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A Deeply Fractured US

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Dude, that's not up to me, but the red states that have said and have been saying since Colorado, they are looking to explore the possibility. It’s been in the news. As I said, a monumental waste of taxpayer money. Try not jump down my throat too quickly.😉
Have ‘states’ being saying that - I.e., any part of the actual government apparatus, with the ability to use various legal mechanisms - or has it simply been blowhards taking advantage of brief network TV spots saying it? It’s easy to say stuff, but with primaries coming up, the time to file challenges to candidates is now. Trump isn’t the only presidential candidate who has been excluded from a state primary ballot for 2024 based on a statutory challenge. The Republicans can talk about trying to exclude Biden any day of the week, but if it’s anything other than just talk, it’s already shit or get off the pot time.
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they are looking to explore the possibility. It’s been in the news.
This so freaking juvinile. When it comes to Trump, there is an actual reason that democrats are trying to remove him from the ballot. Some people might disagree that it was really an insurrection, or even if it was they disagree that Trump was the force behind it, but those stings still HAPPENED, and Trump was at the center of it whether he was actively involved or not. You and other may disagree, but a large large portion of the US population believes these events and his actions do Warren this.

However, what you are claiming is that Republicans are now trying to just "find a reason" to remove Biden from the ballet. It's petty, it's vindictive, and it's childish. Nothing has actually happened, but Republicans can't phathom a world where actions are based on honest intentions.
Have ‘states’ being saying that - I.e., any part of the actual government apparatus, with the ability to use various legal mechanisms - or has it simply been blowhards taking advantage of brief network TV spots saying it? It’s easy to say stuff, but with primaries coming up, the time to file challenges to candidates is now. Trump isn’t the only presidential candidate who has been excluded from a state primary ballot for 2024 based on a statutory challenge. The Republicans can talk about trying to exclude Biden any day of the week, but if it’s anything other than just talk, it’s already shit or get off the pot time.
Any opinion on it is immaterial to me. I simply parroted what's been in the news for a week. It wasn't hidden and it wasn't obscure. If the three of you missed it, you missed it. I won't attempt to guess why.

I simply brought it up for the waste of time and money to the taxpayer. Both sides, democrats and republicans are complicit in this childish endevour. And it is childish and has been since Colorado started it. Spiteful brats my Nan would say.

A simple search would've provided you with lots of fodder to piss on republicans, instead of me.

"Red states keep Biden off ballot" was the seach phrase. Newsweek was the first hit, dated 7 days ago.

So, no. I wasn't pulling it out of my ass, nor do I need to defend it.
Any opinion on it is immaterial to me. I simply parroted what's been in the news for a week. It wasn't hidden and it wasn't obscure. If the three of you missed it, you missed it. I won't attempt to guess why.

I simply brought it up for the waste of time and money to the taxpayer. Both sides, democrats and republicans are complicit in this childish endevour. And it is childish and has been since Colorado started it. Spiteful brats my Nan would say.

A simple search would've provided you with lots of fodder to piss on republicans, instead of me.

"Red states keep Biden off ballot" was the seach phrase. Newsweek was the first hit, dated 7 days ago.

So, no. I wasn't pulling it out of my ass, nor do I need to defend it.

It’s hard to tell if you want to be part of the conversation here or not. Generally speaking we mostly understand that when one of us makes a claim, we should be prepared to show receipts to demonstrate what we’re talking about. “I assert this” without evidence, followed by “no YOU google it!” doesn’t really make for good discussion. If, as you admit, you’re simply parroting the news, copying and pasting a link isn’t a big ask.

Anyway, thanks for the link. I actually did Google “challenges to Biden eligibility” earlier and got nothing, and your link makes it clear why. There’s no credible challenge to his basic eligibility (and so no ‘doing what was done to Trump’). Your article is precisely what I was talking about; blowhards being blowhards. You don’t have to be a legal scholar to know that case law makes it clear that states are prohibited from adding further qualifiers (or disqualifiers) to presidential eligibility criteria beyond what’s provided for in the Constitution. The concept of legislating Biden as ineligible is laughable to an informed audience.

