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Acceptances to RMC - When sent out?

Got call from CFRC Toronto today saying i got offer for RMC. The problem is I am already attending first year at university of toronto for engineering why would they offer me RMC when i am already in first year. Does anyone know what I can do if I don't want to go to RMC but stay in my civi University, my first choice for my ROTP was civi so i dont know whats going on.
checkmate_ca said:
Got call from CFRC Toronto today saying i got offer for RMC. The problem is I am already attending first year at university of toronto for engineering why would they offer me RMC when i am already in first year. Does anyone know what I can do if I don't want to go to RMC but stay in my civi University, my first choice for my ROTP was civi so i dont know whats going on.

If you're already at U of T and they offer you RMC, then you simply leave U of T to enroll at RMC. Some of the courses you have and will complete this year with be transferable to RMC, but not many, it depends on the program you're taking now, and the program that you'll be taking at RMC.

If they offered you civi-U, then I suppose you would simply have continued your education at U of T.

If all that they offered you was RMC, then you have two options.
1. Accept, join the forces, attend RMC for 4 years, earn a degree, and spend the next 13-25+ years in a fulfilling career.
2. Decline, remain a civi.
Why would they spend more money putting me through first year again when I have already been through. Also I already spend 2 years in the reserve so I have some military experience maybe not a lot. Is this common that they offer RMC to people already in first year university?
Checkmate: Call the CFRC you were dealing with and ask if you are approved for both RMC and CIVI-U or just RMC...it does seem odd that they wouldn't allow you to continue at U of T, especially since you have already completed a year. Now just a quick question did you apply for the same program at RMC as you were currently doing at UofT...also if you were already going to UofT why did you apply for RMC??? RMC doesn't allow any transfer credits and you will be starting from the beginning of year one again, so talk to your CFRC and see what can be done in your case.
checkmate_ca said:
Why would they spend more money putting me through first year again when I have already been through. Also I already spend 2 years in the reserve so I have some military experience maybe not a lot. Is this common that they offer RMC to people already in first year university?

I hope that you save the above quote and file it away some place safe, so that in five or so years from now you can pull it out and reflect on your attitude and how much it may have changed over those years.  If it hasn't, I feel very sorry for you.
I had a similar dilemma when deciding whether to apply to a civi university or RMC. I have oodles of previous uni experience behind me, most recently about 1.5 years worth of political science credits from studying by correspondence for 3 years. It was a hard call to give up all that work and start again, but I know that RMC offers a different kind of education, one that I would never get at a civi uni, and that it would be well worth it. Just think of it this way, if you do go to RMC, there will probably be a couple of courses that will be super easy for you, because you've already done some similar studying. That'll give you more time to focus on the other aspects of your first year at RMC. If you think about what you want longterm, you should make the right decision. :cdn:
Very True point Breezie, the experience (which goes a lot beyond just the education component) one receives at RMC is something that you will not get any where else. You will develop soft skills that you might  not get a chance to develop at Civi-U and you will also get involved in things that are exclusive to RMC students. You will also create networks that will stay with you your whole career (well as long as you maintain them) and that right there is priceless. You will also get a much more personalized experience, you will be a lot more than just a number (where as I remember being one of 500 in a massive lecture hall where the prof had no idea who any of us were, which doesn't happen at RMC).

Obviously to each their own, every situation is different, and we should all be respective of the choices each and everyone of us choose, because at the end of the day all officers have a common goal and should work together and not bash each other.
I called CFRC Toronto today just to check up on my file, and the lady on the other line told me that the replies for ROTP are just starting to trickle in.

That means that those of us who are still waiting for the call shouldn't be worried.
there are still plenty of acceptances to be sent out. ;D
Yeah, true...I think there's also more than one selection board, at least in May or so...that's what my recruiter at CFRC Ottawa told me yesterday
I was just wondering...how much sway does your sports and extra-curricular activities have on your application? I mean If you only get decent marks, but play tons of sports etc do you still have a chance?
Smitty1690 said:
Yeah, true...I think there's also more than one selection board, at least in May or so...that's what my recruiter at CFRC Ottawa told me yesterday
I was just wondering...how much sway does your sports and extra-curricular activities have on your application? I mean If you only get decent marks, but play tons of sports etc do you still have a chance?

Yeah Smitty from what I've heard, it does. My marks in HS were 50's and 60's, college I have an 80, but the recruiter said my extra curriculars i.e. sports make up for the low marks.

I'm not a recruiter but from what I've heard it's definitely a plus.

Keep in mind it also depends on the other applicants as well.

Thanks for the replies, they've given me some hope!!!
And good luck on your application as well
So I got a call today from RMC while I was at school, I hope it's not early rejection!! Would they reject this early, seeing as files are kept open until may, or could this have been good news?? :o
Smitty1690 said:
So I got a call today from RMC while I was at school, I hope it's not early rejection!! Would they reject this early, seeing as files are kept open until may, or could this have been good news?? :o

So why don't you call and find out? ???
Yeah, most likely :P...i know the CFRC in Ottawa closes at 12:00 on Friday, so maybe Kingston too. I guess i'll just have to be patient until Monday. 
