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A Deeply Fractured US

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That would imply they knew about the documents beforehand and didn't just happen to come across them during a clean up of the office, as they claim. I believe Trump's lawyers were called when they found out about the warrant.

Personally, I think the Dems and the media have had enough of Biden, his gaffes and his policies. They are fitting him for a noose. Don't be surprised that when things start getting really hot for him in the House, he'll be diagnosed as mentally incompetent and unable to answer any questions. Just speculating.

I’ll leave you to enjoy your wild speculation I guess.
That would imply they knew about the documents beforehand and didn't just happen to come across them during a clean up of the office, as they claim. I believe Trump's lawyers were called when they found out about the warrant.

Personally, I think the Dems and the media have had enough of Biden, his gaffes and his policies. They are fitting him for a noose. Don't be surprised that when things start getting really hot for him in the House, he'll be diagnosed as mentally incompetent and unable to answer any questions. Just speculating.
The people that installed Biden, insured no one will take him down, thanks to their choice of VP. As nutty and incompetent as Biden is, it pales with what KH would do if given a chance. To think that the Dems had Tusli Gabbard as a viable option and went with KH.......
The people that installed Biden, insured no one will take him down, thanks to their choice of VP. As nutty and incompetent as Biden is, it pales with what KH would do if given a chance. To think that the Dems had Tusli Gabbard as a viable option and went with KH.......
Hum, Tulsi Gabbard, the one Democrat against Ukraine?

She's a bit kooky, so yeah I'd pass too.
Presidential candidates don't choose running mates who are likely to outshine the ticket leader, which is a perverse way of selecting the potential successor. The US really ought to redesign the election for VP.
The best part of KH being appointed if Joe drops is the Pythonian farce that will ensue when she makes AOC her Veep :cool:. The sole criteria of selection for VP candidates seems to be how good a scapegoat they will be if/when the election is lost. Sarah who?
Presidential candidates don't choose running mates who are likely to outshine the ticket leader, which is a perverse way of selecting the potential successor. The US really ought to redesign the election for VP.
It actually started out like this:

Originally, the vice president was the person who received the second most votes for president in the Electoral College. However, in the election of 1800 a tie in the electoral college between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr led to the selection of the president by the House of Representatives. To prevent such an event from happening again, the Twelfth Amendment was added to the Constitution in 1804, creating the current system ...


The people that installed Biden, insured no one will take him down, thanks to their choice of VP. As nutty and incompetent as Biden is, it pales with what KH would do if given a chance. To think that the Dems had Tusli Gabbard as a viable option and went with KH.......

It amazes me. Tulsi Gabbard would have been a unifying leader. She's very middle or road, would appeal to many small R republicans.
She's hits all the marks, woman of color, veteran, experience at all levels of American Gov.

Its a shame.
It amazes me. Tulsi Gabbard would have been a unifying leader. She's very middle or road, would appeal to many small R republicans.
She's hits all the marks, woman of color, veteran, experience at all levels of American Gov.

Its a shame.
If by “middle of the road”, you mean she proves the “horseshoe theory” in that the political spectrum circles back to where the extreme right and extreme left come close to meeting, then I guess…

Her defence of Assad and willingness to parrot Russian propaganda would make an old-fashioned Tankie blush.
Hum, Tulsi Gabbard, the one Democrat against Ukraine?
Her defence of Assad and willingness to parrot Russian propaganda would make an old-fashioned Tankie blush.
In 2022, the Security Service of Ukraine placed her on a list of public figures whom it alleges promote Russian propaganda.

The former guy praised her for not voting to impeach him.

So what do we know about Gabbard’s base? For one thing, it’s overwhelmingly male —according to The Economist’s polling with YouGov, her support among men is in the mid-single digits, while her support among women is practically nonexistent.

Her supporters, for instance, are more likely to have backed President Trump in 2016, hold conservative views or identify as Republican compared to voters backing the other candidates.

I have listened to her on numerous occasions. I don't agree with everything she says or does. But I can understand her rational thinking that led to her positions. She is more of an old school politician when both sides could work together on things.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) said Sunday that she does not regret her 2017 meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who has been accused of using chemical weapons to attack civilians in the country’s years-long civil war.

Gabbard, a 2020 presidential candidate, has previously drawn criticism for voicing skepticism that the Assad regime was behind the chemical weapons attacks.

Asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper whether she regrets the meeting, Gabbard said she did not, drawing a comparison between her sit-down with Assad and President Trump’s summit last year with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
“I have seen this cost of war firsthand, which is why I fight so hard for peace,” said Gabbard, an Iraq War veteran. “And that’s the reality of the situation that we’re facing here. It’s why I have urged and continue to urge President Trump to meet with people like Kim Jong Un in North Korea because we understand what’s at stake here. The only alternative to having these kinds of conversations is more war.”

Presidents have to meet with disreputable foreign figures from time to time. Making nice with Syria is hardly in the same league as the people who make nice with countries like Russia and China.
Presidents have to meet with disreputable foreign figures from time to time. Making nice with Syria is hardly in the same league as the people who make nice with countries like Russia and China.
From another angle, the EU, Russia and China (and a few others) are large/active enough that you need to engage with them, one way or another. Engaging with everyone else is much more of a choice.
I suppose that "engaging" a small country that raises a lot of sh!t in its neighbourhood can pay off a lot more than trying to "engage" with a nation like China (which pretty much goes its own way and might arguably be pulling us in directions we ought not be going rather than us pulling them).
For quite awhile the West was wooing Syria and using Assads wife as an example of means to maintain and build diplomatic ties. It was only after when Syria was found to be pumping Islamists into Iraq and then the civil war, did the west turn their back on him.
Where is all the collective outrage on this forum about how bad this is? I wonder if we will get the same amount offence we did speculating how Trump was the enemy of the state.
Where is all the collective outrage on this forum about how bad this is? I wonder if we will get the same amount offence we did speculating how Trump was the enemy of the state.
What are you looking for? Us to start chanting “hang Mike Pence”?

At present there’s no indication of criminal intent or obstruction in the case of Pence or Biden (that we here know of). Some of us have already said that the Biden document discoveries need to be investigated, and that it’s appropriate that there’s a special counsel named for that. Now that the Pence story is out, I’ll say the same for him. If it’s Obama next week, same deal There’s no argument you can make that anyone here is being inconsistent in how we’re viewing the cases.

Find the facts, apply the law. If one case involves resistance to the recovery of classified government property, and allegations of criminal obstruction necessitating a search warrant, and the other does not, then it’s reasonable to suspect that these different facts may lead to different legal outcomes. We shall see in the fullness of time.
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