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A Deeply Fractured US

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Or for 2028. Haley’s no dummy, reasonably young, and she remains, objectively, a good Republican candidate once Trump’s cult and their hijacking of the party withers. If she’s smart, she’ll keep herself visible and engaged, IOT be electable in 2028. Easier for her if Trump loses this coming election; no way he’d be viable next time around after a failure this fall. I could also see her watching to see if Lindsay Graham ends up hanging up his hat, and making a run for an SC senate seat in 2026.

Whatever and whenever the specifics, she’s strategically positioning herself very well for when the Republican Party sets about shaking off its Trumpism hangover.
She’s playing a long game.
So to confirm - an article called “Trump 2028” during the run-up to a Trump v. Biden election in 2024, which Trump could win his second term, arguing for abolishing term limits for Presidents, in a publication called The American Conservative, has nothing to do with Trump?

I’m just assuming the author is talking about Obama then. Obama 2028! :ROFLMAO:
Too late, it's already been proposed. Here are a couple of resolutions from democrats in previous congress sessions to repeal the 22nd amendment. The latest kerfuffle involves 1 person outside of government. There is a link included from govtrack.us detailing 25 resolutions from congressional members.
Besides, these proposed amendments aren’t anything new. According to historian Glenn W. LaFantasie, “”ever since 1985, when Ronald Reagan was serving in his second term as president, there have been repeated attempts to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which limits each president to two terms.” Several Democrat members of Congress – including Rep. Serrano, Rep. Barney Frank, Rep. Howard Berman and Senator Harry Reid – have consistently introduced these resolutions, but none of them have ever made it out of committee.
Govtrack Link
SAB Link
House Link
Obama vs Bush 2028!
Too late, it's been attempted :ROFLMAO:
So to confirm - an article called “Trump 2028” during the run-up to a Trump v. Biden election in 2024, which Trump could win his second term, arguing for abolishing term limits for Presidents, in a publication called The American Conservative, has nothing to do with Trump?

I’m just assuming the author is talking about Obama then. Obama 2028!
Let me try some simpler language seeing as your having such a hard time.

Someone, in a Conservative group, wrote an article about maybe changing the amendment so Trump could run for another consecutive term.

Trump did not write or propose the article.

The left, who has also proposed the exact same thing a time or two, mobilized their berserkers to respond with the normal outlandish claims and chicken little scenarios of hitler and dictators and the end of the free world. The ones I originally commented on, which you decided to ignore or misunderstand my comments about.

TDS and self immoliation is their go to.

Other than being the subject of the article, Trump had nothing to do with the proposal or the writing of the article.


Apparently, we don't speak the same language, so I'll save you the angst and bother. We simply won't converse.
Let me try some simpler language seeing as your having such a hard time.

Someone, in a Conservative group, wrote an article about maybe changing the amendment so Trump could run for another consecutive term.

Trump did not write or propose the article.

The left, who has also proposed the exact same thing a time or two, mobilized their berserkers to respond with the normal outlandish claims and chicken little scenarios of hitler and dictators and the end of the free world. The ones I originally commented on, which you decided to ignore or misunderstand my comments about.

TDS and self immoliation is their go to.

Other than being the subject of the article, Trump had nothing to do with the proposal or the writing of the article.


Apparently, we don't speak the same language, so I'll save you the angst and bother. We simply won't converse.

Although Trump fell back on the 'only joking' defense, he has, in the past, floated the idea of a third term in office after being elected a second time. It's a weird thing to joke about.

Doesn't mean it's an idea he's actually committed to, but his motives are never not suspect at this point. Do with that what you will.

Also, respectfully, the start of your post replying to @dimsum wasn't called for. He's done nothing but be courteous and engage in good faith.
Although Trump fell back on the 'only joking' defense, he has, in the past, floated the idea of a third term in office after being elected a second time. It's a weird thing to joke about.

Doesn't mean it's an idea he's actually committed to, but his motives are never not suspect at this point. Do with that what you will.

Also, respectfully, the start of your post replying to @dimsum wasn't called for. He's done nothing but be courteous and engage in good faith.
Even if the amendment was repealed there would be an election. If the vote goes in Trump's favour then he's president, it's the will of the people. Saying that there no need to worry, the amendment is staying right where it is. It's a long journey for an amendment to be repealed as explained in the link.
In recent years, three other amendments have been subject of repeal talk: the 17th Amendment (the direct election of Senators), the 16th Amendment (the federal income tax), and the 22nd Amendment (presidential term limits). None of that talk came close to fruition.
The Constitution’s Article V requires that an amendment be proposed by two-thirds of the House and Senate, or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures. It is up to the states to approve a new amendment, with three-quarters of the states voting to ratifying it.
Constitution Center Link
Something very interesting I think any of doom and gloom folk should take notice of. I just spent 3 days at a training conference in the US with about 35 Americans who came from all corners of the US. My time there also included meals spent together and some social events.

