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15 April 2013 - 2 Explosions at Finish line of Boston Marathon

Napolitano will be screaming to build her wall and thicken the border again  :facepalm:
The screaming you might hear is Janet being forced to fall on her sword. ;D
Will this report do Janet in ?


EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia 'warned the United States IN WRITING about Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012'

Saudis developed intelligence separately from Russia, which also warned the U.S. about the accused Boston bomber

A letter to the Department of Homeland Security allegedly named Tsarnaev and three Pakistanis as potential jihadis worthy of U.S. investigation

Red flags from Saudi Arabia to have included Tsarnaev's name and information about a planned explosive attack on a major U.S. city
Saudi foreign minister, national security chief both met with Obama in the oval office in early 2013

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sent a written warning about accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2012, long before pressure-cooker blasts killed three and injured hundreds, according to a senior Saudi government official with direct knowledge of the document.

The Saudi warning, the official told MailOnline, was separate from the multiple red flags raised by Russian intelligence in 2011, and was based on human intelligence developed independently in Yemen.

Citing security concerns, the Saudi government also denied an entry visa to the elder Tsarnaev brother in December 2011, when he hoped to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the source said. Tsarnaev's plans to visit Saudi Arabia have not been previously disclosed.

The Saudis' warning to the U.S. government was also shared with the British government. 'It was very specific’ and warned that 'something was going to happen in a major U.S. city,' the Saudi official said during an extensive interview.

It 'did name Tamerlan specifically,' he added. The 'government-to-government' letter, which he said was sent to the Department of Homeland Security at the highest level, did not name Boston or suggest a date for his planned attack.

If true, the account will produce added pressure on the Homeland Security department and the White House to explain their collective inaction after similar warnings were offered about Tsarnaev by the Russian government.

A DHS official denied, however, that the agency received any such warning from Saudi intelligence about Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

'DHS has no knowledge of any communication from the Saudi government regarding information on the suspects in the Boston Marathon Bombing prior to the attack,' MailOnline learned from one Homeland Security official who declined to be named in this report.

The White House took a similar view. 'We and other relevant U.S. government agencies have no record of such a letter being received,' said Caitlin Hayden, a spokesperson for the president’s National Security Council.

The letter likely came to DHS via the Saudi Ministry of Interior, the agency tasked with protecting the Saudi kingdom’s homeland.

A Homeland Security official confirmed Tuesday evening on the condition of anonymity that the 2012 letter exists, saying he had heard of the Saudi communication before MailOnline inquired about it.

An aide to a Republican member of the House Homeland Security Committee speculated Tuesday about why the Obama administration contradicted the knowledgeable Saudi official.

‘It is possible the Department of Homeland Security received the information from the Saudi government but never passed it on to the White House,’ the GOP staffer said. 'Communication between DHS and the White House's national security apparatus isn't always what it should be.’

'I can easily see it happening where one hand didn't know what the other was doing because of a turf war.'

'Just like the different agencies in the Boston JTTF [Joint Terrorism Task Force] want credit for breaking the Tsarnaev case,' the aide added, 'they sometimes jealously guard the very intel they should be sharing the most freely. Sometimes it makes no sense at all.'

House Homeland Security Committee chairman Mike McCaul plans to announce on Wednesday an investigative hearing to probe what U.S. intelligence knew prior to the Boston attacks, two senior Republican sources told MailOnline.

Separately, President Obama announced Tuesday that the U.S. government will launch a wide-ranging inquiry into the sharing of information among the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security and other intelligence and law-enforcement agencies of the federal government.

'We want to leave no stone unturned,' the president said in a rare White House press conference.

The internal review will be led by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and several inspectors general.

'This is not an investigation,' Clapper’s spokesman Shawn Turner said in a prepared statement. 'This is an independent review of information-sharing procedures. It is limited to the handling of information related to the suspects prior to the attack.'

It is not yet clear whether information from Saudi Arabia will be involved in Clapper's inter-agency review.

