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28 Oct 06: Day of Protest Against the CF (& Canadian war crimes against an occupied people)

career_radio-checker said:
Is anyone willing to spend the afternoon at the War memorial as part of an "honour guard" (in civies of course)? I am by no means advocating that we get involved in the rally or go looking for trouble (then we are just as bad as anarchist). All we would do is sit there, watch the colourful parade go by and make sure no dumb punk grafitis the tomb of the unknown.
(Ottawa war memorial)

Yes... I'll be there. You'll probably be able to pick me out in a red sweater and the only short hair in the whole throng of people (I'm 20)....

.....and hand out Flyers debunking the claims of the CPA, or show their support for the ISAF mission only three years ago.  Pass out copies of the poems that are being published here by soldiers.  Stick up "Support our Troops" posters along their parade route.....

I want to make some flyers that have on the cover "The facts" and give an unbiased group of statistics showing people both sides, not just the spoon fed media stuff.

I also want... a megaphone. I'd love to read the article Piper wrote (with his permission). I read that today and I felt a pang in my heart. Or the poem about jack layton that someone posted.

If anyone wants to help make a facts flyer or obtain a megaphone ( >:D ) PM me
Synthos said:
I want to make some flyers that have on the cover "The facts" and give an unbiased group of statistics showing people both sides, not just the spoon fed media stuff.
Here is a start point for you:
http://ruxted.ca/index.php?/archives/24-The-Afghanistan-Debate.html and
I told the Royal Canadian Legion Dominion branch about the event here is their reply

Subject: Peace March
Date: October 17, 2006 12:36 PM

Please note that the following has been sent today. Thank you for the heads up.

17 October 2006 File: 81-9

His Worship Bob Chiarelli
The City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Ave. West
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1

Dear Mayor Chiarelli:

On 28 October the Canadian Peace Alliance has called for an anti-Afghanistan War demonstration at the Canadian Peacekeeping Monument. The Royal Canadian Legion, in support of the Canadian Peacekeeping associations, is seriously concerned that this demonstration might accidentally lead to possible damage to the Monument. We also regret that the Alliance would show their disrespect of our fallen Peacekeepers by demonstrating at the Monument.

It is requested that the City take every effort to protect the Monument during the demonstration.

Duane Daly
Dominion Secretary

Cc: Mr. Pierre Pagé, City Clerk
The 28th of Oct is coincidently the same day as my unit's Freedom of the City Parade in Kingston. Though things are greatly improved here in the Limestone City WRT the relationship between the military and the civilian communities I hope that it does not become an issue with any protesters grandstanding our event. Unfortunately if they do show up and demand their 15 minutes we have ourselves a very unfair playing field while we are all in DEUs so we shall not respond. They may want to hang around while we change and return for a less disadvantaged discussion on the matters at hand.

Padraig OCinnead said:
The 28th of Oct is coincidently the same day as my unit's Freedom of the City Parade in Kingston. Though things are greatly improved here in the Limestone City WRT the relationship between the military and the civilian communities I hope that it does not become an issue with any protesters grandstanding our event. Unfortunately if they do show up and demand their 15 minutes we have ourselves a very unfair playing field while we are all in DEUs so we shall not respond. They may want to hang around while we change and return for a less disadvantaged discussion on the matters at hand.


Ah!  Brings back memories of the RCD exercising the Freedom of the City in Lahr in 1983.  Everyone in their best bib and tucker, marching down the streets of this picturesque Schwarzwald city in their CF's and weapons in hand.  They stopped downtown and were admired by the crowds, which included the customary Green Peace Crowd of Anti-War Demonstrators, and at least a Coy of German Polizei Riot Squad.  The protesters came equipped with whistles which they blew constantly during the beginning of the ceremony...........up until the order "Fix Bayonets!"  Then it was silent.
George Wallace said:
  The protesters came equipped with whistles which they blew constantly during the beginning of the ceremony...........up until the order "Fix Bayonets!"  Then it was silent.
;D Ahahaha, made my day.
An e-mail sent to the folks producing the "Support the troops, not the empire, bring our kids home" shirts:

As a member of the Canadian Forces, I feel you may wish to rethink your T-shirt slogan " Support our troops, not the empire, bring our kids home" for the following reasons:

You claim to "support the troops", though I doubt you consulted any of us when you produced your T-shirts, much less asked what they need from the Canadian public in the way of support. The real "Support the troops" merchandise proceeds go to support thousands of Canadian soldiers, and their loved ones across Canada, who is supported by the proceeds from your shirts?

