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A Deeply Fractured US

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She's not a Biden appointee. This isn't a politically appointed or confirmed position. In Canada it's equivalent to a hired public service EX-01 or or a LCol/Col. An FBI assistant director would be comparable to a CAF major general, so 2-3 pay grades higher than she is (and would also not be a political appointee or senate confirmed position).

This position - which as I said is mid level and local - is multiple levels below anyone who is an 'appointee'. Important in her specific workplace, lots of local responsibilities, but a number of levels below anything even passingly political. Think of her as like a CAF brigade chief of staff.

This story is pretty comparable to any of the mid level officers in the 'high ranking police behaving badly' thread, but that's about it.
Thanks. Excuse my ignorance
I had it in my head that directors were listed in precedence behind officers in the US govt. Which makes them fairly important. Well, the day wasn't a waste. I learned something new today
Yeah, totally depends on the agency and how they use terminology. Most I think civil service type agencies use it similar to how we see TSA using it here. Then yeah, you get a few agencies like FBI or ICE who use it for top political appointees.
To add some slight OT datapoints to the near thread.

A GS-14 is closer to an AS-07/08 in Canadian public service parlance. GS-15 would be a solid EX-01 eqvt.

Directors (incl Asst.) in the U.S. has quite the range. Directors like CIA, FBI, DHS or FAA are at a level that would be in the EX-05 to DM-01/2 level if they were in Canada.

Not that ATL is a small podunk airport, but like you said @brihard, there are probably a mitt full of Asst.Dirs kicking around a facility like that.
So they are ignoring the GOP primary results 2 days before the GOP caucus? That doesn't seem very democratic.
I don’t understand it, but I guess depending on the state election law a party can have a lot of freedom of movement for how it picks its candidates?
I don’t understand it, but I guess depending on the state election law a party can have a lot of freedom of movement for how it picks its candidates?
The wonder is that state election laws have anything at all to say about how parties pick candidates.
What is going on down there...

So Elon Musk is bringing Lemon on board…I can see a few heads exploding over this lol.

That’s it, everyone is boned now …


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Great article on Substack

And Americans don't go to church but 85% believe in God.
56% of them see themselves as Christians (36% Protestant and 22% Catholic)

3.2% Muslim;
2.9% Mormon;
1.9% Jewish;
1.6% Buddhists;
0.5% Hindus.

3.8% reported they are atheist and
3.7% identified as agnostic."

An overwhelming majority of all Americans – 94% – said they believe religious freedom is a fundamental human right.
83% – believe the phrase “In God we trust” should remain on U.S. currency and coins

78% of those surveyed believe prejudice against Jewish people is a somewhat or very serious problem in the United States
66% of those surveyed believe prejudice against Muslim people is a somewhat or very serious problem in the United States
43% of those surveyed believe prejudice against Hindu people is a somewhat or very serious problem in the United States
43% of those surveyed believe prejudice against Evangelical Christians is a somewhat or very serious problem in the United States
39% of those surveyed believe prejudice against Atheists is a somewhat or very serious problem in the United States
43% of those surveyed believe prejudice against Catholics is a somewhat or very serious problem in the United States

The short form seems to be that a person's beliefs are their own. The 1776 formulary.
The gong show is current US spending. That can't go on much longer without monetizing the deficit/debt. That will ripple throughout the world. I have no debt and live well within my means, so I'll just be watching from the sidelines. People who want status quo and complain about the resulting problems are getting what they want, and getting what they deserve.
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