So, closing back in on what I was saying earlier, it doesn’t look like there’s any serious or credible effort underway by Republicans to challenge Biden’s eligibility for the office of president. Nor should there be, as the facts to justify it aren’t there.
Closing back to what I said, any opinion is immaterial to me. You doubted my statement, I gave you the proof of my statement. What you think about it is up to you. My point had nothing to do with how or why they could or couldn't. Just that they were doing it. I'll leave the constitutional/ legal nonsense to you. Personally I have zero interest insinuating that state legislators, intimately involved in their states politics, laws and access to constitutional experts, that they are full of shit.
Closing back to what I said, any opinion is immaterial to me. You doubted my statement, I gave you the proof of my statement. What you think about it is up to you. My point had nothing to do with how or why they could or couldn't. Just that they were doing it. I'll leave the constitutional/ legal nonsense to you. Personally I have zero interest insinuating that state legislators, intimately involved in their states politics, laws and access to constitutional experts, that they are full of shit.
That’s fine; I will. They’re full of shit. They know it, too. They don’t have any legal authority to legislatively bar Biden from running for presidency. They aren’t talking about this because it’s a serious venture with any chance of success, but because some political calculus convinces them they stand to gain from pitching this crap to low-info voters.

I know you chalk a lot of this stuff up as ‘legal nonsense’, ‘mumbo jumbo’, etc, but it’s basic law and not hard to follow in the broad strokes if you choose to try. The Constitution, inclusive of its amendments, defines who is and isn’t eligible to run for president, full stop. This handful of legislators don’t get to illegally bar Biden from running just because they’re pissy their guy may have run afoul of a disqualifier and the courts are currently working to determine that.
Politicians long ago stopped consulting experts or reading up on the law before they make pronouncements. Now it’s all about “boob bait for the bubbas”. What can you say to crank their fear and hate neurons to get low-info voters to send you another $10?
Politicians long ago stopped consulting experts or reading up on the law before they make pronouncements. Now it’s all about “boob bait for the bubbas”. What can you say to crank their fear and hate neurons to get low-info voters to send you another $10?
I will defer to @KevinB for better examples.
That’s fine; I will. They’re full of shit. They know it, too. They don’t have any legal authority to legislatively bar Biden from running for presidency. They aren’t talking about this because it’s a serious venture with any chance of success, but because some political calculus convinces them they stand to gain from pitching this crap to low-info voters.

I know you chalk a lot of this stuff up as ‘legal nonsense’, ‘mumbo jumbo’, etc, but it’s basic law and not hard to follow in the broad strokes if you choose to try. The Constitution, inclusive of its amendments, defines who is and isn’t eligible to run for president, full stop. This handful of legislators don’t get to illegally bar Biden from running just because they’re pissy their guy may have run afoul of a disqualifier and the courts are currently working to determine that.
Whatever you say.
I want whatever Fishbone has started smoking. Guy is max chill.
Politicians long ago stopped consulting experts or reading up on the law before they make pronouncements. Now it’s all about “boob bait for the bubbas”. What can you say to crank their fear and hate neurons to get low-info voters to send you another $10?
Honestly you aren’t wrong.

Both sides down here are extremely guilty of it. You can see campaign adds that clearly are solely designed to prey on fear, without an actual substance. That goes from state elections to federal down here.

At least where I am at, the county elections are relatively platform based, and since Virginia isn’t a voter affiliation registration state, candidates really don’t know who their audience is, other than what previous polls have brought.
This so freaking juvinile. When it comes to Trump, there is an actual reason that democrats are trying to remove him from the ballot. Some people might disagree that it was really an insurrection, or even if it was they disagree that Trump was the force behind it, but those stings still HAPPENED, and Trump was at the center of it whether he was actively involved or not. You and other may disagree, but a large large portion of the US population believes these events and his actions do Warren this.

However, what you are claiming is that Republicans are now trying to just "find a reason" to remove Biden from the ballet. It's petty, it's vindictive, and it's childish. Nothing has actually happened, but Republicans can't phathom a world where actions are based on honest intentions.
The Freudian slips write themselves
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