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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter the patriot
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Drifter said:
I hear you,
I would like to think that even though we are 15 yrs older, I am hoping we will bring some
life experience to the table that might be useful. Also I relate with the notion you put
forward of stepping up to serve  and what that means

  :salute:  :cdn:

the pension is gravy ;)
Your life experience is invaluable. I rememeber as an 18 year old wet behind the ears recruit, the older recruits from the Maritimes were very helpful, like older wiser brothers. Those were the days when the age range was from 17-25.

Have a good one! Good luck! :salute:
I have been tossing the idea of the service back and forth in my head since I was 17
distracted from the idea with various life events over the years

I think it hit home when I saw a bumper sticker
"If you don't stand behind our soldiers, feel free to stand in front of them"

I thought to myself  SCREW THAT .. I am going to stand beside them and try to help out
keep in mind I am a starry eye recruit ....

of course I also looked at the fact am 35 and still working  a mcjob ... I figured its time to start a career
I have had a few careers now, all of which I liked, but none that I loved.  I have been an Early Childhood Educator, a Network Administrator, A business Developement Manager, a Reiki Practitioner, A small business owner and even a School bus driver....just to name a few.  But I have wanted to join the service for so long, I guess I won't be happy until I finally do. 

I also think this is what will keep me motivated!  I love to learn new things (hence the many work opportunities I have had) and I think the wealth of learning opportunities in the CF is amazing! 

Drifter, have you begun the application process?  Are you getting yourself into shape?  How are you finding it?
I start soon

i am semi in shape but am buckling down  ... lots of things are happening .. we just sold the house.. so there is lots of packing
main reason that motivates me to get into better shape is less pain during basic  lol

so every day i waste now is more pain during basic

I am in pretty good shape as is
i can hit the minimum marks  (20 push ups etc. ) except for the running bit and chin up .. dont have a chin up bar ..yet working on that
but i can walk forever
10 km walk is not that hard for me .. throw a 60kg ruck on my back i may be in trouble lol

by the time my date rolls by i should be ok

the mental parts i should be good to go
cept my brain needs to get back into learning stuff ... :)
Drifter said:
I start soon

i am semi in shape but am buckling down  ... lots of things are happening .. we just sold the house.. so there is lots of packing
main reason that motivates me to get into better shape is less pain during basic  lol

so every day i waste now is more pain during basic

I am in pretty good shape as is
i can hit the minimum marks  (20 push ups etc. ) except for the running bit and chin up .. dont have a chin up bar ..yet working on that
but i can walk forever
10 km walk is not that hard for me .. throw a 60kg ruck on my back i may be in trouble lol

by the time my date rolls by i should be ok

the mental parts i should be good to go
cept my brain needs to get back into learning stuff ... :)

Good start.

Don't go crazy on the running thing. You generally don't go into combat wearing running shoes and shorts. Running is good but it ain't the end all and be all.

Ruck marching is an art and a science, and you won't start out carrying 60 kg.

Mental flexibility is as important (if not moreso) than physical flexibility.

McJobs, haha!

Actually, you reminded me of this woman who was 49 years old and working at McDonalds alongside my mom for years. She started getting in shape about two years ago and about six months ago, she enlisted and is now finished basic training and is in her studies for her new job as engineer!

Never too late to join! (well, I guess technically there COULD be a point of it being too late but you know what I mean!)

I'll be at least 32 by the time I get there, maybe older... use this time wisely to get fit! I'm almost there myself and it takes a lot of work but, it's been great!
TFLY said:
But I have wanted to join the service for so long, I guess I won't be happy until I finally do. 

I felt exactly the way you do, and now, 20 years down the road, I am finally doing what has always been in my heart to do - serve my country in the Canadian Forces. Let me tell you, I could not be happier! It won't be easy doing this at an 'older' age, but at the same time, I am certain you won't regret finally pursuing your lifelong dream. :)
armychick2009 said:
McJobs, haha!

Actually, you reminded me of this woman who was 49 years old and working at McDonalds alongside my mom for years. She started getting in shape about two years ago and about six months ago, she enlisted and is now finished basic training and is in her studies for her new job as engineer!

Never too late to join! (well, I guess technically there COULD be a point of it being too late but you know what I mean!)

For anyone who is curious, DAOD 5002-1, Enrolment - Regular Force outlines that "there is no maximum age, but an applicant must be able to complete the terms of service offered on enrolment prior to the release age prescribed in QR&O Chapter 15, Release. Terms of service take into account restricted release policy, any obligatory service that may be incurred, and military occupation training."

