.

You explained it just fine... I found a small loophole, but it should be fixed now. You just need to visit the AOR page and possibly reload it once.
ArmyVern said:
I've cashed, but never gotten the "reductions for SA" bonuses as the system was glitching back then. Each and every one I've reduced has been purely on my own using my own CR - no bonuses.


I think I manually applied these to your account, in order to keep things fair. If I didn't, let me know and I can do so now. Just let me know which ones you missed. :)
A horror story more in the fact that it is sad due to misreading (or misguided anticipation??).

For some unknown reason, the game gods have smiled on me lately and my success streak has been climbing again.  I started holding my breath with each click of the mouse, sure that it was going to be the one that broke my streak.  And then the angels sung and the sun shone brightly through the clouds.  I had finally gotten 150!!  Only to go to the medals tab to find that the next streak was for 250 not 150  :'( 

I'm sure that the little voice in my head at one point knew it was 250 but anticipation overshadowed it.  So now it is back to holding my breath.

But really Mike, 250?!?!  And that is only for Level 4?!?!  Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit much??
I do think 250 and presumably 500 consecutive for Level 5 incentive is almost impossible to obtain unless the planets aligned. I've failed Desert Ram twice in a row before, and I'm level 86 with fairly high SA. I will say that I really do like the aspect of mission failures, and the percentages really work well. It can be frustrating when all you want to do is level, but Murphy steps in and fails your mission.

I would like to see this medal like this (if you keep the same incentives):


If the incentives are lowered, I believe it should be like this:

Good advice... have a look at the medals now. :)

;D  <---  HAPPY MICH!!

Thank you Mike, I take back all (ok, most) of my cursing at you!  And thank you for the backup PC.
Haha too funny, thanks Mike. With 1300 missions under my belt I am finally at level 3 :)

BTW Pashmul still is not working for me.

Edited to add Pashmul
Mike Bobbitt said:

I think I manually applied these to your account, in order to keep things fair. If I didn't, let me know and I can do so now. Just let me know which ones you missed. :)

How would I be able to tell? Would it show way-back in my history?

I just know that I have physically had to lower each of my AORs from 100 to 0 myself. I have had no "partial value" AORs, if that makes sense, to work on. Perhaps you applied while I was at work and by the time I got home to play (I can't access from work), they were up to 100% again??

Right now, I have all "avail to me" AORs lowered to 0.
airmich said:
A horror story more in the fact that it is sad due to misreading (or misguided anticipation??).

For some unknown reason, the game gods have smiled on me lately and my success streak has been climbing again.  I started holding my breath with each click of the mouse, sure that it was going to be the one that broke my streak.  And then the angels sung and the sun shone brightly through the clouds.  I had finally gotten 150!!  Only to go to the medals tab to find that the next streak was for 250 not 150  :'( 

I'm sure that the little voice in my head at one point knew it was 250 but anticipation overshadowed it.  So now it is back to holding my breath.

But really Mike, 250?!?!  And that is only for Level 4?!?!  Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit much??

150!!?? Damn lucky girl.

I hit my largest streak of 122 in my first week of playing ... I haven't been able to break it yet. I'd be just darn glad to see a streak of 123 about now!! Sad panda.  :'(
ArmyVern said:
150!!?? Damn lucky girl.

I hit my largest streak of 122 in my first week of playing ... I haven't been able to break it yet. I'd be just darn glad to see a streak of 123 about now!! Sad panda.  :'(

I got to 118 right at the beginning of playing.  Then it took forever to beat that and I recall I was at 122 also.  I gave up on trying to keep track until I noticed that I hadn't had a fail in awhile, checked my numbers and wowza.  I'm not going to hold my breath for the 250, but very happy for the change of levels.

Vern, luck needs to switch your way at some point.  Sending good game vibes your way.
airmich said:
Vern, luck needs to switch your way at some point.  Sending good game vibes your way.


2010-11-03 18:46:24  While conducting this mission you have discovered some useful Intelligence data! +159

Can you keep sending them!!??

I am so sick of failing missions at 98%. I failed the same mission costing 200 CR three times today. EACH TIME would have leveled me up to the next level giving me the ability to do ALL THREE challenges for today.

vern, no way to tell as 'the magic hand' doesn't leave log entries (unless I'm feeling like I have a lot of free time on my hands ;)). Let me know when your next location opens up and I'll adjust it as per the incentives... or I can un-purchase them and give you back the MilPoints if you'd prefer.