The high-ranking Saudi official whom MailOnlne interviewed at length provided a wealth of detail about the warning he says his government sent to the United States. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to talk publicly about foreign intelligence, or about Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic relationship with the United States.

He suggested that the Saudi Ministry of Interior sent the letter out of an abundance of caution in order to be helpful to the United States, even though its intelligence on Tsarnaev wasn't yet fully developed.

'With Saudi Arabia it's always code red,' he said. 'There's no code orange, or code yellow. Always red.'

The Saudi government, he added, alerted the U.S. in part because it believed American authorities should be inspecting packages that came to Tsarnaev in the mail in order to search for bomb-making components.

The written warning also allegedly named three Pakistanis who may be of interest to British authorities. The official declined to provide more details about the warning to the UK, but said the two governments received the same information.

The Ministry of Interior, he said, sent the letters in 2012, likely after Tsarnaev returned from Russia to the United States in July.

President Barack Obama's published schedule indicates that he met in the Oval Office with Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, the Saudi Interior minister, on January 14, 2013.

The Saudis denied Tsarnaev entry to the kingdom when he sought to travel to Mecca in December 2011 for a pilgrimage known as an Umrah – one that is undertaken during months that don’t fall within the regular Hajj period of the year.

That rejected application came one month before he traveled to Russia, where U.S. intelligence sources believe he acquired training enabling him to construct and detonate the bombs that he and his younger brother placed hear the Boston Marathon’s finish line.

The younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, is in federal custody at a prison medical facility.

The Saudi official speculated that Tsarnaev's residence in the United States might have made it more difficult for him to gain entry into the kingdom.

'U.S.-based Muslims who become radicalized and want to visit Mecca create an unusual problem,' he said, compelling the Saudi government 'to carefully examine applications.'

In the wake of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal met with Secretary of State John Kerry on April 16, and then had an unscheduled meeting with President Obama on April 17.

'This is the DNA of the Saudi government,' said the Saudi official, referring to officials in the royal court in Riyadh. 'This is how they work. They sent the letter, but that wasn't enough. They then sent the top guy to meet personally with the president.'

He dismissed the idea that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was likely trained by al Qaeda while he was outside the United States last year.

The Saudis' Yemen-based sources, he explained, said militants referred to Tamerlan dismissively as ‘the volunteer.’

'He was a gung-ho, self motivated jihadi who wasn't tasked by a larger group,' he said.

'There is no reason for anyone in Afghanistan to have in his thinking a scenario like this,' the official added, referring to pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon. 'He took the initiative. That’s why they call him "the volunteer."'

'The Boston thing is beneath them,’ he said of al Qaeda. ‘They don't think like this. This is like a firecracker to them. They want something big.'

Tamerlan may have boasted about his plans online, the Saudi official said, offering an explanation for how Yemen-based sources first learned of him. Islamist militants have well-developed social networks that can enable news to migrate quickly across vast distances.

The Saudi government sometimes tracks such radicals by launching fake jihadi websites to attract extremists. The Ministry of Interior then tracks them electronically, often across the world, and shares information with governments it considers friendly, including the United States.

'The Saudi Arabian government is doing everything it can to wipe out these people and treat America as a true friend,' the official said.

The Saudi intelligence services have a long history of providing credible information to America and Great Britain about looming threats.

'This is the fourth time the Saudi Arabian government has given the U.S. specific intel' about a possible terror plot, the official said, citing prior warnings about Richard Reid, the so-called shoe bomber who repeatedly tried to light a fuse in his shoe to bring down American Airlines flight 63 bound for Miami in December 2001.

He also cited the 300-gram 'ink-cartridge bombs' planted on two cargo planes headed for the United States from Yemen in October 2010. Those explosives were intercepted in Dubai, and at an East Midlands airport in Great Britain.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev's namesake was a 15-century Central Asian warlord who referred to himself as ‘the sword of Islam.’ Sometimes spelled 'Tamerlane' in English, he was known for his cruelty.

