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A Deeply Fractured US

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Hazardous precedent to set. What happens when people protest in favour of a cause you strongly support?

Prosecute crimes, but be careful with letting that cross into simple wholesale suppression of objectionable opinions. Any reasonable discourse about how public order should be policed and enforced needs to stay agnostic to the cause in question on a given day or week.

Apparently other folks are allowed to be intolerant.

I could point to numerous examples of our tolerant society only being rendered possible through intolerant acts. WW2 comes to mind.
Sounds like speculative bullsh!t. Who is "Thom Hartmann"?
No idea - but it’s not exactly a secret in the beltway that some unusual losses occurred under Former President Trumps watch - and often timed after dealings with those particular countries HoS
Russia and Saudi Arabia being the most noteworthy.
For what it is worth - this also happened in several other countries - and why I think Trump should hang.

So I guess my question is should POTUS even know that sort of info? Politicians love to talk and we all know "loose lips sink ships".

Just gonna add that maybe just maybe the head Int guru in POTUS's circle refuse to divulge that info? Fall on your sword etc....
So I guess my question is should POTUS even know that sort of info? Politicians love to talk and we all know "loose lips sink ships".
Well Former President Trump like to keep that sort of stuff around - certain entities started redacting info later for him due to those issues. But hey, I’m sure he had a totally legit reason for hiding that stuff at his resort. Right…
Well Former President Trump like to keep that sort of stuff around - certain entities started redacting info later for him due to those issues. But hey, I’m sure he had a totally legit reason for hiding that stuff at his resort. Right…
We always took document custody seriously. None of us ever took shit home because a stint in HM CFSPDB did not sound like fun.
No idea - but it’s not exactly a secret in the beltway that some unusual losses occurred under Former President Trumps watch - and often timed after dealings with those particular countries HoS
Russia and Saudi Arabia being the most noteworthy.
It's not exactly a secret that the intelligence community was artfully deceptive when it published the "looks like Russian disinfo" letter, either. Credibility without facts is approximately zero now. I know getting the facts is in a lot of cases impractical, but they have only themselves to blame that their claims need no longer be trusted until they demonstrate a long interval of trustworthy behaviour when they choose to meddle in politics.
Well Former President Trump like to keep that sort of stuff around - certain entities started redacting info later for him due to those issues. But hey, I’m sure he had a totally legit reason for hiding that stuff at his resort. Right…
From what I've read much of the classified information at Mara Lago were documents related to Crossfire Hurricane that he had ordered de-classified that the agency refused to de-classify... what possible circumstance could be when a suspect in a case wants all the evidence against him made public and the authority seeking to prosecute him wants it kept secret?

Trump has been on the public scene for over 50 years. He has a demonstrated history of loyalty to his community and to America. To suggest he would turn over American assets to foreign HoS' who later deleted them is not even close to reality.

If Trump were a Russian asset he would never have been vetted for the first term. If Trump gave up names of American assets for murder it would be round the clock news until he was hung in the town square.
From what I've read much of the classified information at Mara Lago were documents related to Crossfire Hurricane that he had ordered de-classified that the agency refused to de-classify... what possible circumstance could be when a suspect in a case wants all the evidence against him made public and the authority seeking to prosecute him wants it kept secret?

If, hypothetically, that were completely true, it would still leave it as necessarily true that much of the rest is not related to Crossfire Hurricane. Given the large volume of documents in question, that remains a problem. We know from court filings that some of the material is classified in such a way as to not be conceivably related to CH, such as the classification sub compartment of “formerly restricted data”, which relates to nuclear weapons and which declassification authority tests not with the president but with the Department of Energy.

In any case, the pre-trial CIPA proceedings are underway, and they will determine the way forward with regards to classified evidence. This far, in all of the pre-trial proceedings, Trump has not actually made a claim that he declassified or ordered declassified any of the material in question, so there has been no chance for that to be adjudicated. We’ll see if he advances that defense at trial and if he can back it up if so.

It’s important to distinguish what actually gets tendered as evidence and argued in court versus what gets claimed or alleged on social media or in interviews where there’s no burden of proof and no legal jeopardy for dishonesty.
From what I've read much of the classified information at Mara Lago were documents related to Crossfire Hurricane that he had ordered de-classified that the agency refused to de-classify... what possible circumstance could be when a suspect in a case wants all the evidence against him made public and the authority seeking to prosecute him wants it kept secret?
There was Human Source info there, as well as DOE and other entity protected information that was recovered.
Why would a President need to know names of sources?

Trump has been on the public scene for over 50 years. He has a demonstrated history of loyalty to his community and to America.
I would say he demonstrated loyalty to himself, and prized himself as an opportunist.
To suggest he would turn over American assets to foreign HoS' who later deleted them is not even close to reality.
SO why did the Saudis give him millions? Conveniently just after a number of US assets in Saudi Arabia got outed and killed...

If Trump were a Russian asset he would never have been vetted for the first term. If Trump gave up names of American assets for murder it would be round the clock news until he was hung in the town square.
Maybe we will be lucky and he will just die in his sleep or in a single vehicle accident...
Problem is, a huge portion of the voters don't/won't believe it. Not after what has been done this past last 8 years.
Problem is, a huge portion of the voters don't/won't believe it. Not after what has been done (real or imagined) this past last 8 years.

I honestly fail to understand how and why we constantly seem to pick the worst candidates for President of late (that goes for both parties).

I keep hoping Trump will stroke out and die, and Nikki Haley can rebuild the party without the crackpots, but with fiscal prudence, and support our interests against Russia, China, and Iran.
If we're going to burn up the forum with hearsay, rumour, innuendo and speculation, then come out with specious comments that just play to bias and unproven facts, get ready.

I can find shit tons of stuff to block up and kill intellegent conversation and fill the forum with sewage. The rest of you can tie yourself in knots screaming at me.

We know each others biases. It serves no purpose to latch onto some talking heads fantasies and call for hanging Trump on sight. Or exploiting and extrapolating a rumour to the Nth degree.
If we're going to burn up the forum with hearsay, rumour, innuendo and speculation, then come out with specious comments that just play to bias and unproven facts, get ready.
No need to get worked up; just apply common sense.

Trump's opponents throw everything at him they can find, as soon as they find it. If something turns up that supposedly happened years ago, it's overwhelmingly likely to be bullsh!t. Ignore it and let the people who want to be rolled, roll themselves.
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