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Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

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Does anybody know, for ROTP students, if we can do a summer OJT at a Navy Base, specifically CFB Esquimalt, to see how the MFC operate? Or are they posted out of 443 in Pat Bay?

Noctis - My home unit is 42 Radar Sqn. While overseas I'm attached to a coalition unit working with the USAF, RAF and RAAF. My highly biased opinion is that TCR's are the way to go ;D
MrDy3r said:
Noctis - My home unit is 42 Radar Sqn. While overseas I'm attached to a coalition unit working with the USAF, RAF and RAAF. My highly biased opinion is that TCR's are the way to go ;D

Yeah, joint operations definitely sounds like a blast! How did you get that posting? Are you a air weapons controller?
My bad. Thanks guys for your input, definitely food for thought  :) I'm pretty excited to get the call in April!
How do we know where we will be in the summer?
Do they tell us where we are going?
And I wonder if this is the same for Aerospace Engineering Officer.

Piper0507 said:
How do we know where we will be in the summer?
Do they tell us where we are going?
And I wonder if this is the same for Aerospace Engineering Officer.


Piper - Your post doesn't provide nearly enough background information to give you an informative answer. Where who will be? AEC personnel? AEC as a trade? The CF? And if what is the same as AERE?
From what I researched, I know that if I get the offer for Aerospace Engineering Officer,
I will either go to RMC or another civilian university to get a university degree.
But after that I get the degree, I am not sure where i will get employed.
Can anyone give me places where I can get employed?
I have my interview soon and I need to say where I might get employed, but it's hard to find that information.
I know that I could get employed in Ottawa and Winnipeg, but I couldn't get a specific place.

Piper - This thread is about Aerospace Control Officers. I doubt you'll find that info here - recommend you find an AERE thread or start one.  The search function might help.
Hi again,

I just received my VOT( voluntary transfer offer ) I will leave the R22R on the 17th of July to report to the nearest BTL. I am leaving tomorrow for one month in Wainwright for my last excercise with the infantry... By the way , I know that I should receive my message while in Alberta but does anyone knows where is the nearest BTL from Valcartier, because my orderly  room could not help me with that !

Thank you.
Once your message arrives, it will have more explicit instructions for you. A BTL is basically an admin section that untrained personnel fall under, so there should be one at Valcartier. Once you're posted there, they should try to find you employment related to your new trade, which in your case would be at 430 Sqn ATC. BTL sections typically fall under Base/Wing Admin sections, so that might be a good place to start looking.
I just recieved an email from the recruitment centre notifying me that I have to attend a course in Trenton before they will put me on the merit list for AEC. It's a one-day course and that's all I know. Does anyone know what the course is about and what should I expect? Thanks!
Yah, just did that one during my week for Aircrew Selection. They put all 14 of us Pilot applicants thru the AEC testing as well.

Not much anyone here can tell you. As you can imagine, we are asked NOT to divulge anything.  I can honestly tell you that digging for specifics about the testing on here wouldn't help you anyways!  Kinda like trying to study for a blood-test! 

They're looking for inherent skills within you, NOT what you've studied over the past month.  They are not testing how well you can fly planes or direct traffic. They've carefully developed or chosen specific tests to look for very specific aptitudes, to predict how well you COULD BE TRAINED to do those tasks.

Don't sweat!  Enjoy the trip... They're paying for it, right?  Be well rested when you arrive, dress sharp, go in confident. It's challenging but fun!

Just got back for Wainwright and I got a message from my orderly room . OJT will be at the 430 Squadron and my course will be from the 17th of Sept 'til 19 of Dec. I am really looking forward to be on the course ! Thank you again Incognito for all your comments on that post.
dad_r22r, I would suggest that you ask for some contact training/OJT time in a tower like Bagotville. 430 Sqn is a an ok spot but you would benefit more from seeing a fighter base before your course.


AEC instructor in Cornwall 2007-2009
Only somewhat related to AEC; but this seems to be one of the more active threads.

I was recently accepted for AC Op, I've got approx. 3 years of university completed. If I wanted to move up to the AEC, are there any programs in place within the CF that would assist in the training to AEC? Would a former AC Op be favoured for AEC upon completion of a bachelor's degree? And are these only available upon completion of my initial 5-year contracting?

Thanks in advance.
Is it just me or is it really hard to find information on the ACSO? I know the name changed but I have been searching around with little luck on how the career progresses and realistic day in the life of's ect.  Any input or links to help?

Also, I have thought about the AEC but don't want to be stuck in a tower, do you always have to do that before getting to specialize in something else? Am I just not knowledgeable enough and assume I will be in a basement or tower for the majority of the trade?

Thanks guys
Unknown21 said:
Is it just me or is it really hard to find information on the ACSO? I know the name changed but I have been searching around with little luck on how the career progresses and realistic day in the life of's ect.  Any input or links to help?

Try this, it may be a bit out of date though  ---->  http://www.frontline-canada.com/Defence/index_archives.php?page=1670

Unknown21 said:
Is it just me or is it really hard to find information on the ACSO? I know the name changed but I have been searching around with little luck on how the career progresses and realistic day in the life of's ect.  Any input or links to help?

Also, I have thought about the AEC but don't want to be stuck in a tower, do you always have to do that before getting to specialize in something else? Am I just not knowledgeable enough and assume I will be in a basement or tower for the majority of the trade?

Thanks guys

A bit late to respond so I hope this is still useful for you.  As background I am a currently serving AEC Weapons Controller on my second operational tour.

AEC as a trade is really what you make of it; the opportunities are endless but some people do indeed spend their whole career "in a basement" per say. The primary roles for AEC are ATC Tower (VFR), ATC Terminal (IFR) and Air Weapons Control. The only one of these options that has windows is Tower. That said, the most interesting stuff happens in places without windows.

As a weapons controller I've had the opportunity to control many Large Force Engagement exercises as well as deploy to control military aircraft over Afghanistan. It really is exciting and interesting to be the guy with global situational awareness ensuring that the mission is accomplished both safely and expeditiously. We are also able to serve on the Airborne Weapons and Control Systems; no windows at 30k feet! On my second tour I'm now the Officer In Charge (OIC) of an Operations Centre, which keeps me in the thick of all Wing/NORAD operations and has great leadership value.

Outside of our primary roles there's an abundance of other opportunities. A few key ones that come to mind is our ever expanding role in Space Operations (again, no windows), and as Forward Air Controllers / Tactical Air Control Party, and as Maritime Fighter Controllers.  As a FAC/TACP you can work with the Army both on field exercises, calling in airstrikes, and at the Air Operations Center facilitating the Air to Ground war. I am not an expert in these areas, but I hope it gives you an idea at least.

Long story short: windows are for ninnies.