"Peace" protests are often directed at Canadian Forces (CF) bases or recruiting centres, which clearly shows you lack of "support" or respect for Canadian soldiers. You need to understand that it is the democratically elected government of Canada which dictates what missions the CF participates, and what their role will be in such missions. Harassing and inconveniencing members of the CF regarding the current mission in Afghanistan make as much sense as cornering your mailman about GST or NAFTA, both the mailman and the Soldier are federal employees, but neither have the ability to change governmental policy.

In your slogan, you implore the people to support the troops, not the empire...which empire is this? The UN, which sanctioned the mission? NATO, a union of free and democratic nations? Canada, a free and democratic nation? or Afghanistan, a struggling democracy seeking help from the west? Looks like we are supporting all 4 empires.

Lastly, you refer to Canadian Soldiers as "kids" to which I take personal offense. As you may or may not be aware, every single member of the CF is a volunteer, most members of the CF are also adults, one can join the CF as early as 16, but with the following caveats attached:
- They require permission of their parent or guardian and;
- They are unable to be deployed on an overseas mission until they reach the age of majority.
Canadian Soldiers are not impressionable children, as you may wish to paint us. The CF is a reflection of the people of Canada, and the rights and values we cherish as a whole. It is worthy of note that reservists can only be deployed on a voluntary basis. No reservist has ever been deployed to Afghanistan without their expressed consent, and many hundreds of reservists have volunteered to go to Afghanistan since 2002.

Like you, these Canadian soldiers have decided to dedicate a great deal to making the world a better place, and frankly a great deal more by volunteering their very lives to further human rights and peace in a far away land. They are worthy of the same level of respect which they are honour and duty bound to grant you.

Faithfully yours,

A Canadian Soldier
I see the Ruxted Group is commenting: http://ruxted.ca/index.php?/archives/26-Canadian-Peace-Alliance-and-Supporters-Mislead-Canada.html
That is what I'm trying to say. I'm printing this, and giving it to people at work.
Were someone to theoreticaly attend one of these rallies to stand across the street with their own sign does anyone have ideas for any appropriate and concise slogans that could penetrate the bs bubble that encases the hippy brains with respect to our mission in Afghanistan. Things like "NATO lets little kids go to school"  or along those lines?
I think a better sign would read:
"End the occupation of Afghanistan"
Then, in smaller letters below
"Support our Troops, send the Taliban home"

Frankie said:
Dollars to dognuts they will be using the cenotaph at the Halifax site for a podium.  :threat:

Lovely there going to ruin the cenotaph. Hopefully I'm not working so that I can go watch some of this asanine protest. (Does anyone think that the recurting center would give me a few "Why Canada is in Afghanistan" phamplets to hand out to people downtown who have jobs?)
They are planning a rally and march in Edmonton on the 28th, and me and the wife (Pea) are planning on attending with our own signs to show support for our troops. It would be great if we could get a bunch of people out there with us, to show the other side of the story. Edmonton is very supportive of our troops, for the most part, so it would be great to get people out there on a day when they really need it.
Here's a website that may aid in organising counter-demos.  They have chapters in many Canadian cities and universities:



Some ideas for signs:


Enjoy!  ;D
PROTEST WARRIOR!  God Bless You!  I stumbled across their website ages ago and forgot to bookmark it!  They Rock!


My Fave?

"Communism has only killed 100 million people.  Let's give it another chance!"
Ok anyone in the Toronto area going down on Saturday to watch these idiots frolic in their natural environment? Say RV  somewhere nearby (Timmies at Dundas and University?)
This is treason as far as I'm concerned. my unit has an Ex on this weekend  so i can't do anything personally but i spoke with my Mcpls and the told me they will see to appropriate action being taken in Windsor. Even if I could do something I feel as if no matter what is done I will be seen as the aggressor to any media present. It's a sticky subject in this town right now.
I'm on ex this weekend as well  :P.  Oh well some how I think I will get another shot eventually.  >:D
Pte. (R) Amlin said:
This is treason as far as I'm concerned. my unit has an Ex on this weekend  so i can't do anything personally but i spoke with my Mcpls and the told me they will see to appropriate action being taken in Windsor. Even if I could do something I feel as if no matter what is done I will be seen as the aggressor to any media present. It's a sticky subject in this town right now.

Just be careful.  These arseholes are well versed in misinformation.  They will do stull like maneuver a video camera behind one of their members that will walk up to you and get in your face.  If you so much as wipe your nose, the person will reel back and fall like a sack of potatoes as though you just smashed them with a rock.  Other arseholes will run over and start calling for an ambulance and other such theatrical foolishness.  You will want to do just that, but don't get sucked into their crap.  I believe that there is a special place in hell reserved for invertebrates like these, whereby they spend eternity as flame retardant toilet paper in the Devil's bathroom.