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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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OK.  Now that I have merged your post for the second time (two identical posts), I am beginning to wonder about you.  Looking at your posting history, I am rather confused.

tobin84 said:
I planning on joining the military shortly, and I have one concern I havent been able to find much information on. I have partner who I am extremely close with,  and barely go a day without talking/seeing. We know and are prepared that while I am away training that we will have very limited contact for months at a time, but my largest concern is how long this will continue for.

We are not yet married, and I know we will not be together for BMQ, but what about after that? When I relocate, is she able to come with me then or do I have to live in single barracks?

I just would like to know how long you normally have to wait before your family can relocate with you? Also because she is not yet my wife, is she still considered just as important?

Any info on this would be great, were not planning anything yet of course but to know what to expect to prepare ourselves would be helpful.


I wonder if you have looked around the site at all to seek answers to your questions?  Do you think that you are so unique that the question you have has never been asked?  Please read this topic from start to finish, and then have a look at other topics that cover Women in the CF.  There is a long topic running on BMQ, "What to bring to St. Jean: Female perspective....Any tips?".  Have a look at it.

Gee George, do ya suppose someone could actually have a lifestyle other than yours??

Naaaaaaah....... :argument:
traviss-g said:
Why do ResF not have the opportunity to WFT like RegF? What is the logic behind this policy, I am sure there is one and I am just not seeing it.


Reserve units only have so much money to spend. Ergo, they can't afford to send their people to WFT and then BMQ, which I believe is the reason for the initial Expres test at home. It would stand to reason that if you pass it before you go to basic, you will pass it in your first week of training. Oddly enough, it doesn't always happen. I was talking to a reserve (naval) RMS clerk when I was on PAR, and she was being sent home for only doing one push-up. Somehow, she had managed to do 9 of them on her first test, but only did one in St. Jean. Go figure.

I've already done one Expres test for the reserves, will have to do a second shortly after I enroll, and a third and fourth during BMQ.  ;D Such is life. I just keep working out and hope to keep my fitness level up.

Rosesm said:
Alot of things were not explained very good too her before she went.

In defence of the recruiting people (of which my fiance is one), candidates have to take the iniative to ask questions and gather information before going. No matter how well someone researches, though, and no matter how well things are explained to them prior to going on course, there are still going to be some surprises along the way. To quote Big Brother, "expect the unexpected". ;)
Bruce Monkhouse said:

Gee George, do ya suppose someone could actually have a lifestyle other than yours??

Naaaaaaah....... :argument:

Are you insinuating that I actually have a lifestyle?
Sorry about the double posts, it appeared to not have posted the first time if not I would not have done it the second time.

I posted my questions as well, as I found alot of information on subjects about concerns i have but nothing giving me a direct answer on my own personal situation, and didnt think it could hurt asking.

Just wondering why you have a part of my post highlighted, regarding my partner yet being my wife? And why that previous post would make you wonder about me?
Because George is old and it takes him awhile to pick up on things.  Just nod and smile.  ;D

(Just kidding George, you know I love you!)
tobin84 said:
Sorry about the double posts, it appeared to not have posted the first time if not I would not have done it the second time.

I posted my questions as well, as I found alot of information on subjects about concerns i have but nothing giving me a direct answer on my own personal situation, and didnt think it could hurt asking.

Just wondering why you have a part of my post highlighted, regarding my partner yet being my wife? And why that previous post would make you wonder about me?

No one cares what you do in your personal life.  HOWEVER are you a female or male as that changes the scope of your questions and possible answers.

I am so confused...
Thanks Strike, I think I'll do just that haha.

To clarify the situation, I was wondering about women in military jobs, because I am a woman.

Altho I take it I was assumed to be a male as I said in a previous post that I date a woman? Ill laugh at that and hope thats not the case, esp in regards to someone wondering about me because of it. Welcome to 2009!
PMedMoe said:
I'm so glad I did BMQ ages ago.  If I had to go through now, I'd be getting in trouble for laughing all the time or rolling my eyes.  ::)  ;D

Haha! A friend of mine got a counselling for sighing too loudly when someone else on his platoon F****d up!  ;D
tobin84 said:
Thanks Strike, I think I'll do just that haha.