That release age mentioned is, for anyone entering the CF after 2004, 60. So the maximum age that someone could join at varies by trade and entry plan, as outlined in this chart.

So, for example, someone could enrol as a Supply Tech, as long as they are under the age of 57 on the date they swear in. However, someone wanting to become a SIGS officer via ROTP would have to be under the age of 47, whereas if they already have a degree, they can join as a DEO as long as they are under the age of 51.
Thanks Celtic Girl!  I'm very excited about the opportunity as well.  Actually, I'm so excited that I am half tempted to forget waiting to "hear" about the ROTP I have applied to and just pick another trade and get on with my career.  But alas, I think I'll wait it out.  It's only another month or two.  ::)  Then again, I would still have to "Wait" another 4 years while in school...But I'm sure it will be worth the wait.  I've "waited" this long.  (talk about flip flop huh)  lol

ROTP selection is 10 March with offers out by end March so you won't have to wait too long. Best of Luck.

Thanks :)

One more itsy, bitsy issue.  (ok, not so small) I received a letter from the MO in Ottawa returning a decision of "unfit" So, after a moment or two of complete meltdown, I was SAD...then I regained my composure and then I was MAD...then I once again regained my composure.  Now, I'm just determined.  In a matter of 5 hours since receiving that letter, I have been to see my Dr. who has given me a letter stating that I have not shown symptoms of back pain in two years and that my thyroid is controlled with medication.  I have made an appointment with the Physio clinic to have an abilities test for my back and a call into my Chiropractor to get a letter drawn up from him saying treatment is my choice for general well being NOT that I REQUIRE it as stated in my letter. 

I hope to have all supporting documents into the Recruitting centre by Thursday to have it faxed to the MO in Ottawa in time to still be considered for ROTP selection in March.  It's cutting it really close, but I think I can, I think I can...toot toot!!

One more update...

By that Friday (found out Monday about the UNFIT decision) I had a letter from my Dr. saying I have not been in to see her about my back in 2 years and no longer have the symptoms and saying that I use a Chiropractor for spine maintenance and overall health and that my thyroid has been undercontrol for 14 years using the same medication, a letter from the Chiropractor saying the same, had a Functional abilities test done at the physio clinic with Awesome results testing to the maximum weights for push, pull, lift, carry, move that they will test for, AND a print out of all medications (my thyroid and head ache) with a personal letter from me pointing out that over 72 months (from when I was first perscribed meds for my headache) I filled 24 of those single dose pills, 18 of which I used in the first three years, 2 of which I used in the last 3 years of those 72 months and 4 of which I was still in possession of. 

When I brought it into the CMRC, the medical PO looked at it and was very optimistic that maybe a change of decision would be made, but that they wouldn't be able to get to it that day due to ROTP deadline on Monday.  I mentioned that I was supposed to be included in that deadline.  "so you are " he said...long story short,  he faxed the files to the MO in Ottawa that day...

I think someone must know by now, but for now...I wait.  ::)

The Saga continues

Physical update - down 8 lbs and 2% body fat.  Slow going...I'm looking into a personal trainer for more motivation.  :)
Medically Fit!!!!

Still not sure what's next...tba  But until then, I'm pumped!  ;D
you just made my day mate 
regards daod-5002-1 enrollment
dated 2/16/2010
garenteed i will be reapplying/
reenrolling..... i wont state my
particulars but was med 3-b 86
and i know for a fact im still good
to go.... imagine that...
so im off to the recruiters office
again ,,, when they make an
appearance in my local..........
tfly congratulations
best regards
                scoty b
TFLY said:
Medically Fit!!!!

Good for you. Hopefully, this means that I do not have to drink so much when you pitch up here.
;D Thank you Celticgirl and Scoty B (aka Wildman)
:blotto: Loachman, I hope they will let me out to play then!
Armychick, can't wait to see you!!  :salute:

Wow, this is so exciting!  I can't tell you how much all you guys helped me through these past few agonizing months!  Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience.  It helped ease the situation.  I will continue to comb the threads to learn as I go and help if I can.  :nod:
Hey! I know YOU won't be allowed a drink but - in your honour, I will sacrifice myself that night for you and consume all of your alcohol so that it does not go to waste. Would that be acceptable??? :)