In 3 days, politics was never discussed once. There wasn't some warning at the beginning not to do it; it just never came up.

We (as in this group) talk about politics far more than any other group I’m part of.

My US family doesn’t talk about it - they are just waiting out to see what happens in Nov.

Not so bad on a computer. You can not see faces or hear voices.

Not so good being cooped up with a religious or political fanatic in the real world.
Even if the amendment was repealed there would be an election. If the vote goes in Trump's favour then he's president, it's the will of the people. Saying that there no need to worry, the amendment is staying right where it is. It's a long journey for an amendment to be repealed as explained in the link.

Constitution Center Link

I recognize the massive barriers to amending the Constitution. But we also aren’t talking about someone who consistently respects or is particularly inclined to abide by the usual democratic norms. He has already rallied a literal mob to his cause once. I’m not suggesting this is an end he would achieve legally; just that it’s an end he has at least ‘joked’ about before. It’s enough to bear close watching.
He has already rallied a literal mob to his cause once.
Shouldn't you stick the word allegedly in there somewhere? Isn't it fun to imagineer all the evil things Trump will do if he gets reelected. Better still, the things he will do if he loses the election. There is a broad and robust system in the way of any nefarious intent, even if the top dog (president), is the miscreant.
Let me try some simpler language seeing as your having such a hard time.

Someone, in a Conservative group, wrote an article about maybe changing the amendment so Trump could run for another consecutive term.

Trump did not write or propose the article.

The left, who has also proposed the exact same thing a time or two, mobilized their berserkers to respond with the normal outlandish claims and chicken little scenarios of hitler and dictators and the end of the free world. The ones I originally commented on, which you decided to ignore or misunderstand my comments about.

TDS and self immoliation is their go to.

Other than being the subject of the article, Trump had nothing to do with the proposal or the writing of the article.


Apparently, we don't speak the same language, so I'll save you the angst and bother. We simply won't converse.
Thank you for clarifying.
Shouldn't you stick the word allegedly in there somewhere? Isn't it fun to imagineer all the evil things Trump will do if he gets reelected. Better still, the things he will do if he loses the election. There is a broad and robust system in the way of any nefarious intent, even if the top dog (president), is the miscreant.

No, it’s not an allegation that he rallied a mob on January 6th, and that that mob stormed the capitol to try to prevent the peaceful and lawful transition of power while he sat on his ass watching and doing nothing to stop it. It’s simple fact that we all saw and that we're all entitled to take note of. What is alleged is that it may have constituted specific criminal offences committed by DJT for which he will be tried in court, but that’s not what I’m speaking about in that specific post.

There’s one threshold - a very high one - to see someone criminally convicted of something and subject to penal sanction. I believe there’s a much lower threshold required to simply look at the totality of what someone has said and done, and to conclude that it would be dangerously stupid to ever let him close to the reins of power again. We don't need to hide behind the term allegedly in factually describing the many, many things he has done that are detrimental to democracy.

To be clear, I think it very unlikely that he will actually make and concrete effort to overturn the 22nd. For a few reasons: To go for a third term he would need to win a second, and I don't think he will. If he did, to go for a third term in 2028, he would need to be physically and mentally fit to do so; I'm doubtful that both of those will remain the case. Finally, I DO have trust in America's institutions to the extent that they could safeguard against something like that. Actually amending the constitution is hard. I will not, however, exclude the possibility that, were he to win this November and serve out a term, and were he to decide he wants another kick at the cat in 2028, that he might at least conceive of some scheme, and that even a half-baked failure to execute by various cultists could still be awful and violent and a further erosion of democratic norms. I gauge it as low likelihood/high consequence. I think it's more likely he is simply defeated in 2024, and see see a relatively brief but potentially violent tantrum by isolated pockets of his loyalists.
Raise your hand if you’re surprised…

Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.

The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden.

In an echo of Russia’s influence campaign before the 2016 election, China appears to be trying to harness partisan divisions to undermine the Biden administration’s policies, despite recent efforts by the two countries to lower the temperature in their relations.

Some of the Chinese accounts impersonate fervent Trump fans, including one on X that purported to be “a father, husband and son” who was “MAGA all the way!!” The accounts mocked Mr. Biden’s age and shared fake images of him in a prison jumpsuit, or claimed that Mr. Biden was a Satanist pedophile while promoting Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

Raise your hand if you’re surprised…

Not surprising, and not to be blamed on anyone but the malign state actors involved. I fully expect Russia’s playing this crap too, likely Iran and a few other adversary states. It’s low cost and gives a decent return on stoking unrest.
Not surprising, and not to be blamed on anyone but the malign state actors involved. I fully expect Russia’s playing this crap too, likely Iran and a few other adversary states. It’s low cost and gives a decent return on stoking unrest.
When your enemies signal who they want you to vote for it should give you an idea of who they consider the most likely to weaken your own country.

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