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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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Sounds like an awesome trade.  Hope I get an Offer in the next month or so.  Being away frequently is no change from what I do now.  It will just be a change from pounding the ground for the last 15yrs to flying  ,,,cant wait :)
hangingout said:
Sounds like an awesome trade.  Hope I get an Offer in the next month or so.  Being away frequently is no change from what I do now.  It will just be a change from pounding the ground for the last 15yrs to flying  ,,,cant wait :)

What's your situation? Going from reg force Inf to AES Op? How long was the OT/CT?
hangingout said:
Yes Inf to Aes Op, OT has been in since sept ish.

Awesome! Did they give you an estimate how long the wait would be? Also how many positions they are accepting per/that year?
not really an estimate, they will go through a list and fill the open spots...if the spots fill up before they get to my name i just keep waiting i guess. I think there was 20 open for aes op but could be wrong
Any word on when the AESOP trade might be open to those not doing an OT and are currently civillians/sup res?
Get Nautical said:
Any word on when the AESOP trade might be open to those not doing an OT and are currently civillians/sup res?

Not anytime soon, last i heard.
Good Day all, I have recently received my OT to Aes Op effective 13 July, Just wondering if anybody has received any course loading messages or course dates yet?
Congrats, and welcome to the trade, be patient as the dates will get to you.

Enjoy your "Slump!"

I am enjoying this slump very well, and feeling very excited with a few weeks leave starting on the weekend until i go to BTL.
Just discovered this trade and as someone who has had a long love of aviation, it's pretty damn appealing.

Is it possible for an AESOp to move onto pilot at some point later in his/her career with some academic upgrading?

PeterL,  you can apply for an OT to Pilot - different programs available if you do not have a university degree.  But like anything else,  it may not work out for you. 
-Skeletor- said:
PeterL,  you can apply for an OT to Pilot - different programs available if you do not have a university degree.  But like anything else,  it may not work out for you.

Thanks for the speedy response. You'll have to excuse my ignorance of CF nomenclature what but does OT stand for?

Is it possible to apply for air crew from any other trade? The reason I ask is that AESOp is closed at the moment
and I am pondering entering as an AVN Tech or similar to reduce my downtime.
OT is Occupational Transfer,  it means changing your trade.  You can request an OT to any trade,  does not matter what your current trade is.  What matters is you meet the pre requirements for that trade,  there is openings and your current trade will let you out and any other factors.

Don't join the CF in any trade just so you can get in faster and think you can change trades once in,  as you may end up stuck in the trade you joined as for awhile.  Join the CF in a trade you think you will be happy doing for at least a few years(ie your first contract).  If the trade you want is closed,  and it is what you want then wait for it.
Hello folks,

So I'm just waiting for some final scribbles on my OT paperwork and my meeting with the BPSO but I'm wondering something. If my file does not make it back to Ottawa/review board by Novemberish this year, does that mean I will literally be waiting until roughly November 2013 or are there 'secondary' reviews held sometime in spring?

I've read a bit about this through various other means and talking with people but it seems to be a pretty mixed bag. Any insight would be appreciated! Waiting is a big game in the military so I'm definitely prepared to wait and have lots of work to do in my current trade, no boredom that's for sure!


PS> Since it would be rather difficult to arrange some famil flights and such in my geographic location, any chance someone could do a phone run through or email run through on what things I could encounter if I was lucky enough to get onto a flight? Reason I ask is two-fold. 1.) BPSO advised me it would make my application much more competitive had I attained famil flights / OJT of some sort. 2.) A guy whom applied from CFB Edmonton also and was recently accepted to the trade told me he arranged such visits out in BC and it helped him out quite a lot.

AES OP Hopeful from CFB Edmonton
TB said:
PM inbound

TB will tell you everything you need to know and you can trust him to give you an honest opinion on the good and bad aspects of life in the trade.

**edit to remove typo.
Hello Everybody,

What is life like for an Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator (AESO)? I tried searching but I only found a conversation regarding if it should be open to the public. I would love to hear about the selection process, the training process and the daily life of a AESO. What are the required traits to make you good at AESO? I have been a software/game developer for 15 years and I enjoy math and physics. I am studying electronics engineering and I am a fire fighter/medical first responder.

Thank you very much,