When he conquered Baghdad, he reportedly made a pyramid of human skulls from unfortunate residents of that city.

Although still revered in Chechnya and throughout Central Asia, the original Tamerlane is sometimes vilified in modern-day Saudi textbooks.
Didn't see this coming............[still breaking]

Published Wednesday, May 1, 2013 11:22AM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, May 1, 2013 11:41AM EDT

More suspects connected to the Boston Marathon bombings have been taken into custody, according to police.

"Three additional suspects taken into custody in Marathon bombing case. Details to follow," said the tweet posted on the Boston Police Twitter account late Wednesday morning.
When contacted by CTV News, police confirmed the tweet, and clarified that the suspects have been arrested, but did not offer any details about the individuals.

Authorities currently have one suspect connected to the April 15 bombings, 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, in custody at a federal medical detention centre outside of Boston.

Tsarnaev and his brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, were named as suspects by the FBI three days after the deadly bombings that killed three people and injured hundreds of others.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev died during a gunfight with authorities and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured alive, but badly injured, following a massive manhunt.

More to come…

Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/boston-police-tweet-three-more-marathon-bombing-suspects-in-custody-1.1261840#ixzz2S3asME7J
Apparently the three arrests today are not related to the bombing itself, but related to actions taken by two of them to get rid of evidence (a napsack with  the remaining materials from the fireworks used to make bombs, and a laptop) and the third who lied to investigators.

Sounds like a case of well meaning cohorts sticking up for a friend who they assumed could never do such a thing.

Oh well, Off to Guantanamo with them!
cupper said:
Apparently the three arrests today are not related to the bombing itself, but related to actions taken by two of them to get rid of evidence (a napsack with  the remaining materials from the fireworks used to make bombs, and a laptop) and the third who lied to investigators.

Sounds like a case of well meaning cohorts sticking up for a friend who they assumed could never do such a thing.

Oh well, Off to Guantanamo with them!

Couldn't agree with you more on that one. Lets obstruct a federal investigation because we believe our friend (who was shooting at police) is not capable of such things.

I hope they are given the absolute max possible term.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were not more involved in the bombing itself.
June 17, 2013

Boston Magazine

"Slain MIT Officer’s Brother Starts Petition for National First Responders Day
The request would recognize police, fire and EMT workers with a designated holiday.":
Good on you Sgt Murphy.  :salute:  Photos at story link below.

Bloodied and bruised at the moment of surrender: Dramatic new pictures emerge of the moment 'Boston bomber' climbed from the boat where he had been hiding, as a sniper took aim at his headSobering pictures were taken by Sergeant Sean Murphy, a tactical photographer with the Massachusetts state police
Murphy released the pictures to the Boston Magazine without permission in response to Rolling Stone's cover image of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Officer suspended over decision to leak crime scene photographs

Rolling Stone has refused to apologize for its controversial cover
Mayor of Boston Thomas Menino calls Rolling Stone cover a 'total disgrace'
CVS and Walgreens are boycotting the new issue of Rolling Stone

Magazine's social media sites inundated with angry comments from people who claim the cover 'glamorizes' suspect

By David Mccormack, James Nye and Helen Pow
PUBLISHED: 00:17 GMT, 19 July 2013 | UPDATED: 14:56 GMT, 19 July 2013

Dramatic new images have been released showing alleged Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev bruised and bloodied with his hands in the air as he emerges from his final hiding place.

Cornered by police, the photos show the 19-year-old in a blood-splattered black jumper, with hands stained red and a sniper's laser aimed directly at his forehead.

The sobering pictures were released by Sergeant Sean Murphy, a tactical photographer with the Massachusetts state police, in a bid to show the real face of terrorism in reaction

to the 'glamorized' image of Tsarnaev that graces the cover of Rolling Stone magazine's controversial new issue.

The officer has now been suspended over his decision to leak the photos and is facing an internal investigation.

