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Acceptances to RMC - When sent out?

Geez, I'm dying here waiting!!!  Keeping ym fingers crossed!!!
Congrats to all of you who have gotten their calls! I hope I'm soon able to join the group of you!!!!
dwalter said:
Well everyone, I was accepted today from CFRC Vancouver. Intelligence Officer, air element, subsidized to carry on at the University of British Columbia. I am more than a little bit stoked! :D

Wow, congrats dwalter!

PM Inbound!
Well I've gotten in as well; they found a way to make a square peg fit into a round hole :) I'm ecstatic!!! For all of you who don't think you can fit in the box, trust me you can, just have to push and show your determination! I was able to get in as a mature student doing Distance Education through a Civi-U while staying where my hubby is posted!

By the way, along with the changes of not assigning specific trades (only element and trade groupings ie. Air - Support Ops, instead of Air- Log - HR), they are not running IAP this summer, instead it will be a full IAP/BOTP next summer, in the same manner as is currently done for the DEO's, so you won't get sworn in until August most likely. So note to all the Civi-U kids we will all have to make sure we keep up our physical shape and stamina, as we won't have the upper hand the RMC kids will have from being in a military school for 8 months before IAP/BOTP.

Wonder how we will get our kit issued to us or do we not get anything until next summer?
Are you sure about that, trentonmilwife? When I got my call last week I was told that if I pass Aircrew then I'd be shipped off to BOTQ at St Jean on May 4th to start the course on the 5th. Isn't BOTQ the new name/another name for IAP+BOTP ? Or are they different? I am in ROTP (if I pass aircrew next week), btw.
I honestly don't know Perfect_Clark...maybe they are doing different trades differently...I take it you also aren't a highschool student right now? (otherwise wouldn't school be in till June). And yes, BOTQ is the same as IAP+BOTC/BOTP, and that would be great for you if you can do it all this summer, I actually asked if I could join the course on May 5th and they said they would look into it, so maybe if others are doing it, there is hope for me too.

What CFRC are you dealing with?
CFRC Kitchener. I've had my share of misinformation and mixed messages though so I wouldn't be surprised if one of us got the wrong info haha, but I was specifically told if I passed aircrew I'd be shipped off to St Jean from May 5-Aug 15th. And you're right, I'm in 3rd year at Laurier.

Congratulations, by the way!
I've been waiting for a call for a while and I've got a hunch that those who have received their calls already are mature students applying to ROTP from university. Am I right? Have any high schoolers out there received their phone calls yet?
Peters 219 said:
Have any high schoolers out there received their phone calls yet?

Yes, a lot of my friends have (not me, yet *crosses fingers*).
Perfect_Clark: Thanks :) and yes, it does seem there tends to be some mixed messages out there depending what CFRC you talk to...ah well, that's a common problem when you are dealing with ever changing policies and so many different situations for your applicants. I'm happy I got in and while I would prefer to do my basic this summer, so that next summer I can hop into the training system (i'll be done in a year too) and get on with things, but if its not possible I'm still happy to be in. I've realised after leaving Toronto for Trenton that being a Military wife and having a civi career is almost an oxy moron, so I'm counting my blessings for having a chance to get in and have my cake and eat it too so to speak.

Good Luck with your Aircrew test!
Hm... I was kind of anxious and excited about attending BOTC this summer but my CO at CFRC Kit. said that it wouldn’t happen for prospective RMC cadets. Instead we would attend OCTP or a 4-week FYOP and then BOTC the following year.

Seems to me that for the Civi-Uni. people out there need to get trained immediately rather than wait until their graduation.

Peter219: Yes most of my friends have received calls for ROTP. Relax it's only the 1st round of calls.
Yeah, in terms of me getting on my training this summer, that is probably because I will already be finished my first year when summer rolls around. I guess the best thing would be just to roll with the punches. When the CFRC says something is going to happen, or not happen, just go with it. Eventually everyone who has been accepted will get on their course be it this year or next. (Unless they totally forget about you, but I hope that doesn't happen!)
Perfect_Clark said:
Some guys going to aircrew next week with me are from CFRC Toronto, so I think yes.

I think Outrak means to ask if anyone has heard anything from CFRC Toronto with regards to offers of ROTP, or the like.
Hi Domagala, yep, I'm going to be Air Nav too at RMC this year. I'll be going in August I think, I don't have any details yet. I know I'll do BOTC next summer.
congrats to everyone so far! does anyone know when the other selection rounds occur? thanks - HD007
Any nurses been offered a position? I'm in Ottawa here and still no word yet.
hello all, and congrats on those who have received their offers. and those that didn't get them sit tight. the second round of offers can come out as late as may when other universities have sent our their acceptances, and people start to decline offers. (a 12 year contract can scare some people away) I got the good call this tuesday. RMC, and Air OPS MOC (so pilot when I pass aircrew. no pressure though) .Is there anyone attending ASC next week (the week of the 25th) from Toronto, and if so anyone taking greyhound. I was wondering when you get there how you actually get to CFB trenton/ASC. 
Stefwills, I'm also waiting on my application for Nurse O, and I haven't heard anything from the recruiting centre except that it could be months before we hear.