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28 Oct 06: Day of Protest Against the CF (& Canadian war crimes against an occupied people)

Counted one guy with a guitar, two dogs and four or five people at the one in Fredericton around 1300 hrs and I don't think many more showed up later as it was cold and windy here.  Soldiers fight and die in all kinds of weather and conditions and peace protesters only come out in numbers when it is warm.
Frankie said:
.  :-X CUPE rep something Mccracken  was there, missed his first name, could have been Phil, gave his speech on how organized labour is behind the peace movement. One comment stood out, he was getting rousing applause on all his talking points, save one.

"I am getting sick of seeing these support the troops bumper stickers!" resulted in a rousing round of applause. "We can support the troops without supporting the mission! I mean we all support the troops, right?" A little patter of applause followed that.

One of the main reasons I quit a high paying municipal job last March-forced CUPE membership. Bunch of left wing nuts.
Article Found here http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20061028/afghanistan_protests_061028/20061028?hub=TopStories

This article is just like the others all they do is keep bringing up the deaths and they never say anything good on what the CF is doing over there. That's what really Pisses me off. Also in this one they say "Canadian Officer Cadet Francisco Juarez will be speaking at the Toronto rally. Juarez is the first Canadian to resign from the armed forces to protest the war in Afghanistan."  Now they using him as a advocate, he couldn't even finish Basic, how would he know what's going on in the CF let alone in Afghanistan. When are the papers/media going to realize the sources they are using are horribly wrong. And when are they going to start listening to the people who contact them and tell them they are wrong?

Hell, even getting his status right (at most gracious, "former Officer Cadet") would be a start....

Dropped the CTV "Feedback" link a question about what he's nor mentioned as a former Officer Cadet - not expecting a response, but at least they know someone's reading.

paracowboy demands Protesters withdrawal from Canada

paracowboy demands media withdraw their heads from the asses
Jack just took the stage....wow...never..ever wanted to reach thru the screen so bad to give him a good old throat punch..is that wrong?

I'd love to know how all of these people know the money trail for the reconstruction ..how is it that THEY know it never leaves the states? Is there a secret man who tells them the truth and lies to everyone else? You could see that most of the people were people just walking by that wanted to find out what was going on...
I see CTV is suggesting "thousands" have made it out to these rallies while the Toronto Sun is only talking of "hundreds" (Specifically "Nearly 500 people gathered marched in Montreal" and "About 200 people carrying Canadian flags and waving placards demonstrated in Halifax").  I wonder which it is?

Edit: I see that CBC is using the Sun's numbers.
Dropped the CTV "Feedback" link a question about what he's nor mentioned as a former Officer Cadet - not expecting a response, but at least they know someone's reading.

I did the same, and questioned their use of the term "thousands".
Just watched the update on CTV they said only a few hundred showed up for the rally and not the thousand or so they expected.
Layton told CTV Newsnet that Canadians are not protesting to discourage the troops, but rather to support them.
So, basicly he is saying that we like you and all but we dont want you to do you'r job and save a nation from the ruthless violence of the Taliban. Crazy.
I have also contacted CTV's feedback to express my discontent with their "slanted" reporting of the facts. Shameful.  :-X
Interestingly enough, CTV.ca has already amended their coverage of this story and are now referring to Mr. Juarez as a "former military cadet". Keep writing into their feedback section if it will aid in getting the correct story out there.
[quote author=CTV]Toronto rally leader Sid Lacombe told CTV Newsnet the Canada's involvement in Afghanistan is only "propping up the U.S. military position."[/quote]

It seems he has not read from the Ruxted Group:

Show us the connection Mr Lacombe, because I think its been disproved.
Me too!  I also sent an email off to nowar.ca reminding them who is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, which allows them to spread their word unopposed, and that we are there to provide the same freedoms to the afghan people.  Sure we can hug and talk it out, but sometimes that approach doesn't work, it wasn't working with the taliban.  I doubt it would have worked with Hitler too.

I really enjoyed reading protestwarrior website, that really does sound like fun.  It almost makes me want to fire up the Kia and head into Victoria.
Getting out "hundreds of people" in the Greater Toronto Area, population of about 4 million, isn't exactly a rousing show of support ::).    Most of us "lefties" in organized labour skipped, which really does make it all the sweeter ;D 
So?  Did anyone get counted in as one of their numbers, while handing out pamphlets with the Ruxted Editorial on them?  Did anyone capture photos of these large crowds of demonstrators?
They just got to the park across from my apartment... resisting the urge to boo them loudly.
couchcommander said:
They just got to the park across from my apartment... resisting the urge to boo them loudly.
Go find the media & hand them a Ruxted print-out.
Just watched Newsnet and they used the term "hundreds" followed by "a few hundred". They like to keep it vague so as not to temper the story by saying nobody actually showed up.