That's not politically driven; that's a combination of free market capitalism driving for the highest 'shareholder value' and increasing automation. That will continue regardless of political party, and don't think any of that would really be any different if it had been a republican president instead of Obama.
While Trump may have had some short term job increases propping up dying industries like coal or otherwise rolling back environmental protections to allow cheaper resource extraction, none of that is going to create a real future for themselves or their kids. Especially if you continue to poison the waterways, air and land. Also the tarriffs around things like steel, aluminum and other intermediate goods only increased prices of American made goods and made them less competitive globally, so it was pretty stupid. That happened concurrently with massive tax cut for the rich and big businesses, which they've proven never trickle down. Those are the same people that were also enriched from the various wars and subsequent raiding of natural resources, or handouts from massive government contracts; they are doing a pretty good job at being kleptocracy and mortgaging those people's grandkids futures though.
When Wall street and big banks get massive bailouts, but folks lose their homes it's not really a stretch to see who the politicians really are working for, and it's not generally the people, especially given how much they spend just to get elected and stay in office. It can get kind of greasy in Canada, but imagine if they would spend 100 times the amount on every local election. It's crazy, and the whole political donation circuit, PAC/superPAC influence has really just bought and sold their democracy.