To clarify the situation, I was wondering about women in military jobs, because I am a woman.

Altho I take it I was assumed to be a male as I said in a previous post that I date a woman? Ill laugh at that and hope thats not the case, esp in regards to someone wondering about me because of it. Welcome to 2009!

In defence of G2G, your being a woman who is dating a woman does NOT affect the general populace's attitude towards you on this forum.

What MORE affects Army.ca personnel's opinion is if they think you're a moron or not (and I mean no offence - Moron IS an official category of intelligence, much like genius is). If you confuse people, they will more assume the moron mantle and be less inclined to give you helpful answers and more inclined to mock and insult you.

THAT is why G2G tells you that it can change the answers (if I read G2G correctly)
Otis said:
In defence of G2G, your being a woman who is dating a woman does NOT affect the general populace's attitude towards you on this forum.

What MORE affects Army.ca personnel's opinion is if they think you're a moron or not (and I mean no offence - Moron IS an official category of intelligence, much like genius is). If you confuse people, they will more assume the moron mantle and be less inclined to give you helpful answers and more inclined to mock and insult you.

THAT is why G2G tells you that it can change the answers (if I read G2G correctly)

Honestly, I think that's a bit harsh. Especially considering the fact that the messages that caused the confusion were in completely different threads. In this thread, she made it very clear that she's got girly bits, and in the other thread she made it clear that she was dating a woman.

If that's all it takes to confuse people, then she's quite right that people need to pull their head out of the sand. It's hardly like she'd be the first lesbian in the Canadian Forces. It also did not seem to me that she was deliberately attempting to confuse people.

That having been said, tobin84, you might want to fill out your profile information to help avoid such confusion in the future.
tobin84 said:
Thanks Strike, I think I'll do just that haha.

To clarify the situation, I was wondering about women in military jobs, because I am a woman.

Altho I take it I was assumed to be a male as I said in a previous post that I date a woman? Ill laugh at that and hope thats not the case, esp in regards to someone wondering about me because of it. Welcome to 2009!

Sigh ... we've learned long ago not to assume too much around here ...

As for George highlighting only that one "she is not yet my wife" portion of your post ...

That's got SFA to do with your preferences. Think of it this way:

Every week  some one comes along on this site and asks "How much contact etc can I have with my spouse while on training" or "How much contact can I have with my girlfriend/boyfriend whie on course" or "Do I have to live in the shacks if I'm married" or "do I have to live in the shacks while I'm single" .... or "I'm not married yet, can I .... or can we (insert significant other of whatever sex here) ..."

I think the pointof his highlighting that bit was to highlight the fact that you are not "married" - whether to a guy or a gal is moot - and thus ... a  simple forum search of

"Do I have to .... if I'm single ..." would have garnered you the answers to all of the questions you've posed thus far. Answers to your questions are the exact same for you as they are for any other "single" person. Answers to your questions would also be the same were you married/common-law with your partner as they would be with a MF relationship ... They are already answered here- that's why he brought up the "have you searched the site" ... "SINGLE" being your operative word ... not your sexual preference.

Run a search on "females combat arms" ... there's plenty of posts here addressing females in the cbt arms for example. I know women in all three of the trades you've listed and to a girl - they love their jobs - just like for a man, I believe it's all in the attitude; put your mind to succeeding and you will. Good luck with your choices and in whatever trade option you choose.
Otis said:
In defence of G2G, your being a woman who is dating a woman does NOT affect the general populace's attitude towards you on this forum.

What MORE affects Army.ca personnel's opinion is if they think you're a moron or not (and I mean no offence - Moron IS an official category of intelligence, much like genius is). If you confuse people, they will more assume the moron mantle and be less inclined to give you helpful answers and more inclined to mock and insult you.

THAT is why G2G tells you that it can change the answers (if I read G2G correctly)
Correct on all counts Otis.

Army News Story

Military women discuss female leadership: Part 1

George Wallace said:
Yes there is.  You will be surprised at how many people really need a demonstration on proper hygene.
Oh god, what have I got myself into ><