Massachusetts State Police spokesman David Procopio said Murphy was not authorized to release the photographs and that there will be a hearing to decide if he will be

suspended until the investigation is complete.

Murphy accompanied the Swat teams as they descended on a boat in the backyard of a Watertown home, where Tsarnaev sought refuge following one of the biggest manhunts in

U.S. history.

Murphy released a collection of his official shots from the April arrest to Boston Magazine, after Rolling Stone's depiction of the bombing suspect so outraged him, and many others.

He told the magazine, that having been a police officer for 25 years he was personally insulted by Rolling Stone's decision to portray Tsarnaev as some sort of rock star and that

the move could spur on copycat attacks by people who want the same celebrity treatment.

'The truth is that glamorizing the face of terror is not just insulting to the family members of those killed in the line of duty, (but) it also could be an incentive to those who may be

unstable to do something to get their face on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine,' Murphy told Boston Magazine.

He added of his own photos: 'I hope that the people who see these images will know that this was real. It was as real as it gets. This may have played out as a television show,

but this was not a television show.

'Officer Dick Donohue almost gave his life. Officer Sean Collier did give his life. These were real people, with real lives, with real families. And to have this cover dropped into Boston

was hurtful to their memories and their families.'

He went on to explain that photography was very simple and 'brings us back to the cave.'

'An image like this on the cover of Rolling Stone … we see it instantly as being wrong. What Rolling Stone did was wrong. This guy is evil. This is the real Boston bomber. Not

someone fluffed and buffed for the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.'

Shortly after Murphy released the harrowing shots it emerged that he had been relieved of his duties with the police.

Police arrived at his home last night and removed his gun, badge, handcuffs and other official pieces of equipment.

His status will be reviewed next week, as authorities decide whether he will be allowed to resume his police duties.

Boston Magazine editor John Wolfson tweeted at around 9pm last night: 'Murphy has been relieved but not yet fired. Duty hearing next week.'

The bloody pictures of Tsarnaev came after the editors of Rolling Stone refused to apologize for using the controversial image on the front of its magazine, despite overwhelmingly

negative reactions to the cover of its August 3 issue.

The iconic glossy has experienced a nationwide outcry over its choice of cover star with Boston Mayor Thomas Menino describing it as a 'total disgrace' and saying it should have

put survivors or first responders on the cover.

MBTA Transit Officer Richard 'Dic' Donahue, who almost died when the Tsarnaev brothers allegedly shot him in a firefight days after the marathon attacks said, 'I cannot and do not

condone the cover of the magazine.'

'Why are we glorifying a guy who created mayhem in the city of Boston?' Retorted Menino, before adding that he would be letting publisher Jann Wenner know exactly what he

thinks of the decision by the respected monthly magazine.

'Why would we want to heroize this guy? He’s a terrorist. We don’t want him in our neighborhoods. We don’t want him on magazines. We don’t want him anywhere,' Menino said

to WHDH.

The cover of August's edition is a self-taken portrait of Tsarnaev, 19, in which he looks more like a rock star than a terrorist. He is identified simply as ‘The Bomber’ and the article

promises to explain ‘how a popular, promising student was failed by his family, fell into radical Islam, and became a monster.’

Rather than issue an apology, Rolling Stone editors tried to defend the cover by claiming it was in keeping with their long tradition of serious journalism.

In their brief statement, Rolling Stone - founded in the 1960s by Jann Wenner who is still editor-in-chief - said their 'hearts go out to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing,

and our thoughts are always with them.'

'The cover story we are publishing this week falls within the traditions of journalism and Rolling Stone's long-standing commitment to serious and thoughtful coverage of the most

important political and cultural issues of our day.'

Pointing out that Dzhokhar is in the same age group as many of their readers, Rolling Stone said that fact 'makes it all the more important for us to examine the complexities of this


The use of Tsarnaev as cover star caused an immediate backlash on social media and both CVS/Pharmacy and Walgreens announced on Wednesday that they would be

boycotting this new edition of Rolling Stone from their stores nationwide.

