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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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I only found a conversation regarding if it should be open to the public

You read that then went on to ask

I would love to hear about the selection process, the training process and the daily life of a AESO.

17 pages here:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/22838.0.html

More info here:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/92781.0.html


I know the Recruiting website has it listed as an "in demand" trade, but the trade has fairly good numbers right now so I wouldn't be surprised if you found out from the CFRC they aren't recruiting AES Ops now, or until 01 Apr.
GAP said:
You read that then went on to ask


What are you talking about? Yes, the conversation I found was about should it be open to the public or not. Did you think that is the only criteria for the selection process? 
Eye In The Sky said:
17 pages here:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/22838.0.html

More info here:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/92781.0.html


I know the Recruiting website has it listed as an "in demand" trade, but the trade has fairly good numbers right now so I wouldn't be surprised if you found out from the CFRC they aren't recruiting AES Ops now, or until 01 Apr.

I had already found both of those links but thank you for your help.
I guess, I was looking for a less specific answer. Can a civilian do the job, spec pay and all of that stuff aren't really what I was looking for. I was just wondering what the job is like and what the training is like from a high level. Like is it fun, what do you do, how often do you fly, what are the hours like, do you like your job, what kind of stuff do you do when you are flying and do you wish you picked a different trade? etc..
Eye In The Sky said:
17 pages here:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/22838.0.html

More info here:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/92781.0.html


I know the Recruiting website has it listed as an "in demand" trade, but the trade has fairly good numbers right now so I wouldn't be surprised if you found out from the CFRC they aren't recruiting AES Ops now, or until 01 Apr.

They are taking internals though, I had a CT offer, right after accepted my current position here in the sandbox. 
zander1976 said:
I guess, I was looking for a less specific answer. Can a civilian do the job, spec pay and all of that stuff aren't really what I was looking for. I was just wondering what the job is like and what the training is like from a high level. Like is it fun, what do you do, how often do you fly, what are the hours like, do you like your job, what kind of stuff do you do when you are flying and do you wish you picked a different trade? etc..

1.  To be an AES Op, you can't be a civilian.  You have to be in the CF, selected for and trained as an AES Op.

2.  The rest of your questions WRT to trg have already likely been answered or covered to the extent ppl are going to cover them on here, which is in general terms and not specific terms.  Not all of this stuff is unclassified.

3.  Job, hours, flying, etc there is no one answer.  What community are you in?  Are you with an OTU, an operational Sqn, perhaps a training establishment like 1 CFFTS?  Are you in a ground billet like WOps?  Teaching EW stuff at CFSAS?  HOTEF/MP & EU?  A project office?  Initial Cadre Training for a new system?

As a new AES Op, after Wings you can expect to *likely* go to a Maritime Helicopter Sqn or Long Range Patrol Squadron, complete the OTU/MOAT training, be put on a HelAirDet or Crew and complete a flying tour.  To get to that point, you're looking at approx. 3-4 years after beginning the recruiting process (using a very general time appreciation that could be shorter, or longer).  LRP guys may log more hours and more away trips than the MH types, but the MH types may fly more often or get more deployments. 

However...I think most ppl in the trade would tell you its an excellent trade (there is always someone who isn't happy, right?) , I've never heard of anyone OT'ing out to another NCM trade.  I know of a few AES Ops who have gone the Officer route from AES Op to ACSO. 

Hatchet Man said:
They are taking internals though, I had a CT offer, right after accepted my current position here in the sandbox.

Yup, COTP is open.  Not sure how many are being hunted for the 13/14 FY.  Did you accept with a deferred CT/OT date?
hey  zander1976 another site that you may find usefull and find all your questions is at www.aesoplounge.com there are a lot of questions answered and you can add more if needed....hopefiully that will help you out...and I am not sure if they closed the trade to civilians or not some say yes and others say no
Eye In The Sky said:
Yup, COTP is open.  Not sure how many are being hunted for the 13/14 FY.  Did you accept with a deferred CT/OT date?

Nope, I released (well sup res) since I can potentially be here in the sandbox for a few years (6 figure, tax free income, going to ride this gravy train as long as I can). 

But just to clarify AES Op is one to civilians off the street, it's fairly recent that this happened  http://www.forces.ca/en/job/airborneelectronicsensoroperator-8#education-2  it's actually right on the main page that it's an in demand occupation. 
Right, I know that.  The DE trial started over 3 years ago.  Some of them were on my courses.

However, I am saying that I am surprised its an in demand trade, as the TES/PML #s are pretty good.  I wouldn't be surprised there are 2 or 3 Ext pos this FY.
You can apply as a civilian to the CFRC, but the question was "can you do the job as a civie".

zander1976 said:
I guess, I was looking for a less specific answer. Can a civilian do the job
Eye In The Sky said:
Right, I know that.  The DE trial started over 3 years ago.  Some of them were on my courses.

However, I am saying that I am surprised its an in demand trade, as the TES/PML #s are pretty good.  I wouldn't be surprised there are 2 or 3 Ext pos this FY.
You can apply as a civilian to the CFRC, but the question was "can you do the job as a civie".

Ah gotchya, I read these late at night for me. 
I think what he meant about "can I do this job as a civie" is can a civilian apply to the military in the trade, or do you have to already be in the CF before he can apply to AESOp.
Good Morning all,

I am hoping that some of you will be able to answer my questions.  I have read through this entire thread, and it has been very informitable. 

I applied for a CT/OT to AES OP in Sept 12.  Was told right away to get my aircrew medical done as I had a chance to get a job offer and course loaded in Jan.  I wasn't able to get my medical done fast enough.  So now I'm hoping that I can get onto the next course in April.

The one question that I still have in my head is 1) What does the math test on the first day of course consist off? 2) Is there still a math test? and 3) After you get your wings, how much time would you have to participate in sports?  I ask this because I Officiate hockey on base and minor hockey in the city, and I would love to keep it up.  But it is definitely not going to prevent me from accepting an offer.

Thanks in advance.
moose34 said:
The one question that I still have in my head is 1) What does the math test on the first day of course consist off? 2) Is there still a math test?

That's 2 questions.  ;)  Maybe someone recently thru the 3s can verify, but the MATH PIP/test is no longer a part of the 3s or 5s courses (however, math skills are still needed). 

and 3) After you get your wings, how much time would you have to participate in sports?  I ask this because I Officiate hockey on base and minor hockey in the city, and I would love to keep it up.  Thanks in advance.

Shouldn't be a problem but will depend on some stuff like course requirements, flying schedule, deployments, etc.  But you'd be able to giver' aside from that. 

Good luck.
Why is it that the most common question is "is there math?!!" I belive the PIP and math portion that many of us had to do has been modified or cut from the course, but I can't promise that. BUT, if you are looking at joining the trade, a workable knowledge in mathematics is a good asset. Good luck, bonne chance and whatever they say in Finland.
Lardofthedance said:
Why is it that the most common question is "is there math?!!" I belive the PIP and math portion that many of us had to do has been modified or cut from the course, but I can't promise that. BUT, if you are looking at joining the trade, a workable knowledge in mathematics is a good asset. Good luck, bonne chance and whatever they say in Finland.

Thank you.

I do understand the need for math, I have no difficulty with math.  I was mearly just inquiring.  If there was a math test on the first day, and I didnt prepare the best that I could, and got RTU'd, I would be kicking myself for the rest of my life, lol.