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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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Soldiergirl - Many thanks  ;D

Armychick2009 - you're too kind to help me out like that.  ::) We'll make up for it when we can...We will share a bevy and perhaps we can "Nigamo" (sing) ;) our praise!  HA!
A little update...

I went to Borden, ON for a three week Aboriginal Pre-Recruit Training (PRTC) in April.  I surprised myself and my instructors in what I did and was willing to do.  I pushed myself every day.  I passed my swimming test, Express test, the confidence course completed, repel tower X5 repels (even got to do the Helicopter launch type repel) My moral was great, I was in a great mood 98% of the time and was even picked by the instructors to call final drill at our GRAD parade. 

ArmyChick2009 was there to watch me, and she was able to join us for our Graduation feast.  Thanks for coming Anj! 

Here is the biggest surprise to me.  In that 3 week period, I lost 7% of my body fat!  SEVEN!!!!!!!!!! 

I still have to decide what my next step is (reserves, Reg force, Officer, NCM) so much to consider.  More updates to follow!!  :)

Wow that's fantastic!!!  Congratulations!!!

Please keep up with the updates, I'm excited to see which path you will ultimately decide to follow.


I read this entire thread. Word by word, line by line and I have to tell you how much of an inspiration you are to me.

This is the type of experience, positive and full of superb comments that I want to read and keep in mind for those days when I wonder if I'll ever make it in :)

Thank you! Keep it up!


This is a great thread. I congratulate you on your accomplishments so far and on the accomplishments you will continue to achieve. I'm a little older also (33) and starting ROTP this year. My first "Man I'm old" experience came after Aircrew selection in Trenton. I suggested going for a beer after passing the course and out of the 8 or so that passed, only two were legal to drink in Ontario. Every day is a new adventure...........
Thank you guys!!  ;D

A little update, after some consideration over the past few days, here is what I have come up with:

There is one space left for Pilot in the CEOTP program.  I will attempt to fill that position, if unsuccessful, I will join the Air-Reserve as RMS clerk for 1 year and go for Pilot next year.  Air-Reserve training is the same as Reg force training, so I would not have to redo my BMQ when I make the change to Reg force.  I see this unfolding for me in the next few weeks.  I'm hoping to be in BMQ in late summer early fall. 

There is power in writing things down as you want them to happen.  So if I sound so sure of myself, it's because I am attempting to set myself up for success now.  :)

Well, off for my run now (still need to work on my endurance) Chat with you all soon!  And congratulations to those of you on this road and have been successful thus far!  And for those of you thinking about it, JUST GO FOR IT!!

Am I correct in saying BMOQ and BMQ are different programs? I do not believe they are interchangeable lik you say, and you would have to do it again.

Niteshade said:
Am I correct in saying BMOQ and BMQ are different programs? I do not believe they are interchangeable lik you say, and you would have to do it again.


No, they are not the same.  But what I am saying is, if I join the Air Reserves (as apposed to the Army Reserves) I would do the same BMQ as I would if I was joining regular forces.  BMOQ is basic for officers.  If I'm going RMS, I won't be an officer.  ;D

If I joined Army Reserves, I would do an 8 week basic training (or is is 6 weeks?) that is not equivalent to regular BMQ.  Therefore, if I switched to regular forces a year down the road, I would have to do basic training all over again. 

Make sense?  :-\
To clarify some things.

Firstly, there is no Air Reserve BMQ as opposed to Army Reserve BMQ. BMQ regardless if done on weekends (or summer time) as a reservist, or for 13 weeks as a Regular force member, is the same qualification.

Additionally, RMS clerk is a Purple trade, which means you need to take both BMQ and SQ, and your trade qualification courses.

I will join the Air-Reserve as RMS clerk for 1 year and go for Pilot next year.
Which means BMQ this year (for RMS Clerk) and as Pilot is an officer gig, BMOQ the following year.

<edited to add info>
Guess I'll be contacting the recruitting centre for some clarification.  But thanks for your incite!
Good idea! The recruiting centre is always the best bet for accurate, up to date information.

That is where I did get my information.  But apparently I need clarification if you are correct on the BMQ stuff.  I did realize there was a difference in regular BMQ and Officer, and I did realize there would be SQ...but what was told to me by the recruiter was that all reserve training is not the same.  That air reserves does it differently, they send you on all the same training as regular forces.  That is what I was getting at.

Nevertheless, I'll look into it again.  It won't stop me from doing what I need to do to get where I want to be. 