Between them, CVS and Walgreens have more than 15,000 locations nationwide.

CVS issued a statement in which it said that out of respect for the victims of the attack and their loved ones, they would not be selling August's publication of Rolling Stone.
As a company with deep roots in New England and a strong presence in Boston, we believe this is the right decision out of respect for the victims of the attack and their loved

ones,' the statement said. CVS is headquartered in Woonsocket, R.I.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2369810/Dzohokhar-Tsarnaev-pictures-Dramatic-new-pictures-moment-Boston-Bomber-emerged-boat.html#ixzz2ZVLV7iBE
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Disturb's lead singer doesn't pull any punches.

Paul Theroux: The Day Boston Felt the World’s Pain
by  Paul Theroux  May 16, 2013 4:45 AM EDT 

When the travel writer returned to his hometown after the Marathon bombing, he found the mood of the city transformed, unified by a trauma, which he has seen elsewhere in the world.

For several decades, starting in the early 1970s, I traveled regularly from London, where I lived as a resident alien, to Boston, where I grew up, and each time it was like a tumble through the Looking Glass. Boston was so mild, so confident, still the joyous and even innocent city of my youth. The noteworthy Boston tragedies, vividly recalled by my father—the Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919 (21 killed), the Cocoanut Grove nightclub inferno of 1942 (492 killed)—were over, and such infernalities seemed unrepeatable.

Arriving in Boston was like landing upon the bosom of serenity from the derangement of a war zone. Britain at that time was in the grip of a bombing campaign by well-funded and feuding nationalists in Ulster, who were driven by spite, folklorism, and religious bigotry and were tribalistic in their antique grudges, absurd in their speechifying.

London was weary and anxious, and by the mid-1970s there had been a number of bomb outrages: the Old Bailey bomb of 1973 (1 death, 200 injured, shattered buildings), the Guildford bombing of 1974 (5 killed, 65 wounded), the pub bombings in Birmingham (21 killed, 182 injured), the Regent’s Park nail bomb of 1982 (the deaths of 7 musicians playing selections from Oliver! and many injuries), the Chelsea Barracks cluster bomb on the same day (11 deaths, many dismemberments, seven dead horses), the bombing at Harrods department store at Christmas 1983 (six people killed); and 5 people dead and many injured in an attempt on Margaret Thatcher in Brighton in 1984.

The astonishing fact is that these unspeakable events in England were not as hideous as the everyday horrors in Ulster. Belfast was full of no-go areas and bomb craters throughout the 1970s and ’80s, and the mildest country town was not spared. In August 1979, Lord Mountbatten and two youths were blown up on his yacht—and the IRA took credit and crowed over it. I traveled to Ulster in the ’80s and found it a province of roadblocks and abject fear. A few years after I passed through the lovely town of Enniskillen, where as wreaths were being laid on the town’s cenotaph on Remembrance Day in 1987, a 40-pound bomb was detonated in the market square, killing 11 people and maiming and injuring 63. As late as 1998, a wicked bombing in Omagh caused 29 deaths, with 220 injured. Militant protestant paramilitary groups planted bombs and schemed in murders, but the explosions I mention were admitted to be the work of, or attributed to, the IRA, the Provos, or splinter groups, like the one in Omagh, which called itself the Real IRA.

Boston seemed innocent of the terror, or else conniving in it, making a conscious political statement, to the extent that one of the notable features on Boston roads were the bumper stickers supporting the IRA. It is well documented that a portion of the money collected in the U.S. by Noraid (the Irish Northern Aid Committee) was used to support the IRA bombing campaigns, and in another grotesque irony, some of the money used to buy weapons from the U.S. came from Libyan bagmen sent by Muammar Gaddafi, as one of the colonel’s many hobbies was the propagation of mayhem.

