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20 years

UPDATE: Now into weekend BMQ. It is like I thought it would be. That is to say, it sucks and is awesome at the same time.
It's not designed to entertain you, but once you're done, you'll look back on certain moments with fondness.
Like I often say, BMQ, in retrospect, is most wonderful.
I found that most people hated basic for the first few weeks then by the end couldn't wait to get back to instruct it.  :warstory:
Jackson10 said:
UPDATE: Now into weekend BMQ. It is like I thought it would be. That is to say, it sucks and is awesome at the same time.

Well done you 'orrible little 'eathen, you!

Keep away from dirtiness—keep away from mess,
Don’t get into doing things rather-more-or-less!
Let’s have done with abby-nay, kul, and hazar-ho;
Mind you keep your rifle and yourself just so!

There is no "late". Only "later". You got in later. :) Congratulations!

Now you can continue a life with no regrets. How many can claim that?

"Never give up" also comes to mind.
BernDawg said:
I found that most people hated basic for the first few weeks then by the end couldn't wait to get back to instruct it.  :warstory:

Not this guy. I hated it the whole time. Still hate it. I would never want to set foot in that Mega again.
Sigger said:
Like I often say, BMQ, in retrospect, is most wonderful.

Yeah, Cornwallis was like a regular treat of the week  :rofl:

I am now more than half way through the weekend BMQ so I thought I would give the midpoint view for anyone who is interested.

Staff - The staff are awesome. They are really quite competent. There is no BS. We get push-ups or leg lifts when we screw up. They don't seem to screw us just for the hell of it.

Inspections - They find stuff wrong, yell a bit, then we go on to class. Accept it for what it is.

PT- Mostly circuit work with some running in between. Most seem to be handling it pretty well. There are a couple who struggle, but as long as they are trying, the staff leave them alone.

Teamwork - As has been said a million times, you cannot do this alone. Work together and things are much easier.

Quitting - We have lost a few so far. It is what it is. Others have said "I am not sure if this is for me, but I will do BMQ, then see where I am." I think this is a good approach. Got to give it a chance.

Being old - Not an issue. I am treated the same, and find I can keep up with the group. Got jacked a couple of times for laughing, so it is all good.

Weapons handling test - Lots of instruction and practice. Passed on the first time. Those who did not were all retested.

Advice at this stage - I am having a blast. From the comment above, "don't have regrets in life."
cdnleaf, they sill had the soft ice cream when I went through Cornwallis!!

Jackson10, an inspiration for all!!  Well done!!
Jacson 10, you have a very positive attitude.  Keep it up and you'll go far in this outfit.

An important thing to know about basic training is that yes, it's tough and supposed to be, but they're not allowed to kill you and it is not insurmountable.  Another thing to note is that basic training is not indicative of life in the CF.  Once you're done that phase of your life, things get considerably better.  Do not judge a career in the CF based on your experiences on BMQ.
medicineman said:
There was ice cream in Cornwallis???!!!

Indeed it appeared that way - I just wasn't stupid enough to raise my hand when the DS asked "Who likes ice cream?...."  ;)

Thanks for the update Jackson / great read and all the best with the remainder.
Thanks for all the comments guys. I am not sure about being an inspiration but all that stuff people talk about not being too old for your dreams is really true.

One other thing on the quitting. I just don't understand why you would go through the time consuming application process, be successful (when so many are not), and then quit after one weekend. It just seems to me that you have to give it a fair shot. I am seeing that some who desperately wanted to quit the first weekend are now settled, as the routine gets established and we are into the fun stuff with the weapons, etc...

Jackson, just wanted to say you deserve heaps of respect for your drive and it looks like you're finally being rewarded for it.

Best of luck,
Hey thanks Trick. Finished the range and gas hut. Now only two weekends left. I'm thinking there might be a few tears if it all goes well.
So, I am nearing the end of PRes BMQ. A couple of funny incidents that I thought I could share. The first was during the gas hut and on our second trip through, one of the recruits went in and started screaming, "I'm F*&king dying." The instructor simply replied, "why don't you put your mask on?" Seemed to work. The second was during inspection and the MCpl. was making veiled references to homosexuality with my first aid dummy. When he finally asked what I named him, I got some swearing sent my way when I answered with the MCpl.'s first name (which I had gotten off a list on the wall).
Jackson10 said:
The second was during inspection and the MCpl. was making veiled references to homosexuality with my first aid dummy. When he finally asked what I named him, I got some swearing sent my way when I answered with the MCpl.'s first name (which I had gotten off a list on the wall).

Well played, sir.
(commence slow clap while rising from seat)

....Well played.