I'm so glad you enjoyed the experience! And it was great that I could get down there for a (albeit way too short) quick visit. I have to say, it wasn't so much fun sitting on the sidelines as it was doing the parade!

Secretly I hope you don't get pilot so that you can come to basic with me :P But... of course, I wish you well for whatever you wish and desire! I'm allowed to be a bit selfish!

7% body fat loss is great! I lost about 15 pounds in the three weeks (or, about two inches on my belt that they gave us!)... when we got to go back into our civies at the end, I had to immediately buy another pair of pants 'cause they wouldn't stay up without me holding them!

I hear you on the endurance -- you're doing well! Keep it up and you'll get where you need to be. (I'm in the same boat and finally seeing and FEELING the progression!)

P.S. Wasn't that feast divine????
TFLY, if things haven't changed, you are right.  The Air Reserves sends their members on Reg F courses as opposed to Res F courses and that should be counted when CTing to the Reg F.

All of my courses as an ARAF were Reg F.
You are correct.

Air Reserve pay funding has been cut, and this has resulted in a freeze in Class A applications being accepted across 1 Wing units for an indefinite period. There may yet be other fallout from that as well.

This may or may not affect other locations.
Armychick, the food was great!  It was nice that they provided us with all that wild game to suit our palettes.  ;D  Personally, I tried everything, but my favorite part of the meal was the BERRIES!  I missed Berrie's.  Borden food was great, but there was no berries.  LOL

Thank you Loachman and PMedMoe for further clarification.  I'm looking forward to my next leg of this journey.  If by some fluke I'm in Borden for basic training Loachman, I'll be looking you up.  (when they let us have a phone)  :) And if not then, I'm sure I'll be in your neck of the woods for training at some point!

I have to say, I am going to LOVE the military for the social aspect of it!  As a very social person...I'm sure I'll be in my element!  :nod:

Just a little update...

So here is my train of thought and some of the actions I have taken thus far:  I have decided I am going to reapply next year for Logistic Officer CEOTP and Pilot CEOTP.  And in the mean time, I have applied to the Air Reserves at Shearwater and have been accepted (from what I can tell) as a Class A RMS clerk to help me get my foot in the door (and to get my a$$ in shape with 14 weeks of BMQ)  No official date as of yet, but was told it looks like I will be going to BMQ August 9th.

Yesterday I broke my own record on the beep test.  The last time I was tested, I had a 3.5 (I think I need a 3 or 3.4 to pass at my age) and yesterday I reached a 4.  Pushups still good, body fat count still going down.  THANK you all for all the advice you have given me over the past several months.  This site has been invaluable to me and the choices and progress I have made! (not to mention a few good friends!!!!!!)

Kudo's to all!


Sounds like you are following in my footsteps (Air Res RMS Clk). ;) It's a good trade, especially if you are a people person, and in spite of the hiring freeze, RMS clerks are still badly needed in the Air Reserve. In fact, we are probably losing more AR clerks now than before because with the recent budget cutbacks, a lot of Class B jobs have gone Class A so some clerks are CT-ing due to the lack of full-time employment.

Hey, if you end up in Shearwater, I may see you there sometime in the near future if things go the way my hubby hopes they will.  8)

By the way, I tried to respond to your PM, but was not able to...error msg tells me there is no member by the name TFLY so I could not send my response. But the answer to your question is "yes".  ;D

Ciao, bella...

Niteshade said:
To clarify some things.

Firstly, there is no Air Reserve BMQ as opposed to Army Reserve BMQ. BMQ regardless if done on weekends (or summer time) as a reservist, or for 13 weeks as a Regular force member, is the same qualification.

Additionally, RMS clerk is a Purple trade, which means you need to take both BMQ and SQ, and your trade qualification courses.
Which means BMQ this year (for RMS Clerk) and as Pilot is an officer gig, BMOQ the following year.

<edited to add info>

Some clarification on your clarification. :)

The Air Reserve does not do weekend BMQ. They do Reg F training, BMQ, QL3, and beyond...the works. This is because Air Reserve units usually have Reg and Res members working alongside one another and so we need to have the same training. It does make it easy to CT later.

Air Reserve RMS clerks do NOT take SQ.

Regarding BMOQ/BMQ, my WO told me if I want to switch to an Offr trade later (as some here remember, I started out AEC), then I would have to do the full BMOQ later. I've heard different rumours about that through the grapevine, but somehow I believe the Warrant as knowing these things is part of his job.  8)
Are girls given enough heads up to make sure they're "prepared" to be in a swim suit?  A better question is, I guess... How does it work with hair removal and swim suits at BMQ?