Except for such efforts as the Boston College oral-history project documenting the Irish Troubles, this history of violence has been little discussed in recent years or else strenuously justified as legitimate by, among many others, the longtime IRA supporter and unapologetic congressman Peter King, a Republican from New York.

After the two bombs on the day of the Boston Marathon, it seemed from the howls of pain, the cries for vengeance, the massing of troops and police, with tanks and helicopters, and the city’s paralysis, that Boston had lost its innocence. Such a bomb outrage had never happened in the city. But with severed limbs and three corpses outside the Boston Public Library and pools of blood on one of its oldest and happiest streets, the mood of the city was transformed—besieged, panicked, and ultimately unified—suffering in its trauma, in a way I have seen elsewhere in the world, yet painful to see in a city I love.

Boston did not deserve this—no city does—and it is lamentable that Boston has come to resemble the wider world of wreckage and bereavement.

The Looking Glass effect is routine for many travelers returning from a distant place. Not long ago I came back to Boston from Angola, which is still plagued by land mines that were scattered all over the country in its 27 years of civil war. It is estimated that 20 million land mines were planted in Angola by all sides in the long conflict.

Over a recent 10-year period, 2,000 land mines were found on the route of the Benguela railway and removed by a British charity called the HALO Trust (in all, 68,000 mines in Angola have been cleared by this gallant organization). One effect of the decades of the Angolan civil war, which ended only in 1992, was that the animals that had not been eaten by starving people were blown up by land mines. Cows in pastures are still shredded by the explosions now and then of forgotten land mines, and so are children playing and people taking shortcuts through fields.

These were mainly Chinese and Israeli landmines planted by Cubans and South Africans, and similar kinds of land mines are made by any one of a number of American companies, such as Raytheon Corp., based just outside of Boston.

And then there are cluster bombs. In my travels, people from the Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan, Mozambique, and Uganda have told me horror stories of the effects of these diabolical bombs, and on my return from these places what do I find on the other side of the looking glass? The shameful fact that Textron Defense Systems in the town of Wilmington, on the outskirts of Boston, is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of cluster bombs. The danse macabre of so many unlucky countries is a billion-dollar business, part of the Massachusetts economic miracle.

When the surviving suspect of the Boston Marathon bombing was charged with using “a weapon of mass destruction,” I mentally compared the two pressure cookers in the assault to an advanced cluster bomb, the so-called Sensor Fuzed Weapon made by Textron Defense Systems. As The Boston Globe reported, this little marvel is designed “to spray 40 individual projectiles of molten copper, destroying enemy tanks across a 30-acre swath of battlefield.” And not only enemy tanks, but humans, too.

After the bombing in Boston, a banner was lifted by rebels in Syria: BOSTON BOMBINGS REPRESENT A SORROWFUL SCENE OF WHAT HAPPENS EVERY DAY IN SYRIA. DO ACCEPT OUR CONDOLENCES. That banner which reminded me of life in the Belfast of recent memory, could be also raised in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Congo, South Sudan, in the Red Corridor of India bedeviled by the Naxalites, or in Assam under assault by the bombers of separatist movements, where almost every day is another day of heartbreak, of lives destroyed, bodies maimed, families torn apart. Boston did not deserve this—no city does—and it is lamentable that Boston has come to resemble the wider world of wreckage and bereavement.

The Looking Glass exists for everyone who travels back from violent places of the earth. And it contains another paradox. Just before you pass through the Looking Glass, you are looking at your own reflection. I was struck by the recognition of the Israeli spymasters, sadder but wiser, in the recent documentary The Gatekeepers, when at the end of that powerful film they reached the conclusion that in observing the Palestinians, they were looking in the mirror. “We have won already,” they’d been told by their enemy. “Victory for us is to see you suffer.”
Both the BBC and Wall Street Journal have investigative reports which suggest that Tamerlan Tsarnaev may not have been quite the Islamic Radical as it first appeared.

