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A Deeply Fractured US

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70 Current And Former NYCHA Employees Charged With Bribery And Extortion Offenses​

This is the largest number of arrests for these offenses in one day. I wonder if any businesses are going to be caught up in this as well. I put the DOJ link in so there are no editorial shenanigans. You can find video where they used buses to haul away the people.
The defendants, all of whom were NYCHA employees during the time of the relevant conduct, demanded and received cash in exchange for NYCHA contracts by either requiring contractors to pay up front in order to be awarded the contracts or requiring payment after the contractor finished the work and needed a NYCHA employee to sign off on the completed job so the contractor could receive payment from NYCHA. As alleged, the defendants typically demanded approximately 10% to 20% of the contract value—between $500 and $2,000 depending on the size of the contract—but some defendants demanded even higher amounts. In total, these defendants demanded over $2 million in corrupt payments from contractors in exchange for awarding over $13 million worth of no-bid contracts.
DOJ Link

Political Organizer and Former President of City Council of Atlantic City Charged with Submitting Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots​

CAMDEN, N.J. – An Atlantic County, New Jersey, man was arrested today for his role in procuring, casting, and tabulating fraudulent mail-in ballots submitted in the Nov. 8, 2022, general election, U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced.
Election fraud allegations in New Jersey.
DOJ Link
Ask a quadraplegic. You might be surprised what kinds of lives people find worth living.
I would assume that you mean a quadriplegic in a free country.

The amount of Sunni and Shia that celebrated Sadam’s death was staggering. His random death squads as well as his son’s abduction (for rape and murder) teams had a majority of the population living in constant free.

Or do you not think that freedom is worth fighting and potentially dying for?

To me, Ukraine also should have the choice to be free, and as guarantors/signatories to the Minsk Agreement, we as Americans down here have an obligation to support Ukraine, if we aren’t doing it with our our Forces, then we need to supply equipment and training to Ukraine.
The Biden classified documents report is released. There are a number of issues with Biden regarding being able to remember when he left office as VP and when his son died. It doesn't look good at all. Edit to add the full text of the report from PBS.
The special counsel also described Biden as "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
AP Article
Fox News Article
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The media/establishment pretty much characterizes the next US election this way:

a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory


orange hitler
That’s some pretty inflammatory editorializing from a prosecutor whose mandate is to determine if criminal charges should be laid based on an application of fact to law. He went outside of his arcs there.

I need to read more on this, but from what I’m seeing based on first reports, it sounds like Biden’s cavalier handling of some of this material was inexcusable. The big contrast with the Trump case is cooperation with investigators versus deliberate and wilful obstruction of the investigation.
That’s some pretty inflammatory editorializing from a prosecutor whose mandate is to determine if criminal charges should be laid based on an application of fact to law. He went outside of his arcs there.

I need to read more on this, but from what I’m seeing based on first reports, it sounds like Biden’s cavalier handling of some of this material was inexcusable. The big contrast with the Trump case is cooperation with investigators versus deliberate and wilful obstruction of the investigation.
There's no need to compare it to Trump, Biden's conduct is his own and it should stand alone.
Interesting differences in the reporting of AP vs Fox News:

“We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” investigators wrote.

Fox News:
The special counsel also described Biden as "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

The AP article which quotes the entire sentence describes a possible legal tactic that Mr. Biden's defence team could possibly take if the case were taken to trial.

The Fox News article however takes just a portion of the quote and presents it as the Special Councel's personal description of Mr. Biden.
Interesting differences in the reporting of AP vs Fox News:


Fox News:

The AP article which quotes the entire sentence describes a possible legal tactic that Mr. Biden's defence team could possibly take if the case were taken to trial.

The Fox News article however takes just a portion of the quote and presents it as the Special Councel's personal description of Mr. Biden.
The special counsel's opinion is that he would present the same as he did during interview. So, yeah, that's the SC's description.
That’s some pretty inflammatory editorializing from a prosecutor whose mandate is to determine if criminal charges should be laid based on an application of fact to law. He went outside of his arcs there.

I need to read more on this, but from what I’m seeing based on first reports, it sounds like Biden’s cavalier handling of some of this material was inexcusable. The big contrast with the Trump case is cooperation with investigators versus deliberate and wilful obstruction of the investigation.
I'd argue another large part is the he stole them and wasn't entitled to them. Period. He took them while a senator and and the VP. Some only being available in a SCIF. Also, being stored in a closet in Chinatown and laying on the floor of the garage. Whatever you want to say about Trump, you can't excuse the facts of Biden's possession. The contrast you spoke of is a mere distraction compared to the actual crimes. There is also supposed evidence that they knew about the Chinatown docs well before they 'discovered and reported' them. He broke the law. Let's see if they hold Biden to the same standard as Trump.
That all makes sense except the highlighted no longer exists. Who's fault is that?
The directors of the various federal law enforcement agencies that used to be able to be called upon by the nation to perform fairly unbiased, thorough, impartial investigations, ie the director of the FBI

The moment he allowed political pressure to dictate how various things were investigated (or sat on) and what seems like a pre-determined conclusion of those investigations, he became the guy who's fault it is...

Hunter Biden's laptop being sat on for years because he's the President's son, or the politically directed investigations into Trump and Co- it just wreacks of political meddling...

(As does some of the RCMP's investigations, or lack thereof, and selective enforcement action on the federal policing side...)

The directors of these respective organizations should have stood their ground & protected the agencies from political meddling.

I personally believe they are entirely responsible for their corresponding loss of credibility.

The FBI & RCMP do some fantastic work still, and the RCMP does a fantastic job in their community policing actions & initiatives. My post above is about the federal policing side of things, not the rank & file members who do the job professionally
Whatever you want to say about Trump, you can't excuse the facts of Biden's possession.


I need to read more on this, but from what I’m seeing based on first reports, it sounds like Biden’s cavalier handling of some of this material was inexcusable.

I'd argue another large part is the he stole them and wasn't entitled to them. Period. He took them while a senator and and the VP. Some only being available in a SCIF. Also, being stored in a closet in Chinatown and laying on the floor of the garage ... The contrast you spoke of is a mere distraction compared to the actual crimes. There is also supposed evidence that they knew about the Chinatown docs well before they 'discovered and reported' them. He broke the law. Let's see if they hold Biden to the same standard as Trump.

The special prosecutor has not recommended charges and has published a fulsome report articulating why. Minor point, but note that he was recommended for his federal district attorney appointment by Trump. Useful to consider before the decision not to recommend charges is overly politicized on partisan grounds.

I do agree with you, though, that stealing and illegally retaining classified documents is inherently deserving of criminal charges if there's a reasonable prospect of conviction. I don't care who does that or what their politics are.
Let's see if they hold Biden to the same standard as Trump.
Considering Biden's age and evident infirmity, I'm on side with the prosecutor's decision. The lack of compassion and reasonableness in the way people are being treated lately is detrimental.
Page 130 to page 133 of the report contain photos of the conditions of storage. Tattered cardboard boxes on the garage floor.
Biden just finished a news conference and said he consulted with the president SiSi of Mexico about Gaza.
I can see Biden is serious about the green agenda, earlier he said “I said I'm gonna be a president for everybody, whether you live in a red state or a green state,"
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