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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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Cluett said:
But I believe there is Reform isn't there? If you didn't get whats expected they hold you for an additional 3 months to pass the PT then they throw you back to BMQ.

Yea I am also under the impression that it is not a one shot deal. You have more than one chance to pass the test. That is my understanding of it, which is limited as I have not even been merit listed yet  :P.

Just found this in another  thread not fully up to date but I am pretty sure that what is in place now is similar to this, again not based on experience as i have none:
Week 0 PT test
- If a candidate fails the V02 Max (shuttle run) he/she will be transferred to RFT PL for a maximum of 90 days the Monday morning of week 1.
- If a candidate fails one or more strength components other than the V02 max (shuttle run) he/she will have a retest in week 10.

Week 10 1st Retest
-The candidate will carry on with training and must pass the remaining POs. Candidates who don’t succeed all three test components will be retested in week 13.
- If a candidate fails the shuttle run or two strength components in the retest of week 10, they will be transfer to RFT PL for 90 days maximum.
- All candidates will do a second CF EXPRES test in Week 10, to determine best athlete, and progression of physical fitness of trainee's.

Week 13 2nd Retest
- If a candidate fails, he/she will be transferred to RFT PL for a max of 4 weeks.
- The candidate will not graduate with their course.
- Candidates from the detachments who fail will be transferred to CFLRS St-Jean RFT PL. ( this includes PT tests of week 1,10 and 13)

- Upon successful completion of the PT test, the candidate will get his/her qualification and carry on to their next phase of training.
- If the 2nd retest is failed after the 90 day period, the candidate will be released from the CF.
I Know there is about 17 of them that were removed from there normal housing into a trailer with bunkbeds. She has told me that they aren,t even allowed to do any sort of training other then watching videos all day on different army subjects that,s it. So how are they to get the exercise they need to even pass the next physical. My daughter went there this past Sat. and will be home in 3 weeks.
There is a minimum standard (it's in a thread somewhere) required before you can even get into the Warrior Fitness program, so somehow I'm doubting that she "did good" on the rest of the test.  I also don't think a cold would affect your push ups.  I think it would bother you more on the run.

It would be nice if the fitness test could be done prior to BMQ but on the other hand, people should go to BMQ prepared.  Your daughter can always work on her fitness and apply again.
traviss-g said:
Yea I am also under the impression that it is not a one shot deal. You have more than one chance to pass the test. That is my understanding of it, which is limited as I have not even been merit listed yet  :P.

Just found this in another  thread not fully up to date but I am pretty sure that what is in place now is similar to this, again not based on experience as i have none:
Week 0 PT test
- If a candidate fails the V02 Max (shuttle run) he/she will be transferred to RFT PL for a maximum of 90 days the Monday morning of week 1.
- If a candidate fails one or more strength components other than the V02 max (shuttle run) he/she will have a retest in week 10.

Week 10 1st Retest
-The candidate will carry on with training and must pass the remaining POs. Candidates who don’t succeed all three test components will be retested in week 13.
- If a candidate fails the shuttle run or two strength components in the retest of week 10, they will be transfer to RFT PL for 90 days maximum.
- All candidates will do a second CF EXPRES test in Week 10, to determine best athlete, and progression of physical fitness of trainee's.

Week 13 2nd Retest
- If a candidate fails, he/she will be transferred to RFT PL for a max of 4 weeks.
- The candidate will not graduate with their course.
- Candidates from the detachments who fail will be transferred to CFLRS St-Jean RFT PL. ( this includes PT tests of week 1,10 and 13)

- Upon successful completion of the PT test, the candidate will get his/her qualification and carry on to their next phase of training.
- If the 2nd retest is failed after the 90 day period, the candidate will be released from the CF.

Very informative, I think this needs to be stickied. It's a good answer and should help some new people here, if and when they need this question answered.
Rosesm said:
I Know there is about 17 of them that were removed from there normal housing into a trailer with bunkbeds. She has told me that they aren,t even allowed to do any sort of training other then watching videos all day on different army subjects that,s it. So how are they to get the exercise they need to even pass the next physical. My daughter went there this past Sat. and will be home in 3 weeks.

It sounds to me like she is on PAR (Personnel Awaiting Release). That would explain the videos and the going home in 3 weeks.

Only reg force members can be put on WFT (Warrior Fitness Training). If she is/was a reservist, she will be sent back to her unit tout de suite. That sounds like what has happened here. And yes, not meeting the absolute minimum push-up standards (2 for women, 4 for men), even if they passed everything else, will get a reservist shipped home.
Celticgirl said:
It sounds to me like she is on PAR (Personnel Awaiting Release). That would explain the videos and the going home in 3 weeks.

Only reg force members can be put on WFT (Warrior Fitness Training). If she is/was a reservist, she will be sent back to her unit tout de suite. That sounds like what has happened here. And yes, not meeting the absolute minimum push-up standards (2 for women, 4 for men), even if they passed everything else, will get a reservist shipped home.