It seems that he subscribed to various conspiracy theory and white supremacist websites, publications and chat groups. According to the WSJ story he was asked by his mother to assist her with one of her home care clients who had been shot in the face during a robbery 40 years before. The patient had physically recovered, but described by family as mentally changed. The man had gradually developed an affinity for conspiracy theories, and the white supremacy movement. According to the article, Tsarnaev had many in depth discussions with the man, and both apparently shared similar views and beliefs.

I'm attaching links to both the BBC and WSJ sites, but unfortunately the WSJ article is behind a pay wall.

WSJ: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323420604578649830782219440.html?KEYWORDS=boston+bombing#articleTabs%3Darticle


Why did Boston bomber hate the US?


One of the brothers suspected of carrying out the Boston bombings subscribed to radical right wing American literature about guns, government conspiracy theories and white supremacy.

The BBC's Panorama programme has learnt that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was reading right wing material before the attack.

It could challenge the perception of the brothers as straightforward radical jihadists.

Hilary Andersson reports. (VIDEO AT LINK)

Tamerlan Tsarnaev had right-wing extremist literature


One of the brothers suspected of carrying out the Boston bombings was in possession of right-wing American literature in the run-up to the attack, BBC Panorama has learnt.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev subscribed to publications espousing white supremacy and government conspiracy theories.

He also had reading material on mass killings.

Until now the Tsarnaev brothers were widely perceived as just self-styled radical jihadists.

Panorama has spent months speaking exclusively with friends of the bombers to try to understand the roots of their radicalisation.

'Government conspiracies'

The programme discovered that Tamerlan Tsarnaev possessed articles which argued that both 9/11 and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing were government conspiracies.

Another in his possession was about "the rape of our gun rights".

Reading material he had about white supremacy commented that "Hitler had a point".

Tamerlan Tsarnaev also had literature which explored what motivated mass killings and noted how the perpetrators murdered and maimed calmly.

There was also material about US drones killing civilians, and about the plight of those still imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.

'A Muslim of convenience'

The Tsarnaev brothers, ethnic Chechens, spent their early years moving around a troubled region of Russia torn by a violent Islamic insurgency.

But for the last decade they lived in Cambridge, near Boston.

The brothers' friends told us Tamerlan turned against the country and became passionate about Islam after becoming frustrated when his boxing career faltered because he did not have American citizenship.

Their friends wouldn't all speak openly because they were afraid of being wrongly viewed as associated with terrorism.

'Mike' spent a lot of time in the brothers' flat.

"He (Tamerlan) just didn't like America. He felt like America was just basically attacking all Middle Eastern countries…you know trying to take their oil."

A spokesperson for Tamerlan's mosque in Cambridge, Nicole Mossalam, said Tamerlan only prayed there occasionally. She portrayed him as an angry young man who latched onto Islam.

"As far connecting with the Islamic community here, to actually praying, being involved, doing acts of charity….all of those were pretty much lacking.

"I would say he was just a Muslim of convenience," she said.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan's younger brother who has been charged with the bombings, scrawled a note shortly before his capture stating "We Muslims are one body. You hurt one you hurt us all."

The brothers had been reading militant Islamic websites before the bombings.

Friends say the younger brother smoked copious amounts of pot and rarely prayed.

'Tito' told us Dzhokhar's older brother dominated him and didn't approve of his "party lifestyle".

"He (Dzhokhar) was intimidated, that would probably be the best word. He took him very seriously. He was an authority."

Radicalised by family?

The FBI has been investigating the brothers, and possible connections Tamerlan might have had in the troubled Russian republic of Dagestan which he visited last year.

The House Intelligence Committee in Washington is being briefed on his connections.

The committee chairman, Mike Rogers said he believes the brothers' mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, was involved in his radicalisation.

"He had family members encouraging, we know that for sure," he said.

Zubeidat denies the allegations.

Tamerlan was killed in April following a gun fight with police which ended when his younger brother ran him over while trying to escape.

Dzhokhar, recently brought to court, denied all charges.

