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A Deeply Fractured US

Fitting addition to the Get Trump thread.

One of the the top FBI gaslighters of the Trump Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion hoax is pleading guilty.


Good. Anyone committing criminal offences on behalf of the Russians, or in any way jeopardizing US national security, deserves the criminal consequences thereof.
At least in the UK there seems to be a turning of the tide ....

The author was a Labour minister from Scotland in Tony Blair's cabinets. He is no right-winger, at least by any definition with which I am comfortable.

Culture warrior Sadiq Khan can wave goodbye to his post-mayoral career​

His cynical woke opportunism may play well in London, but outside the M25 it means his political ambitions have already reached their summit
TOM HARRIS6 September 2023 • 2:38pm
Tom Harris

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London

Few Labour Party observers would doubt that Sadiq Khan has long had his eyes on a political prize somewhat grander than his current job of London mayor. But a promotion that was already looking almost impossible to achieve risks being pushed even further from his grasp, thanks to his inexplicable embracing of identity politics.
The mayor was the driving force behind “Black on the Square” last week, a celebration of black culture, food, and creativity at Trafalgar Square in central London. The event was always going to be an obvious target of critics, and particularly those on the Right who, unlike critics on the Left, have no fear of voicing their opposition to such initiatives.
After all, let us be clear: the notion that every Labour-voting Londoner is entirely relaxed about the mayor devoting his attention to “Black on the Square”, that they, as a group, don’t recognise a cynical act of virtue signalling when they see one, is a bit of a stretch. But none of them will say anything publicly, lest they are tarred with the same, tired old slanders regularly used to silence critics of right-on progressivism. There is no need, after all, when Nigel Farage can always be relied on to say what they’re thinking.
And it was the former Ukip leader’s description of the event as “horribly divisive” that earned him one of Khan’s most memorable and significant retorts: “Listen, if Nigel Farage thinks it’s a bad idea, by definition it must be a good thing.” So there we have it: in these socially divisive days, there’s no need to justify any policy. Simply point to someone that your own tribe hates and boast about having done something – anything – to annoy him.
That’s what Khan did when he championed the expansion of the Ultra-Low Emissions Zone (Ulez) to London’s outer burghs: those who raised the injustice of poorer Londoners having to pay disproportionately more of their income to drive into the capital seemed to be dismissed, collectively, by the mayor.
Khan has form for name-calling those with the temerity to disagree with him on anything. In 2009, while he was serving as a government minister, he appeared on the Iranian state-sponsored channel Press TV – a favourite platform of Jeremy Corbyn’s – and appeared to describe moderate Muslims as “Uncle Toms”, a remark for which he apologised seven years later when he was campaigning to be London’s mayor.
That Khan used the term to begin with and belatedly recognised the need to apologise for it confirms that this is a politician who understands the power, both positive and negative, of identity politics. His party found itself swept into the wrong side of the argument over its previous stances on trans ideology and Critical Race Theory (CRT). Only hard Left-wingers in the Parliamentary Labour Party still take CRT, with its obsession over “white privilege” and “white supremacy”, seriously. More sensible heads in Labour caution that the political debate needs to be shifted away from such contentious issues if the party is to win back the trust of working class voters.
But Khan sees no danger to his own position by ramping up the culture wars in the capital. While Starmer appears to have softened his line on trans ideology, Khan is standing firmly by it. He told Talk TV this week: “A woman, when it comes to biology and sex, is an adult girl. But there are some women who may have gender dysphoria and you know, trans women can also be women as well.” This comes close to Starmer’s previous view that “99.9 per cent of women don’t have a penis”, for which he was widely mocked.
But Khan knows he will not be mocked, at least not publicly and only by those whose opposition he relishes and broadcasts in order to gain support on the cynical assumption that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. This woke opportunism with which he feels so comfortable might sit more easily with London citizens than with the rest of the country. He will find that it doesn’t play quite so well outside of the M25 and that his political ambitions have, therefore, already reached their summit.
Good. Anyone committing criminal offences on behalf of the Russians, or in any way jeopardizing US national security, deserves the criminal consequences thereof.

Good for anyone trying to frame political opponents to make it look like they're traitors too? What about falsifying court filings or willfully publishing misleading media reports, etc to support that frame?
Good for anyone trying to frame political opponents to make it look like they're traitors too? What about falsifying court filings or willfully publishing misleading media reports, etc to support that frame?

I’ll just keep saying what I’ve always said. If there’s evidence of criminality, investigate and prosecute as appropriate to the evidence. If part of that very consistent stance on my part still confuses you, I don’t know what to say.
You're are consistent in so far as you only ever comment on "get Trump". At no other time are you even slightly critical of the malfeasance going on. It's telling.
You're are consistent in so far as you only ever comment on "get Trump". At no other time are you even slightly critical of the malfeasance going on. It's telling.
See above re: investigating and prosecuting where there is sufficient evidence of criminality.

You’ve seen what I tend to comment on. Nobody is stopping you from posting links to indictments, search warrant affidavits, exhibit seizure lists, etc. in cases that you personally find more compelling or interesting. Have at ‘er.

As a fair warning, everything else is now competing with my newborn, which is why I’ve had less to say as of late. I may or may not have the time to entertain any discussion you choose to introduce. It certainly won’t be a priority.
Good for anyone trying to frame political opponents to make it look like they're traitors too? What about falsifying court filings or willfully publishing misleading media reports, etc to support that frame?
Like selling uranium to the Russians?
You're are consistent in so far as you only ever comment on "get Trump". At no other time are you even slightly critical of the malfeasance going on. It's telling.
There are multiple offenders.