Don't reservists do the PT test before they go to BMQ?
Part of the Reserve Application process is the PT Test (CF Expres).  This will be done before the member is enrolled.  The member sometimes waits up to a year before being Crse Loaded on a BMQ Crse if the timing is wrong and no Crses are avail at the time they enrolled.  Timing.  Sometimes this, compounded with the fact that the PT Test may not accurately portray what physical standard is required for BMQ, makes it a possibility that unfit pers are getting onto BMQs. 

It is happening.

If they manage to get through BMQ (and some are), they face even more challenges (physically) when they start SQ.  Will the System weed them out?  :-\  Probably not.  It is easier for them to VR making less administration for some Crse staff.
PMedMoe said:
Don't reservists do the PT test before they go to BMQ?

Yep, before they go *and* again when they are there. Oddly enough, there are lots of folks who pass the Expres test at home, yet fail it at St. Jean. Perhaps they let their 'skills' lapse during the time between the two, I'm not sure.

Army reservists are the exception because they do weekend BMQ. Anyone doing "reg force" BMQ/BMOQ (that includes all air and naval reservists, I believe) should be forewarned that they will have to do an Expres test and pass it in admin week (week 0 of BMQ, week 1 of BMOQ). Reg force members that fail may have the option of WFT, but reserve members will be sent home.
Been hearing alot about the MEGA and all things being equal, I am glad I went to Cornwallis when I did.  Even with the Name tape stitch measuring going on.  Or the demo on how to properly sh#t Shower Shave
Why do ResF not have the opportunity to WFT like RegF? What is the logic behind this policy, I am sure there is one and I am just not seeing it.
traviss-g said:
Why do ResF not have the opportunity to WFT like RegF? What is the logic behind this policy, I am sure there is one and I am just not seeing it.

Well, reserves do BMQ at many different locations so you would have to set up WFT at as many locations. Considering the rough percentage of course candidates who would end up on WFT , it would be , IMHO, too resource intensive on a system already short staffed.

Furthermore, with reserves running weekend BMQ, what are you going to do ? Weekend WFT ? Even if you did that, what do you do with the member once done with WFT .....you cant recourse him to weekend BMQs that are no longer running because the unit has moved on to other things. The member ends up sitting and waiting for BMQs the following year.
traviss-g said:
Why do ResF not have the opportunity to WFT like RegF? What is the logic behind this policy, I am sure there is one and I am just not seeing it.

To add to what CDN Aviator said, WTF is a continuous program run through out a 'training week' over a period of weeks.  Reservists, unless on a full time course during the summer, would not be able to do this unless they were fulltime, which they are not during the majority of the year.

Training Reservists during the summer, does not give you the luxury to take them off the only course being run to put them on a WTF program.  That would likely add a full year to qualify them.  That is expensive. 

Reservists do not get off easy due to these facts.  They still need to be in shape and pass their BFT and/or CF Expres (Depending on circumstances) and Medical to be promoted...........Although some that I know have been promoted who I am sure could not pass a the PT Test, nor the Medical....so somewhere people are still cheating.
Right well that all makes perfect sense. Like I said there must be some kind of logic behind it. Thanks for the explanation. 
the_girlfirend said:
:rofl: there is a demo for that? :rofl:

Yes there is.  You will be surprised at how many people really need a demonstration on proper hygene.
I'm not surprised, I was in downtown Ottawa for Canada Day yesterday.  GROSS!!
the_girlfirend said:
:rofl: there is a demo for that? :rofl:

It's amazing the number of Dirty Billys that show up for course, many who have never used a razor in their lives.
I'm so glad I did BMQ ages ago.  If I had to go through now, I'd be getting in trouble for laughing all the time or rolling my eyes.  ::)  ;D
yes she actually did good on her physical other then the pushups according to a warrant officer there. They had her go along with the others and stood in line at the Canex with her supplies she had purchased and then some officer came and took her stuff and got her money back and she was sent to PAR which she said made her feel like an idiot in front of the others. I have been told some of these officers are under investigation.Alot of things were not explained very good too her before she went.
I'm about to sign up to join the military, more specifically the Army and I'm trying to narrow down what job choices I would like.

So far I've chosen:

Combat Engineer
Construction Technician
Artillery Soldier

While researching these jobs I found that in the US Army women are not allowed to do most of these jobs, and in Canada women are allowed but there are not very many because of the nature of the job and the strenuous activity it involves. Which I'm not contesting and can be understandable.

My concern is that I'm over reaching my goals, I am by no means a superior athlete but I can keep up with most and currently training to try and make BMQ easier on myself. I just don't want to shoot for a goal most girls cannot succeed at, I want to be realistic in my choices.

Any insight on this would be great.

BTW am i no way doubting myself, or saying that women cannot do a "mans" job, i would just like to know what the statistics are. Thanks!