If convicted he faces life imprisonment or the death penalty.

You can watch Panorama - The Brothers who Bombed Boston on Monday 5 August at 20:30 BST on BBC One and then on the BBC iPlayer in the UK.
Additional links to articles referencing the WSJ and BBC reports.

Meet the Man Who Supplied Tamerlan Tsarnaev with Right Wing Literature


Alleged Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev become absorbed in magazines about wild conspiracy theories, mass killings and white supremacy, all courtesy of a convalescent older gentleman who has trouble facing "the realities of the world," according to his lawyer.

Yesterday, the BBC program Panorama reported on the telling reading material authorities found in the dead Tsarnaev brother's apartment. There were, for example, magazines that sympathized with Hitler, promoted a white supremacist agenda, and outlined how other mass murderers had performed their crimes.

The Wall Street Journal tracked down the individual who gave those magazines to Tsarnaev: 67-year-old Donald Larking. Larking was a client of Zubeidat Tsarnaev, who made a living in the U.S. caring for the elderly. Larking had been left with disabilities after surviving being shot in the face during a robbery at his job 40 years ago.

Larking subsequently became interested in magazines that pushed right-wing conspiracy theories about 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombings, and the Newtown school massacre. Tsarnaev, already a fan of conspiracy sites like InfoWars and Islamist websites, became close with the older man:

Ms. Tsarnaev began asking Tamerlan Tsarnaev or his brother to care for Mr. Larking when she wasn't available to work. Mr. Larking's wife, Rosemary, a quadriplegic, also needed help at home. Mr. Tsarnaev seemed to have found a kindred spirit in Mr. Larking. They became friends and had animated talks about politics, people close to the Larking family said.

Tamerlan started reading the anti-Semitic American Free Press and absorbed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. He also reportedly became interested in hypnosis and methods of seduction, taking interest in a course called "How To Create an Instantaneous Sexual Attraction in Any Woman You Meet."

The relationship between the two men grew even stronger when Tsarnaev started bringing Larkin to his mosque regularly, supposedly just to get him out of the house.

[size=8pt]After the bombings, Larkin called the authorities as soon as he recognized images of the Tsarnaev brothers from the television. But now, months later, Larkin has apparently "sunken into anger and depression." He believes the Boston bombings were also a conspiracy. [/size]
Good news.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev found guilty in Boston Marathon bombing

Former student convicted on all charges, jury to weigh possible death sentence

The Associated Press Posted: Apr 08, 2015 1:29 PM ET| Last Updated: Apr 08, 2015 4:20 PM ET

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was convicted on all charges Wednesday in the Boston Marathon bombing by a federal jury that now must decide whether the 21-year-old former college student should be executed.

Tsarnaev folded his arms, fidgeted and looked down at the defence table as he listened to one guilty verdict after another on all 30 counts against him, including conspiracy and deadly use of a weapon of mass destruction. Seventeen of those counts are punishable by death.

The jury took a day and a half to reach its verdict, which was practically a foregone conclusion, given his lawyer's startling admission during opening statements that Tsarnaev carried out the attack with his now dead older brother, Tamerlan.


Not a big surprise there. The defence was basically geared towards keeping him alive, rather than keeping him from being convicted.

The real issue will now be addressed, does he deserve to die.  :nod:
I'm keeping my fingers crossed he'll be meeting up with his brother sooner rather than later.
jollyjacktar said:
I'm keeping my fingers crossed he'll be meeting up with his brother sooner rather than later.

If he's sentenced to death, it's a good bet he'll soend 10-15 years on Death Row, while the left wing apologist lawyers, human rights advocates, and other various sheep will exhaust every appeal.
Hamish Seggie said:
If he's sentenced to death, it's a good bet he'll soend 10-15 years on Death Row, while the left wing apologist lawyers, human rights advocates, and other various sheep will exhaust every appeal.

Maybe even longer.

"Why so many death row inmates in America will die of old age"