Time to start working on something productive.

See above re: investigating and prosecuting where there is sufficient evidence of criminality.

You’ve seen what I tend to comment on. Nobody is stopping you from posting links to indictments, search warrant affidavits, exhibit seizure lists, etc. in cases that you personally find more compelling or interesting. Have at ‘er.

As a fair warning, everything else is now competing with my newborn, which is why I’ve had less to say as of late. I may or may not have the time to entertain any discussion you choose to introduce. It certainly won’t be a priority.

You will come to cherish sleep more than life itself.
See above re: investigating and prosecuting where there is sufficient evidence of criminality.

You’ve seen what I tend to comment on. Nobody is stopping you from posting links to indictments, search warrant affidavits, exhibit seizure lists, etc. in cases that you personally find more compelling or interesting. Have at ‘er.

As a fair warning, everything else is now competing with my newborn, which is why I’ve had less to say as of late. I may or may not have the time to entertain any discussion you choose to introduce. It certainly won’t be a priority.

This hit a little too close to home for me when it first came out ;)

  • 83 percent prefer to identify themselves as Americans rather than by their racial or ethnic backgrounds.
  • 82 percent prefer free-market capitalism to big-government socialism.
  • 79 percent believe that people who believe in the values found in the Bible have the right to express them publicly.
  • 74 percent believe able-bodied adults should have to work to receive taxpayer-funded benefits such as food stamps, health care, or welfare.
84 percent who believe parents have the right to know what is being taught to their children in school.
Last edited:


Democrats have lost ground among nonwhite voters in almost every election over the last decade,
Mr. Biden loses ground among less affluent nonwhite voters and those without a degree. Overall, he retains a 61-23 lead among nonwhite college graduates, compared with a mere 49-31 lead among those without a four-year degree.
Nonwhite respondents felt, by 48 to 41 percent, that Trump had done a better job on the economy than Biden is currently doing.
Respectively, 46, 54 and 56 percent of nonwhite voters say gas prices, grocery prices and utility costs are a “major problem” for them and their family. Biden’s net approval (approval minus disapproval) among these voters is minus 25 on handling inflation, minus 22 on handling border security and minus 8 on handling the economy.
About half (of non-white voters) consider the Democratic Party too extreme, think it bases its decisions more on politics than common sense and supports policies that interfere too much in people’s lives. Over two-fifths don’t see the Democrats as sharing their values. And over a third think Democrats look down on people like them, don’t value hard work and aren’t patriotic.
On economic issues, 57 percent of these voters say Democrats have moved too far left. On cultural and social issues, 56 percent say the same.
only about a quarter of nonwhite voters identify with the standard Democratic position on transgender issues—that “states should protect all transgender youth by providing access to puberty blockers and transition surgeries if desired, and allowing them to participate fully in all activities and sports as the gender of their choice”
only around a third support the standard Democratic position on climate and energy policy—that “We need a rapid green transition to end the use of fossil fuels and replace them with fully renewable energy sources.”
climate change is just not a particularly important issue to the typical voter, including the typical nonwhite voter.

Democrats may have thought that they were on the right track in the wake of the “racial reckoning” of 2020. Surely if Democrats went all-in on social justice and racial “equity,” that would lock down the nonwhite vote. That was a chimera as a careful examination of actually-existing opinions and priorities among actually-existing nonwhite voters would have quickly revealed. Perhaps now that declining nonwhite support for the Democrats is “official”, that much-needed examination can take place.

I can't imagine why poor people from socialist countries aren't voting for more socialism.

More than 7-in-10 voters believe cutting federal spending and balancing the budget to strengthen the dollar is an effective way to fight inflation and reduce the cost of living.

  • This includes 80% of Republicans, 71% of Independents, and 62% of Democrats.
  • 73% of swing voters and 77% of New Majority voters think cutting spending and balancing the budget would be effective.
  • 75% of New Majority voters who are currently leaning toward voting Democrat see it as effective.
  • 39% of voters see the policy as very effective versus just 6% who see it as not effective at all.

More than 6-in-10 voters believe other supply-side solutions are effective. This includes:

  • Lowering income taxes to increase take-home-pay for workers (70%).
  • Increasing domestic oil and gas production to lower gasoline and energy prices (69%).
  • Creating financial incentives for builders to construct more affordable homes and apartments (67%).
  • Reducing burdensome regulations that add to the cost of doing business and increase prices (63%).

Creating incentives for builders to construct more affordable homes and apartments has the strongest crossover appeal.

  • The policy is supported by 76% of Democrats, compared to 61% of Republicans and 66% of Independents.
  • 78% of New Majority voters who are currently leaning toward voting for a Democrat support the policy, compared to 65% of all New Majority voters.

Demand-side policies are seen as less effective than supply-side policies, with one exception.

  • The sole demand-side policy that performs better than supply-side policies is allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, which is seen as effective by 79% of voters.
  • 61% of all voters believe raising taxes on the wealthy and improving benefits for the poor and middle class is effective.
  • Fewer than 6-in-10 voters believe polices such as price controls, raising the minimum wage and giving labor unions more power would be effective.

Ad hominem?
The literal sub-headline is this:

We are faced with a totalitarian cancer that will have to be confronted and defeated at every level.

But as for the stats - the one I picked (84% of parents want to know what is in school) links to an opinion piece from the Goldwater Institute…which links to an opinion piece from Newsmax, which links to a poll from Rasmussen, which doesn’t exactly have the most centrist polling.