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20 years


Jr. Member
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Here is my story. I applied to ROTP 20 years ago. It was all I wanted to do from about grade 8, and then was unsuccessful. Applied again after first year university. Again unsuccessful. I was pretty devastated. However, I continued on at university and earned 3 degrees, and became a lawyer. I could not shake the pull of the Forces however. About 10 years ago, I applied for the reserves. Didn't get in then either. I was beginning to think that maybe this was not for me. Anyway, went on and got married, had some kids, and built a successful law career. Also got up to 270 lbs. I am turning 40 soon, and a few months ago I said to my wife "you know, I will be dying one day and the only regret I will have is not giving the forces one more shot." She knew how much it meant so told me to go try. Spoke to a reserve recruiter. He said there were openings. First thing was to lose some weight. Dropped 55 lbs in 6 months. Got the application in, and waited. CFAT was fine. Went for medical testing and there were issues. Chased down the medical reports, so good to go there. Eyes were V4, so some trades limited, but could still do others, which is fine. Then went for fitness test. I was really excited/nervous and blood pressure was through the roof. I therefore couldn't test, so off to the doctor again. Got a clearance, so rescheduled fitness. Cancelled due to snow storm. Rescheduled until today. Went and passed with 36 push-ups. Not bad considering I could do 4 last summer. Now, I wait for a call to be enrolled. I hope it comes.
Good luck. Even if you don't get in, You can be proud of the work you've done to improve your health. What trades are you going for?
Thanks for the comment. After the eye issue, I applied for Logistics (Officer) and RSM Clerk (NCM).
O Boy a RMS clerk with a law degree that should speed things up in the OR.  >:D
Have you considered Legal Officer?  Or, did you want to do something completely different?
If you get the choice, and Legal Officer is off the table, I recommend taking LogO. Your education and experience will certainly help you in that occupation.
Thanks for the comments. Legal was my first choice but there were no positions available. Log (O) is my preference, for the reasons mentioned, so I hope it works out.
Jackson10 said:
Thanks for the comments. Legal was my first choice but there were no positions available. Log (O) is my preference, for the reasons mentioned, so I hope it works out.

I joined the LOG community muuuuch younger than you...(@26 >:D)....
Have a blast....you'll Love it!

I genuinely wish you all the best!

You never know, a position for Legal O might open up come next FY in April. If not, I would also say that you go Log O. From those I have talked to, it sounds like it can be an interesting go.

I really would not recommend going NCM at your age and level of education. You may not ever become a Col or General, but even as a Capt you would be able to positively influence a larger portion of the forces. With your work experience, I would assume that you have a lot of people skills and organizational ability. We could always use more people like that.

Best of luck.
They said that there would be no Legal job in this area anytime soon. So, that is out. I agree on the NCM position and I hope the Log O comes through. It is just that I wanted to be in the CF for so long, if the NCM position is the only offer I get, then it makes for a tough call.
I've known of prominent business men, high level executives and even millionaires who were NCMs in the Reserve.  It all depends on what you want out of the experience.
Fair enough. I was certainly interested in some of the NCM trades. However, given my eyesight and the available trades, it was pretty much RSM clerk only. This was not my first choice, but if it what I get, then so be it.
Update: Just got a call from the reserve unit. Being sworn in Thursday for Log O. Been a long time coming. Pretty happy right now.
Jackson10 said:
Update: Just got a call from the reserve unit. Being sworn in Thursday for Log O. Been a long time coming. Pretty happy right now.

Congrats, welcome aboard!
Congratulations!  You must be thrilled, and I bet your wife couldn't be prouder.  ;D